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Fallout Underwhelmed by Fallout :(


Jul 10, 2014
Brisbane, Australia
The first time I played Fallout, I kind of felt this same way. After I completed it, I put in on a shelf and figured I would never touch it again.

About 5 years after finishing it, I had this sudden, unknown desire to play the game again. My second playthrough made me love it. Maybe give it some time, it seems like at a certain point everything just *clicked* for me personally.


Sep 4, 2013
It is just you. I remember lots of fights in F2
- The Den: revenge on Mertzer. Usually in one of two period: barely enough equipment from Modoc back, or well equipped from farther towns. Barely equipment usually is just some dynamites on Merzger, and SMGs, or that Assault Rifle from Modoc. The wandering slavers outside can potshot through the holes and could be random lucky. Well equipped is well equipped, from combat shotgun to bozar and stuffs.
Well now as you say it, i can now remember this fight. Because this was the only fight where i had to buy some equipment, to win it. (the only one in FO:2) But once i bought the SMG it was easy. But i do not remember any combat shotguns or bozars.


Village Idiot
Nov 3, 2014
Even back in 1997, there were two kinds of people. Those that got Fallout and those that didn't. I came to the conclusion the others had a jigsaw piece missing from their brain, that made them unable to get it. They seemed as alien to me, as the weird majority that thinks football is interesting.

And something I have noticed about these guys. I have not seen them describe a "hit by a ton of bricks" experience like we had with Fallout. What they describe with their "better games", sounds sad and stale by comparison. Must be awful to go through life, never having experienced love at first sight. Don't give up hope guys, its gonna happen! :)

You're probably right, but why do good games always have to be so fucking depressing in atmosphere? In order to start Fallout, ie: buy it off the shelf, you have to read the write-up "post-apocalyptic"... oh... how... depressing... then you play it and it's all dirt colours to fit the atmosphere, oh, mine eyes are so enlivened... zzzzzzzzzzzz

But... wait... the gameplay is fucking epic!

Ok... so why can't people make fucking epic gameplay non-depressing shit? Why do I have to submerge myself in a suicidal atmosphere to have good gameplay? Why is pistols and ammo always the "coolcat" and swords and sorcery always the "popamole"...

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Fallout isn't that depressive. The subject may be serious but it is still treated in a relatively light manner. Depressing to me would be games like This War Of Mine. I trust the KKKodex consensus that it must be a good game but the idea of having to kick old people to steal medicine from them doesn't really appeal all that much to me. But that's my preference, and has nothing to do with whether the game is good or not.


Jan 10, 2007
Searching for my kidnapped sister
Even back in 1997, there were two kinds of people. Those that got Fallout and those that didn't. I came to the conclusion the others had a jigsaw piece missing from their brain, that made them unable to get it. They seemed as alien to me, as the weird majority that thinks football is interesting.

And something I have noticed about these guys. I have not seen them describe a "hit by a ton of bricks" experience like we had with Fallout. What they describe with their "better games", sounds sad and stale by comparison. Must be awful to go through life, never having experienced love at first sight. Don't give up hope guys, its gonna happen! :)
Get off your high horse! I play Fallout 1 even before Fallout 2, albeit abandon it when I got F2. It's curious-making, but it's not hit-between-the-eyes. THAT is a description for Torment Planescape later that year. My gamelist that year is F1->F2->PST->BG1. AFTER I finish BG2, with nothing else to play, that I tried replay F1. It's not that special even in 1999, let alone now.
In My Safe Space
Dec 11, 2009
Codex 2012
You're probably right, but why do good games always have to be so fucking depressing in atmosphere? In order to start Fallout, ie: buy it off the shelf, you have to read the write-up "post-apocalyptic"... oh... how... depressing... then you play it and it's all dirt colours to fit the atmosphere, oh, mine eyes are so enlivened... zzzzzzzzzzzz

But... wait... the gameplay is fucking epic!

Ok... so why can't people make fucking epic gameplay non-depressing shit? Why do I have to submerge myself in a suicidal atmosphere to have good gameplay? Why is pistols and ammo always the "coolcat" and swords and sorcery always the "popamole"...
I'd say that Fallout 1 was pretty heroic.


