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KickStarter Vagrus: The Riven Realms - post-apocalyptic fantasy caravan master RPG - now with Old Acquaintances DLC


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
I picked up all 8 companions, only one missing is Eylani (unless they added new ones recently, I think there is only 9). I went into the warehouse with all combinations of companions, so maybe its an issue of loyalty or needing to progress their storylines a bit more. Not a big deal, not much to do in Avernum or with the tribes right now anyway. Will go investigate the Yrgs a bit and see if they make suitable mounts for a combat/slavery oriented comitatus. Lizards don't seem worth it at all, sadly.

What's the best location to pick up a dwarven compass? Saw a few locations where I could sell one, but haven't found one for my caravan just yet.
Did you got the magic thing that i told you about ? You need to get channelling and scrying on your mage for sure. Also equip scrying orb or what eva its name was.

I take it that Eylani bugged out for you too ? I picked her up but she never showed in me companions,have her quest and it is progressing,but she nowhere to be found. Nasty bug. Also make sure you finish the dwarf hist quest in one go,if you tell the group that you will come later,they disappear and you won't be able to finish it. Also the dragon chick's final part of the quest is pretty hard.


Jun 17, 2012
Insect is a tradeoff like the others. REALLY heavy investment though I think they should have made it less of a trade-off a direct upgrade considering how much preparation you have to do, and then them costing literally like 10x more than the others. They use less supplies, especially the beast of burden, which is good of course, but I don't think it's good enough to offset the above from a playtime standpoint. Maybe if you beelined for them first thing.

Compass is a random event in Torzag ("explore the city"), just make sure you explore every time you stop there and you'll eventually get it. You need a chunk of bross so be ready for that (I think it was like 40).


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Insect is a tradeoff like the others. REALLY heavy investment though I think they should have made it less of a trade-off a direct upgrade considering how much preparation you have to do, and then them costing literally like 10x more than the others. They use less supplies, especially the beast of burden, which is good of course, but I don't think it's good enough to offset the above from a playtime standpoint. Maybe if you beelined for them first thing.
I did it just to finish the quest,the idea of riding bugs sounds disgusting to me.


Jun 17, 2012
Insect is a tradeoff like the others. REALLY heavy investment though I think they should have made it less of a trade-off a direct upgrade considering how much preparation you have to do, and then them costing literally like 10x more than the others. They use less supplies, especially the beast of burden, which is good of course, but I don't think it's good enough to offset the above from a playtime standpoint. Maybe if you beelined for them first thing.
I did it just to finish the quest,the idea of riding bugs sounds disgusting to me.

Eh I think it's pretty cool thematically, even though if this was a generic RPG with C&C I'd probably turn my nose up at "propagating" them. It's very Dark Sun though, reminds me of Thrikeen.


Jun 16, 2010
A Beautifully Desolate Campaign
Did you got the magic thing that i told you about ? You need to get channelling and scrying on your mage for sure. Also equip scrying orb or what eva its name was.
I cant level any of them until I start doing some of their quests, they're all level 2 with no more points available. Will try it with the scrying orb, but I can always return later if that doesn't do the trick. I'm in no hurry to finish any of the quests, right now I'm just trying to get a good feel of the map, the quests and potential routes, and see how far I can get. Had to reload once on my way to Avernum cause I got ambushed by a ~600strength Sand wyrm army. Fuckers.


Mar 8, 2018
Birthplace of the headless horseman


Apr 16, 2004
fantadomat are you using a warez copy or your favorite, cheat engine? Given the amount of bugs that you have that others don’t, it makes me wonder..

I saw this note on their forums and it made me think of your issues here https://steamcommunity.com/app/909660/discussions/0/2969524751714864818/

Hi All,

we have been receiving a growing number of bug reports on the game crashing, properties being incorrectly applied, loss of cargo, items, companions losing perks or stats, etc.
We have investigated scores of these and apart from a few exceptions, they all seem to be tied to the users using cheatcode tools on their save files.

It is not only outside of our project scope and competence to figure out how those tools corrupt the game save files but investigating those bogus tickets takes away valuable time from the actual development of the game.

