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KickStarter Vagrus: The Riven Realms - post-apocalyptic fantasy caravan master RPG - now with Old Acquaintances DLC


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
I'll shell out my hard cash, when the game's fucking done.

That's very fine. I tend to wait for v1.0, myself.

However, the vast majority of Codex-dwellers who complain about pricing want to play the game right now. They just want to pay $5-10 for it, and that would also be the case even if it the game were v1.0. Skinflint grognards are one cause of the decline. As much as I believe that developers of incline should be enthusiasts first and foremost, rather than profiteers, there's still an economic aspect and that's pretty important—particularly to small developers of niche titles.

People who live in post-Soviet hellholes are a bit of an exception, since they're generally paying more for a game unless they receive regional pricing, but I know who most of them are and they don't tend to be the ones screeching about pricing. In fact, it's often the opposite.

Darth Canoli

Jun 8, 2018
Perched on a tree
Just remember that for every one of you who won't shell out $26 for an actual RPG, and expect to pay $5-10 for every game for some inconceivable reason, there are at least a dozen EA fans shelling out $60, plus $120 for DLC, plus hundreds for the microtransactions.

We'll see if it's a RPG when it's released, so far, there is a reasonable doubt.

People who live in post-Soviet hellholes are a bit of an exception, since they're generally paying more for a game unless they receive regional pricing, but I know who most of them are and they don't tend to be the ones screeching about pricing. In fact, it's often the opposite.

Isn't the reason why they don't complain that most of them get it on some Russian website for free ?


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Hey guys, we have a post-apocalyptic...



...RPG for you!

And it's only $26!
:o ... :(

Just remember that for every one of you who won't shell out $26 for an actual RPG, and expect to pay $5-10 for every game for some inconceivable reason, there are at least a dozen EA fans shelling out $60, plus $120 for DLC, plus hundreds for the microtransactions.
I have no problem with giving 60 bucks for an RPG,as long as i really enjoyed it. The reading seems fine,but the gameplay looks tryhardy to me. I don't care about games like darkest dungeon or survival ones. I would have preferred if it was band of adventures exploring shit,don't care about gypsy caravan lol.

The Wall

Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Jul 19, 2017
New Dragon Age / Elder Scrolls etc. threads which are for certified and guaranteed decline have 100s of pages. Ritual jerk jug, where gamers offer their cum and life energy for 5% Horse DLC discount on Bethesda Store by jerking to pictures of Todd Howard, can be found in many Codexers' room and it's full of their sticky love for Skyrims. And then along come cool RPGs, with more stats and mechanics then any 5e D&D book, and some edgy fatzo who can't be bothered to download free Prologue Demo and try it out, says goyyyz we don't even know if itz ar pee pee G?! Previous post: in thread about Fallout 4

This kindergarden hypocrisy lvl is only thing that rustles my jimmies on Codex. Your mothers are Skyrim, I played and enjoyed them for hundreds of hours. Now go, don't you have Fallout 76 server to roleplay NPC for Bethesda


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
5% Horse DLC
LoL you are old,the industry had moved pass this shit long time ago,horse armour is incline in comparison to modern day DLC garbage that is peddled.

This kindergarden hypocrisy
Nah,there is just a lot of garbage popamolist on the codex this days. It doesn't help that the admins don't hold up the forums to better standards and let garbage games like asscreed have thread in the RPG forum. A lot of the people here larp as rpg fans and care only about AAA RPG shit like BG3.


Apr 14, 2009
New Dragon Age / Elder Scrolls etc. threads which are for certified and guaranteed decline have 100s of pages. Ritual jerk jug, where gamers offer their cum and life energy for 5% Horse DLC discount on Bethesda Store by jerking to pictures of Todd Howard, can be found in many Codexers' room and it's full of their sticky love for Skyrims. And then along come cool RPGs, with more stats and mechanics then any 5e D&D book, and some edgy fatzo who can't be bothered to download free Prologue Demo and try it out, says goyyyz we don't even know if itz ar pee pee G?! Previous post: in thread about Fallout 4

This kindergarden hypocrisy lvl is only thing that rustles my jimmies on Codex. Your mothers are Skyrim, I played and enjoyed them for hundreds of hours. Now go, don't you have Fallout 76 server to roleplay NPC for Bethesda

You should self-flagellate and yell "I want to be a Vagrus!" :)

If you think you can guilt-trip someone in buying the game then you are a complete retard.


