Does playing the demo during the fest help with the algorithm and visibility?
I think wishlisting is the best, at least if I am to trust many developer comments.Does playing the demo during the fest help with the algorithm and visibility?
With support modding - I'm just curios will there be some kind of mapmaker 90s style?We'll launch our demo on January 26th, (it's mandatory for the Spring NextFest press event) and that demo will stay online for most of February, well after NextFest itself is over, so everyone has a decent chance to play it. This time we'll be one of the featured games (by Valve) of the festival so we'll be hard to miss.
Funny how things one thinks are must-haves are no-noes for another, right? This is why we decided to support modding, so everyone can transform the game into what they want it to be. We knew we could never make everyone 100% happy.
Wishlisting is definitely a huge boost in visibility but I think Valve looks at every component. As they explained to us in the QA sessions, they want products to sell - with people honestly interesting in buying them. That's what all boils to in the end, they are a marketplace and they want to see their clients interested in the products on display.
For us this NextFest is pretty much make-it-or-break-it because there will be no other major event between February and release. I think that says it all how important everything is. Hopefully half a decade of work come to a happy end soon.
50%+ of enemies are housewives beating you to death with rolling pins in zombie post-apocalypse Mid-West suburbia. Not jokingreading reports from dexers that the writing is subpar
*rolleyez* *55COVIDboosterslater* *takestrannycockoutofmouth* AGH! You guyz and your silly invisible culture wars! Can't you just be NORMAL person, and I'dunno, just consooom?!Wow you really did earn both of those dumbfuck tags huh
50%+ of enemies are housewives beating you to death with rolling pins in zombie post-apocalypse Mid-West suburbia. Not jokingreading reports from dexers that the writing is subpar
You choose Body Type: Male or Female. So they wanted to suck WOKE cock, but with closed mouth. Just like Finland does with NATO
Your starting sidekicks are: DangerHair Terf Feminist, Fresh off the Boat Chinese woman with bR0kan EnGriSH大, Some Retard HillBilly and YOU: Finnish übermensch with Body Type: Male, GIGACHAD lookin high school gym teacher. One of the first characters you meet is leader of community of survivors who dresses and talks like Southern plantage owner
You know what? It doesn't sound that bad all![]()
Case closed.
It very clearly has not had a native English speaker polish the writing. Every instance of dialogue reads strangely. Makes the game feel cheap.reading reports from dexers that the writing is subpar
Lines up with what people were saying in the turtle box.Every instance of dialogue reads strangely.
Idk if the barometer for being shit is unproofread English then what can I tell you? Codex is a very post-modern enterprise with lots of snowflakes.Ah man... I had some hope for this... oh well...
Later you can explain she helped you, because having extra hands to fight the zombies (and do other stuff) is useful or something like that. Otherwise her behavior doesn't make much sense.Kaylee: You got yourself in a nasty accident over here. Are you all right?
John Doe: Everything is blurry. I... don't remember much.
Kaylee: We need to get off this bridge ASAP! The zombies are coming. Follow me!