Hence, if you do decide to use any such tools, please do it at your own risk. Please untick the 'Send Crash reports' box on the main screen and do not submit tickets via F1.


Jun 16, 2010
A Beautifully Desolate Campaign
Harvek: 1 of 3 random choices as the first companion from Braxius in Torzags Shelter. Can find him in Lumen if you didn't get him earlier.

Renkalion: 1 of 3 random chocies as the first companion from Braxius in Torzags. If you didn't get him, you need to befriend the Dark Elf Prince in Dreven to release him from his contract. You can build rep every week or so by giving them materials they want (they pay a premium, Hides are the easiest, and you can buy them in Dreven. Winning the Tournament in Dreven can also give some extra reputation with the Prince.

Criftaa: 1 of 3 random choices as the first companion from Braxius. Can get her through a rumor in Velarias, or from a random encounter with Wraiths in Torzags when exploring the city. You can also build Reputation with the Wraiths in Velarias and they'll tell you about her.

Gor'Goro: 1 of 2 choices as the second companion from Braxius on Torzags. If you didn't pick him, you'll eventually be able to get him after hearing about a rumor in Torzags. May take a few months to show up.

Garrik: 1 of 2 choices as the second companion from Braxius on Torzags. If you didn't pick him, you can just build reputation with the Loaders Guild to free him.

Finndurarth: Travelling on the road north towards Dreven, you'll find her. A little bit after you pass the Ventulium Spire.

Nedir: Can be found in a bar in Larnak. Think she always joins, or might need 2+ Renown.

Skornar: Can be recruited in Avernum. Need to build Reputation with the Prefect in Avernum, you can do some quests for him, and you can gain extra Reputation when you first interact with him by warning him about the assassin.

Eylani: Can be recruited in Tectum Carvos, to the west of Larnak. Need to accept a quest there for her to join you.

If you want to get as many companions as possible early, you should savescum for Renkalion as he is hardest to get out of the first set of choices, and Gorgoro as the second one. Garrik is a decent choice since he can fill the Supercargo Deputy slot immediately, but building Reputation with the Loaders is quite easy and the Gorgoro Rumor can take a few months to show up (leaving you without a decent frontliner for companion combat for quite some time).


Feb 29, 2012
Is it possible to avoid going trading route? Or you basically have to.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Where do you find more companions? I only have 2 atm.
You could pay off fro the dwarf in starting town if you have enough influence with the carpenters.
The ork is in hte same town but don't know ho to get him.
The bug bouncer is in the pub in lumen.
The dragon chick is on the main road to daven,north of the crossroad. Make sure you don't have delivery missions because she have an urgent time quest.
Red wiz bitch is Larnak or what eva its name was -the big city to the west of the starting city and south of Avernum.
Dark elf works for the prince in Devin.
The viking dude is in Avernum but you need influence with the ruler there to get him.
The half elf chick is in Tectum carvus..... a main story village that is north of the big tilted pillar on the map. In the western part of the world.
The bird chick i don't know where she is,i assume that she is in the starting city. Better to save scum till you get her at the start,she is pretty much one of the main DPS people.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
fantadomat are you using a warez copy or your favorite, cheat engine? Given the amount of bugs that you have that others don’t, it makes me wonder..

I saw this note on their forums and it made me think of your issues here https://steamcommunity.com/app/909660/discussions/0/2969524751714864818/

Hi All,

we have been receiving a growing number of bug reports on the game crashing, properties being incorrectly applied, loss of cargo, items, companions losing perks or stats, etc.
We have investigated scores of these and apart from a few exceptions, they all seem to be tied to the users using cheatcode tools on their save files.

It is not only outside of our project scope and competence to figure out how those tools corrupt the game save files but investigating those bogus tickets takes away valuable time from the actual development of the game.

Hence, if you do decide to use any such tools, please do it at your own risk. Please untick the 'Send Crash reports' box on the main screen and do not submit tickets via F1.
Hmmm some bugs could of cheat engine for sure,but i think that it is either excuse or the dudes are shit a codeing. Many of the bugs are script bugs,not something that will be affected by basic change of the cargo with cheat engine. I have played enough rpgs and used cheat engine enough times to recognize when it could be because of it. Those times i don't even bother reporting it. But those bugs i had talked about are not because of cheat engine,most of them are because of mistakes when coding,like setting the location of quest objective in X place while the in game marker is set in Y,like the dread reavers quest.