Jan 13, 2013
After playing some Vagrus, it actually reminds me a whole lot of the Sunless Sea/Skies. Only with less boring movement.


Feb 19, 2016
Rock of Eternity
Grab the Codex by the pussy RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
This game has a great feel to it! Lotsa crunchy stats, great soundtrack, and really feels like a sandbox. Not sure what I'm more excited about, this or Spire of Sorcery.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Try the demo first before even considering or watch people play. A lot of people have TLDR syndrome so..... maybe voice acted VN would fit them more. There is a lot of reading if you care to read.....


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Played it a bit,pretty good game,tho it has its problem. The combat is pretty garbage because your companions are useless and you can't really recruit them freely. Haven't seen if they are random or set in stone. Also they don't seem to level,a few battles in and still level one. While all the starting enemies i have met are pretty hard to kill lol,most of them have like 30 hp and do 5 damage per attack while my cunts are doing 1 or 2 damage if lucky. I got some pigeon archer chick that hasn't done a single point of damage in all my fucking fights. Also make sure to take the dwarf and just spam bombs and the rune lol,found also some kind of "fighter" whose only use was meat shielding for the dwarf.

The caravan thing is pretty fun,tho the supplies are broken,you have to pay more money for two days of food than for some ancient dwarven artifact lol. Another thing is the caravan equipment slots....they are retarded. It would have been better if the items/tools you buy just gave you a passive bonus and you can't just spam buy them. Also it makes zero sense lol,you could either have a guard dogs or you could equip your soldiers with better weapons....the fuck is that retardation lol?!

Another annoying shit i really disliked is the reputation system,i was constantly loosing rep points for some reason. That is like a house that doesn't know i existed just begun hating me because i am not doing her transport missions or something lol. It was really badly made. Also doing transport mission only game you like 10 points of rep.

Also the dice checks are poorly explained,there is not fucking info to tell you what happened and you failed.

That said,does anyone knows what spellweaver is and how to get it? I have some crystals that need it but have no idea how to get. The dumb part is that my hero is mage lol.

PS:Also scouting is pointless garbage,don't even bother. The information you get is useless for the two move points you loose. It is like "you have 5% chance to have an encounter on the next tile you plop on" lol.

All that said the game has good stories and shit. I will buy it for sure when it comes out. With a bit of cheating it will be great fun to play :).


Time Mage
Apr 30, 2020
I'm very into cock and ball torture
All that said the game has good stories and shit. I will buy it for sure when it comes out. With a bit of cheating it will be great fun to play

I am happy you finally found an RPG you enjoy, your threads about new rpgs have become increasingly more desperate.
You can use scouts to combat the broken supplies system. Scavenging with scouts and workers/slaves for 1 vigor while camping not on a road means you get 0-150 supplies from the scouts and 0-50 from your workers. Also your scouts reguraily bring you loot worth a few of those big silver coins.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
I am happy you finally found an RPG you enjoy, your threads about new rpgs have become increasingly more desperate.
What are you on about nigga??? I have plenty of games that i am interested,but sadly haven't come out yet. Like Encased,Nu ATOM game/exp,Pathfinder,Soalstra,colony ship and a few others. I shit on games who's quality is obviously bad lol. It is not like i want them to be bad,they are just going to be bad lol. Also what threads??? My last thread was about stalker 2,i game that i am interested in to.

You can use scouts to combat the broken supplies system. Scavenging with scouts and workers/slaves for 1 vigor while camping not on a road means you get 0-150 supplies from the scouts and 0-50 from your workers. Also your scouts reguraily bring you loot worth a few of those big silver coins.
I was complaining about the market balance,not the inability to acquire them. Geee i am old fag when it comes to RPGs,know my shit,there is no need to explain to me an obvious mechanic,not a dumb bastard like the guy above you lol :lol:.


