You mean Magnar's lair? It's fun, but requires some careful preparation.
As soon as you enter the area, there's one guy patrolling the S-N corridor. Shank him. Go north and euthanize some savage women. Now, there's yet another guy patrolling W-E corridor. Shank him as well - you can lay traps at the end of his route, he will step on them again and again; if you have TC imprint then it's easy. Then, there's some savages guarding the W-E corridor. You have to remove some of them. You can shank one and use vanishing powder, or lay down traps and lure them in. In my PSI run I managed to remove so much guys with the imprint that I fought Magnar 1 on 1, but that's not necessary: you need to remove enough guys to sufficiently trap down the eastern side of W-E corridor. After than, fun is on the way: use burrower traps or better, chemical ones; gas grenades (you better start with them, they need time to disperse their gifts), incendiaries (bigger - better), caltrops if needed; use the corner to breaks the LoS and poke down at poor bastards while they choking and burning simultaneously.
Although, to think of it, you can use the northern room as your safe spot - it provides cover, you can break LoS, and it's easier to trap the bottleneck, just north of the intersection. But you still had to shank one patrolling guy and some savage women.