Popolocrois Monogatari II
almost entirely complete translation
- All gameplay elements of the game that are necessary for progression have been hand-translated. This includes
all cutscenes, items, descriptions, enemies, menus, etc.
- Anything I deemed as not necessary was machine translated. Almost all NPC's fall into this category and spew out
barely sensible dialogue. If you're curious, they will trail off with a '...' often due to space limitations in
the game's memory that I did not overcome. Popolocrois NPC's really do have great writing, so I am bummed that
I did not have time for this in my 3 month project timeline.
- The animated cutscenes do not have any subtitles and are not changed in any way. I would reccomend viewing
these cutscenes on youtube where various uploaders have added captions. Or, there is a gamefaqs FAQ by
Wyrdwad that lets you know what is generally being said.
- Other missing translation features include: parts of the beastiary descriptions, an editing pass through to
conform the games overal text, and of course meaningful translations of NPC's.