Uhm... What's triggering about this statement?Oblivion is a really bad game. Boring, bad scaling and repetitive af. They should've called it "Oblivion Gates Closer Simulator (Daedric Edition)"
Oblivion is a really bad game. Boring, bad scaling and repetitive af. They should've called it "Oblivion Gates Closer Simulator (Daedric Edition)"
And Skyrim same thing
What triggers me is the fact that you played a fallout 3 mod.Wrrrrrrrrrrong!Games being balanced is not a bad thing.
On a personal part, you are a Codexer. BY DEFINITION we codexers like unbalanced, flawed things. Any games we revered generally is unbalanced and flawed as heck. Anything that is nearly balanced or all-round good, generally is a Codex niche, like Gothic or something. Not many Codexers like such things.
On a specific part, any game that changed toward balanced things is unfun. Take Tale of Two Wasteland total conversion project for Fallout New Vegas/Fallout 3
++ In version 3.2.2 it's quite unbalanced, because the modders had NOT managed a balance thing between item price of FNV and F3, so the price scheme is quite unbalance. General items has FNV price scheme, while quest using F3 price scheme (like 200 caps to invest traders). So the unbalance thing while being a bit annoying, but quite fun. You can fix the annoyment with some barter mod.
++ In version 3.3+ they complete the price scheme adjustment so all items (both FNV and F3) follow F3 price scheme... it's quite balanced and can prevent cap inflation. OTOH it's boring as fuck~
oh fuck now i'm TRIGGERED!!!Oblivion is a really bad game. Boring, bad scaling and repetitive af. They should've called it "Oblivion Gates Closer Simulator (Daedric Edition)"
And Skyrim same thing
Bear fucking will be codexers most common activity through all the rest of 2023.
I bow before your mercyThis thread had been slowly but surely sinking into the forum abyss for nearly two months, and you had to take a deep dive to resurface those 169 pages of shitpost. You could not have said anything that would not have triggered me. But as a summerfag you are forgiven.
i doubt larian used all their ammo in the presentation. I wonder what other surprises await us in BG 3. Step sister novice mage tiefling practicing magic and getting her head stuck in a portal while step bro walks by? Count me in. True and advanced continuation of the Baldur's Gate franchise. Better in every way!Bear fucking will be codexers most common activity through all the rest of 2023.
you are correct and it sickens me that so many here defend him seemingly out of contrarianism only, especially given that he's a middling writer and worked on bad games onlyI do believe his victims: infamous game designer Chris Avellone IS a serial rapist, as there's no such a thing as hard, cold facts; only the lived truths of women (trans, cis, and everything in between). There's no two ways about it.
That someone could think this would be considered triggering, he's going full meta.Uhm... What's triggering about this statement?Oblivion is a really bad game. Boring, bad scaling and repetitive af. They should've called it "Oblivion Gates Closer Simulator (Daedric Edition)"
That someone could think this would be considered triggering, he's going full meta.Uhm... What's triggering about this statement?Oblivion is a really bad game. Boring, bad scaling and repetitive af. They should've called it "Oblivion Gates Closer Simulator (Daedric Edition)"
God damn you! I was just going to make a bear fucking comment.Bear fucking will be codexers most common activity through all the rest of 2023.
You should play Timespinner if you want a game that really starts degenerating halfway through.Oh look an awesome game! Then midway….. solid furry fucking in your face!!!
Actually I find that to be partially true.Turn based-games are great, it allows older people with slow reaction time to enjoy video games too.
replaying the game just for another chance to send flowers to your kween? now that's serious dedication.I've only finished Jagged Alliance 2 three to four times.
well, they voted disco furry goty. what did you expected?A lot of Codexers don't mind gay content. Larian's latest game is the proof of this.