Even back in 1997, there were two kinds of people. Those that got Fallout and those that didn't. I came to the conclusion the others had a jigsaw piece missing from their brain, that made them unable to get it. They seemed as alien to me, as the weird majority that thinks football is interesting.

And something I have noticed about these guys. I have not seen them describe a "hit by a ton of bricks" experience like we had with Fallout. What they describe with their "better games", sounds sad and stale by comparison. Must be awful to go through life, never having experienced love at first sight. Don't give up hope guys, its gonna happen! :)
They havent been dipped. (never saw the glory of masters vision of future, eh?)

Tangentially, i always thought that "no mutants allowed" is a totally idiotic name. And how they ended as a forum just goes to show.

If it was me doing a forum for Fallout back then it would be called "Only Mutants allowed".
Registration would require proof of FEV coursing through ones veins.

I wonder though... how good is to have that "first love" revelation and then loose it and only see its pale reflections ever after.
Better to have loved...?


Oct 11, 2012
I wonder though... how good is to have that "first love" revelation and then loose it and only see its pale reflections ever after.
You are seeing them. Raving lunatics bitching in forums for 15 years straight. Glitering gems of butthurt hatred


Sep 4, 2013
Love at the first sight. Hmm..
Then i saw her face. Now I'm a believer. Not a trace of doubt in my mind. I'm in Love. mmm. ohhh. I'm a believer, i couldn't leave her if i tried....
Yes Fallout was a love for me at the first sight. I belong to the Fallout Monkeys. But i guess for this to happen you got to be a post-apocalypse guy, with love for this genre and setting. And you previous love had to be Wasteland and Mad Max films.


Mar 7, 2005
But i guess for this to happen you got to be a post-apocalypse guy, with love for this genre and setting. And you previous love had to be Wasteland and Mad Max films.

Speaking for myself, I was none of those before and am still not a post apoc fan, even now. If its good, whatever the genre, I'll take it.


Shitposter Bethestard
Sep 19, 2014
Shitting on Fallout is the most serious crime anyone can commit, ban anyone who dares to touch it and nuke this thread.


You are seeing them. Raving lunatics bitching in forums for 15 years straight. Glitering gems of butthurt hatred
Nah, i see Supermutants. Some are smarter, some turned out a bit dumb, :scratches ass: , some are poetic geniuses like 4too, ... some started to call everything awesome in their older years...

Unfortunately some centaurs and floaters also survived. I think it was one of the floaters that spewed that term of Glittering gems the first time, one really bloated floater... and whats the floater to do then be a floater? Do you know floaters dont have eyes? And no way to relieve their feces except through their mouth? Yeah... nasty creatures. Unfortunate accidental side effects.

Slowly... we all found our way to Broken Hills of codex, a refuge that turned into something else as time went on. Too many humans, ghouls, previous lesser forms.
We cant reproduce, what little of green goo we saved doesnt work anymore.

Our Master, made out of three different parts, the trinity ... and his vision of a better future was destroyed in the great Decline.
If someone would listen to me, we would mount one last expedition into ruins of holy Troika fortress (of regrets). I have these dreams sometimes... i see a strange looking figure moving back and forth around on the sand. Red scarf around his head, a spear in his hand and a giant robot following him around... some beautiful music playing... so beautiful...

but no...

Some are very content to just sit around and endlessly rearrange broken parts of Masters engines, ... little broken half destroyed parts they saved and brought with them. Tinkering, turning... but it never works. And they even work with humans on it...

Speaking for myself, I was none of those before and am still not a post apoc fan, even now. If its good, whatever the genre, I'll take it.
Dont speak with centaurs brother, we all know it never ends well.


Mar 21, 2012
Fallout isn't that depressive. The subject may be serious but it is still treated in a relatively light manner. Depressing to me would be games like This War Of Mine. I trust the KKKodex consensus that it must be a good game but the idea of having to kick old people to steal medicine from them doesn't really appeal all that much to me. But that's my preference, and has nothing to do with whether the game is good or not.
i finished the game and never had to do any evil act. You can build your own medicine or trade for it.