Time Mage
Apr 30, 2020
I'm very into cock and ball torture
What are you on about nigga??? I have plenty of games that i am interested,but sadly haven't come out yet. Like Encased,Nu ATOM game/exp,Pathfinder,Soalstra,colony ship and a few others. I shit on games who's quality is obviously bad lol. It is not like i want them to be bad,they are just going to be bad lol. Also what threads??? My last thread was about stalker 2,i game that i am interested in to.

Cmon, you were checking out that DSA Book of Heroes game in the same thread as me. Thats desperation for a new rpg. The RPG drought has been getting to you to the point where you live in the BG3 thread for the drama alone now lol.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
What are you on about nigga??? I have plenty of games that i am interested,but sadly haven't come out yet. Like Encased,Nu ATOM game/exp,Pathfinder,Soalstra,colony ship and a few others. I shit on games who's quality is obviously bad lol. It is not like i want them to be bad,they are just going to be bad lol. Also what threads??? My last thread was about stalker 2,i game that i am interested in to.

Cmon, you were checking out that DSA Book of Heroes game in the same thread as me. Thats desperation for a new rpg. The RPG drought has been getting to you to the point where you live in the BG3 thread for the drama alone now lol.
Yes i am desperate for a new good RPG....a decent will do the job too :). But i was checking it because it is DarkEye and love that shit :smug:. I am in most of the RPG discussion mate,there just nothing to talk in them since they haven't come out yet or they are too old and everything worth saying was said.

As for DOS2.5 .....ahhh there is a special place in my heartH for that TB garbage,i hate it with real passion!


Jan 13, 2013
Also they don't seem to level,a few battles in and still level one.
Don't skip the tutorial, kids.
LoL i am not an old man to need the tutorial to see how to level them up,the problem is that they don't get exp and i can't click on the second,third etc etc level. Don't assume that everyone is dumb as you,old man.
"I don't need a tutorial to teach me how to level up companions!", says the man who can't figure out how to level up companions.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Also they don't seem to level,a few battles in and still level one.
Don't skip the tutorial, kids.
LoL i am not an old man to need the tutorial to see how to level them up,the problem is that they don't get exp and i can't click on the second,third etc etc level. Don't assume that everyone is dumb as you,old man.
"I don't need a tutorial to teach me how to level up companions!", says the man who can't figure out how to level up companions.
LoL you are dumb as sack of shit,go kill yourself faggot.


Mar 6, 2017
Also they don't seem to level,a few battles in and still level one.
Don't skip the tutorial, kids.
LoL i am not an old man to need the tutorial to see how to level them up,the problem is that they don't get exp and i can't click on the second,third etc etc level. Don't assume that everyone is dumb as you,old man.
"I don't need a tutorial to teach me how to level up companions!", says the man who can't figure out how to level up companions.
LoL you are dumb as sack of shit,go kill yourself faggot.

Lay off the wodka for a bit man

PS: you have to manually level up your companions by investing your insight, click on the laurel crown in their sheet to open up the interface


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Also they don't seem to level,a few battles in and still level one.
Don't skip the tutorial, kids.
LoL i am not an old man to need the tutorial to see how to level them up,the problem is that they don't get exp and i can't click on the second,third etc etc level. Don't assume that everyone is dumb as you,old man.
"I don't need a tutorial to teach me how to level up companions!", says the man who can't figure out how to level up companions.
LoL you are dumb as sack of shit,go kill yourself faggot.

Lay off the wodka for a bit man

PS: you have to manually level up your companions by investing your insight, click on the laurel crown in their sheet to open up the interface
Are you retarded as the other one?! I already wrote that i know how to update the faggots,you have to spend insight(8 to be exact) to get a level lol. Which part of not working didn't get? Clearly it is most likely a bug.

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