Yes, beta was available only to bootlickers like me, the leader of an elite group consisting exclusively of anyone with a spare $10. If you mean the DC testing, well, true bootlickers didn't actually play it, instead saving it to enjoy in our first 1.0 playthrough.
I've criticized many things about Underrail, but the walking speed, font, and stations that don't have quest-givers and merchants crowded into one small MMO hub aren't among them.
Actual criticisms include (but are not limited to):
Crafting is far too powerful, especially with the addition of Super Steel. All looted and shop-bought gear is shitty rags compared to what can ultimately be crafted. Crafted infused leather and Super Steel heavy armor are twice or thrice as good as what can be looted or purchased. Looted and shop-bought energy shields even late in the game seem to top out around 300 capacity with mediocre resistances, while with crafting you can create 1200 or 1600 capacity (depending on the Power Management feat) shields with fantastic resistances.
We're not talking 50% or better, or even 100% better: Crafted gear is several times better than anything else available. Styg knows this, and apparently it's what he wants. I strongly disagree with this design decision.
Perplexingly, Riot Gear is total crap. Even at very high quality, the shield doesn't block melee attacks nearly often enough (or prevent enough damage when it does) to justify the armor type being otherwise weaker than Tac Vests in every way.
Pistols were nerfed across the board because Styg thought energy weapons were too strong, and now they suck, as has been amply demonstrated in this thread (an SMG that deals more damage per bullet than a .44 pistol, for less AP, with a larger magazine, and both of the same quality and caliber, for example). Meanwhile, ARs and SMGs still shred the entire building and leave only wooden splinters and pulped organic material in the aftermath.
Crossbows didn't receive the promised "love" and are still wanting. Notably, an entire skill is dedicated only to crossbows, while with the Guns skill you can use all sorts of guns effectively even if you make very specialized feat choices.
The grammatical errors and typos range from slight to a complete mess, and this has barely changed since a year and a half ago. I plan to personally help Styg clean it up at some point when I settle on a viable method of efficiently parsing all the dialogue, descriptive text, etc.
There are many little things that need to be improved, especially things that have actually worsened since Early Access, such as Charons being prioritized when trading with SGS merchants, unreachable containers and switches, patrolling guards getting stuck on scenery, etc. Also, why the fuck can't I type in a quantity when dividing stacks?