Aug 30, 2005
is cold
Played F1 few years after several replays of F2. Thought it was mediocre in comparison and rightly less popular because of that. Thoughts about differences in setting didn't even occur to me at the time (i only learned about this whole hoopla, when started to lurk NMA and then Codex). I consider both games equally (harmlessly) silly. Other folks already posted evidences abut that like Loxley guy, unrealistic future techs and the whole mutant/ghoul/nightkin shit to begin with. The only reason why F2 appears sillier, because it has like 10 times more content than F1. The ratio of serious shit to silly pulp is about the same and F2 certainly shits all over F1 in terms of sheer abundance of quality quests, which are consistent to gritty wasteland cannon, not to mention their superior quality in terms of interactivity and C&C. People, who go on great lengths to nag about F2 seem to ignore that and only focus on tommy gun wielding mafia, yakuza and San Fran.


Mar 7, 2005
The only reason why F2 appears sillier, because it has like 10 times more content than F1.

I remember at the time, they advertised Fallout 2 as being 50% bigger. When a sales pitch is a game is bigger, or has 500 hours, to me that's a dead giveaway.

The ratio of serious shit to silly pulp is about the same and F2 certainly shits all over F1 in terms of sheer abundance of quality quests, which are consistent to gritty wasteland cannon, not to mention their superior quality in terms of interactivity and C&C. People, who go on great lengths to nag about F2 seem to ignore that and only focus on tommy gun wielding mafia, yakuza and San Fran.

Makes me wonder if there is a good game in there somewhere, if all the clutter was cleared out.


Aug 30, 2005
is cold
Makes me wonder if i care about a minor silliness, when there's shit load of pure awesome overshadowing it completely. Talking about priorities of some poeple here. MUH SETTING fags are worse than storyfags.


The Real Fanboy
May 4, 2008

I see nothing wrong with this encounter. If you're referring to how easily we're being recruited to his gang the answer is simple: he wanted to get rid of us ASAP and at the remote chance we (i.e. the player) would deliver, it would be more than beneficial. Trying to start a fight with a guy you don't know might prove fatal so that explains why he didn't just kill him. And since they had had precautions installed (traps and means of escape in case of a raid) it was the logical thing to do. As for his accent, look how many Brits are in the USA, it's not that unthinkable that one would retain his accent.

Anyway Fallout 1 > Fallout 2 obviously.


Subscribe to my OnlyFans
Jan 10, 2008
location, location
Bubbles In Memoria
Fallout was a major step forward toward having a P&P experience on your computer, the holy grail of interactive storytelling. Its main achievement was not the setting, but the world reactivity on multiple levels, which gave a more convincing illusion of freedom than many other games.

From NPCs saying "Phew!" when you miss them point-blank, to variable settlement fates, to multiple quest solutions and conflicting quests, to getting a PER alert of there being a useful item in a nearby locker... and generally just imaginative scripting and interplay of several subsystems... it created an impression of a living world, one that didn't immediately shatter when you touch it, but rather stretched, at least a little. And that "a little" took a lot of work.

Look at the walkthrough. The richness of the gameworld is well represented here.

If you plow through F1/F2's quests straight through, it could as well be a Diablo game to you. Bioware makes money on dudebros like you, who never check if their choices and stats actually do something. But hey, at least you get to spend 30 minutes picking the shape of your character's tits. Now, that's interactivity you can jerk off to...


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
I see nothing wrong with this encounter. If you're referring to how easily we're being recruited to his gang the answer is simple: he wanted to get rid of us ASAP and at the remote chance we (i.e. the player) would deliver, it would be more than beneficial. Trying to start a fight with a guy you don't know might prove fatal so that explains why he didn't just kill him. And since they had had precautions installed (traps and means of escape in case of a raid) it was the logical thing to do. As for his accent, look how many Brits are in the USA, it's not that unthinkable that one would retain his accent.

Anyway Fallout 1 > Fallout 2 obviously.

You missed the point of that example entirely.



The Real Fanboy
May 4, 2008
No I haven't, his example is just shitty and in no way does it correspond to this:
It's the whole thing. The clone casino bouncers wearing suits, hats, and armed with tommy guns. It becomes a theme (park) not an isolated thing where you have some thug with an old tommy gun. Gizmo's mauser is a thing. He isn't dressed as a WW1 German officer in a "ze Germans are coming" theme park.

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