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Where do you think it's going to rank in the 2016 goty poll though
Its competition is Siege of Dragonspear
If Siege of Dragonspear is in, then Blood and Wine counts as well. The White March is more problematic, since it's not a separate campaign and requires you to play the base game to start it. Same with Shadows of Hong Kong.
So apparently this game has not plot twist like, at all? Color me really surprised, I always pictured this as a "this will fucking obviously have a plot twist" kind of game.
I'm partially relieved about no "turns out you were Kyros all along!" though.
That was a p. weak twist. A random dialogue option just popped and they just go oh yeah we found that out in the most random way. And that was it.The big twist will be in the DLC.
Although it's already pretty twist-y that
Barik and Verse are biological siblings.
I think they did the same thing in a Final Fantasy game once and it was very moving.
Looking forward to whenever they inevitably confirm that companion quests, an expected feature, were planned and cut, and this was the best mess they could leave behind to salvage them.
The game could have been so much better if it had those. They must have been cut - it's impossible to raise any character's loyalty to 5 as far I can see, it requires a special 'event' which, in two playthroughs, I haven't been able to trigger for anyone.
A shame we still don't have random encounters
Glad there aren't skirmishes. Random encounters have never been good ever. And I can't imagine random encounters forcing me to fight EVEN MORE humans.
Looking forward to whenever they inevitably confirm that companion quests, an expected feature, were planned and cut, and this was the best mess they could leave behind to salvage them.
The game could have been so much better if it had those. They must have been cut - it's impossible to raise any character's loyalty to 5 as far I can see, it requires a special 'event' which, in two playthroughs, I haven't been able to trigger for anyone.
Reputations can be also affected by your choices during the conquest. Here is Eb's shortly after joining the party (I'm not sure that fear meter can go any higher :D):Looking forward to whenever they inevitably confirm that companion quests, an expected feature, were planned and cut, and this was the best mess they could leave behind to salvage them.
The game could have been so much better if it had those. They must have been cut - it's impossible to raise any character's loyalty to 5 as far I can see, it requires a special 'event' which, in two playthroughs, I haven't been able to trigger for anyone.
Finished two playthroughs now.
It's a good game, though no where near as good as KOTOR 2 or New Vegas, and not as good as Pillars of Eternity.
I'd rank it around the same as Mask of the Betrayer. Lots of trash, filler combat like MotB (people forget just how much mindless combat there was in MotB)..
Finished two playthroughs now.
It's a good game, though no where near as good as KOTOR 2 or New Vegas, and not as good as Pillars of Eternity.
I'd rank it around the same as Mask of the Betrayer. Lots of trash, filler combat like MotB (people forget just how much mindless combat there was in MotB).
The different paths and multiple endings were a nice touch. NPCs and companion characters were interesting. It was nice to not have towns of backer NPCs everywhere, the abilities system made different character builds much more viable than Pillars, and evil playthroughs were much more accommodated.
There's potential if Tyranny 2 has you go to the north to take on Kyros, only to find that the reason Kyros wanted to conquer everything was to prepare for a greater evil. I'd really like to see Obsidian push out the weird factor if possible. Just go all out.
There's potential if Tyranny 2 has you go to the north to take on Kyros, only to find that the reason Kyros wanted to conquer everything was to prepare for a greater evil. I'd really like to see Obsidian push out the weird factor if possible. Just go all out.