Is it possible to avoid going trading route? Or you basically have to.
You could be war party. But it is hard in the beginning.


Jun 16, 2010
A Beautifully Desolate Campaign
Is it possible to avoid going trading route? Or you basically have to.
I mostly took fighting contracts and it worked fine. Maybe play for a few hours to get a basic idea of where some of the early-game locations are, and then start fresh with a proper mercenary setup.
Starting with 1-2 trade runs to one of the nearby cities for an early cash infusion will help quite a bit, but it's not necessary. It's more about not overextending yourself just because you managed to get some nice contracts. Only advice I would give, is to double-check the contracts you're taking. I made the mistake of accepting 2 contracts that caused reputational harm to other major factions, and it immediately blocked me from taking their contracts ever again. So try to fish for contracts that only fuck over the Abolitionists or have no faction-target at all. You still wanna try to bounce from city to city, and if theres a trade contract on the way to where you're taking the next fight, or you can combine an escort mission with a trading one, there's no reason not to do both.

If you're planning on running around in the wild a lot, make sure to keep a decently sized slave/worker and scout population. Hunting/Foraging is your friend.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Finished the fame main quest.............lol it is a joke. Very lazy thing to do. They should have gone for a free roam with some main story quest,instead of that shit.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Did anyone found anything interesting in the tomb city,the one with the many spirits south east from Devin ??? Also is there a way for me army to also do anti spirit damage ?? It is pretty daft to get the blessing bonus only on companions.


Feb 29, 2012
Did anyone found anything interesting in the tomb city,the one with the many spirits south east from Devin ??? Also is there a way for me army to also do anti spirit damage ?? It is pretty daft to get the blessing bonus only on companions.

How much exploration is there? Hidden places in wilderness?
And lore events?


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
LoL impossible battle to win,or very RNG at best. You just get stun locked and they have like two attacks per turn. Also that viking faggot is useless because his block skill got bugged.



Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Finished the fame main quest.............lol it is a joke. Very lazy thing to do. They should have gone for a free roam with some main story quest,instead of that shit.

Why it is joke? Reasons?
You find some old far in a oasis that ask you to visit the four corners of the map ,which is pretty easy,then ask you to get 25 renown and that is it,you win.

How much exploration is there? Hidden places in wilderness?
And lore events?
Seems pretty repetitive and time wasting. Would be fun if every place is unique with some lore and shit. But i had done like 3-4 dungeon dives and they are all the same. That is why i am asking if there anything interesting in there.


Jun 17, 2012
Did anyone found anything interesting in the tomb city,the one with the many spirits south east from Devin ??? Also is there a way for me army to also do anti spirit damage ?? It is pretty daft to get the blessing bonus only on companions.

There are items that give it on a case by case basis,and some companions get it for free.

Off the top of my head, enchanted dragonstone and ring of the great king (akshul) can be equipped on anyone.

Also he wins that fight automatically if you let him go alone, seems pretty punishing (but funny I guess) if you follow him.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Does anyone know what the stupid event wants to progress??? I have like a few quest left and still can't record the retarded dream! Fuck this release is a total mess!



Jun 17, 2012
If you already recorded the dreams/resisted the banshee and got insight, there's nothing left to progress. It just keeps giving you insight periodically.

Oh you said you can't record it? If it doesn't show up as recorded in the journal I don't know what to say, worked for me. If you can turn in the mission after doing all the other stuff it shouldn't matter though. I heard it's not very important.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
If you already recorded the dreams/resisted the banshee and got insight, there's nothing left to progress. It just keeps giving you insight periodically.

Oh you said you can't record it? If it doesn't show up as recorded in the journal I don't know what to say, worked for me. If you can turn in the mission after doing all the other stuff it shouldn't matter though. I heard it's not very important.
Fuck,it is pretty annoying release. Plenty of broken quests and half arse thing. The worst part is that most of that shit could fixed.

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