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KickStarter Vagrus: The Riven Realms - post-apocalyptic fantasy caravan master RPG - now with Old Acquaintances DLC


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Played a bit more,hmmm it will be nice if there is a skill that decreases the movement points needed to travel between nodes.The game could really slow down if you need to make a long journey. Also the game generally needs more information and clarity on what stat effect what action etc. All the stat descriptions are pretty much pointless because of how generic they are,know that might makes you stronger. But does that means you do more damage in combat....well no,it doesn't.

Also a companion reputation thingy will be nice,also what offends them and what they like. The dwarf is constantly bitching about me being a charity worker when i am doing good deals and my caravan is swimming in dosh. It is really annoying. Same with the factions,a bit clue about what make them annoyed will be nice. I noticed that one of them gets butthurt because i buy slaves and beat the shit out of them. Shame that i can't take a concubine/sex slave too.....i am sad slaver now :(.


Apr 29, 2011
Is combat good?

Sent from my SM-J327VPP using Tapatalk


Jan 13, 2013
Is combat good?

Sent from my SM-J327VPP using Tapatalk
Eh. It's Darkest Dungeon, with a 2d grid instead of 1d line. In the tutorial campaign, every fight felt like I'm barely winning by the edge of my RNG and didn't feel so good.

Lares Hill

Lost Pilgrims
Jan 2, 2020
[Source: Steam Store Page]

Devlog #35 | Companion Healing
A devlog post about the state of Vagrus - The Riven Realms

We have always planned a fairly elaborate system of healing mechanics but when creating 'Pilgrims of the Wasteland', we first focused on getting the main features ready and implemented a more streamlined, placeholder set of healing rules.

Out with the Old

The PotW system simply had you use a relatively valuable resource - medical supplies - to fully heal one Companion at a time during camp. This is not only too 'gamey' but also very obtuse and not what we intended for the game or the setting.

The old healing system did have hidden statuses, however they were not used for anything really:
  • Hurt: Received after losing 50% Vitality, limits Maximum VIT to 80% until removed.
  • Wounded: Received after Downed, limits Maximum VIT to 60% until removed.
  • Mortally Wounded: Received after falling Out of Action, limits Maximum VIT to 30% until removed.

In spite of these elaborate statuses, healing remained the same: the use of a medical supplies item healed Companions up to their Maximum VIT right away.

In with the New

When Crew Combat was added, we implemented an elaborate system that was used to heal up your wounded Crew and Companions at the end of each skirmish. It was based on rolls stemming from the Healing Perk. Now that we decided to rework Companion healing, we basically use the same principles for natural healing.

During camping, you roll for natural healing for each Companion that is not at Maximum VIT. The heal roll chance comes together from the following factors:
  • Major impact from Heal Perk levels (from Companions, the vagrus, gear, etc.)
  • Minor impact from Herb Lore Perk levels
  • Major impact from settlement accommodation if any (second or third Rest tiers only)
  • Major impact from taking it slow with the comitatus (spending less MPs before camping)
  • And most importantly: from medical supplies (item) if you choose to use them

Even without many impacting factors, Companions recover VIT more often than not, except if the natural healing roll is a Critical Failure and in that case can even lose VIT but only until it reaches 1, so Companions can not die but their condition can worsen.

The statuses from the old system still exist, and if a Companion reaches the temporary limit (for example, 60% of Maximum VIT when Wounded), a successful natural healing roll removes the current status and applies the next 'higher' one (for example, a Wounded Companion then becomes Hurt). A Critical Success results in a two-stage jump.


Medical Supplies

Using Medical supplies provides a huge advantage, as it removes the status even if the Companion has not reached the associated temporary VIT limit. It also increases the chance of status improvement and VIT recovery greatly.

Previously, one full healing required one medical supplies item with a 100% result. Now, there is a chance on the result and hence these healing items can be lost or retained based on a chance with each usage. Normally, this depends on the roll, like treating a Wounded with a success roll has a 10% chance to use up the item, while rolling a fail increases that chance to 20%, and so on.

We implemented the natural healing part already but left the Event heal option in too for the time being, at least until the changes on the Camp UI can be implemented, allowing the players to decide on the usage of medical supplies each time they strike camp. This new system is much better-suited to what we were planning from the beginning, and is also more fair, although healing will be slower and so you'll have to think twice before jumping into combat too soon.

The Lost Pilgrims Team


News Cyborg
Aug 24, 2019

Hi Folks,

Thank you for all the feedback you shared with us in the last few weeks! This was immensely useful from the smallest bug reports to the super-ambitious ideas on how to turn Vagrus into a AAA title [thanks for crediting so grand a potential to our tiny team], and we appreciate you taking the time to help us with your insights.

One of the most commonly flagged missing feature was the option to Flee from Crew Combat encounters, and so after the first bundle of quick-fixes, we shifted our focus to that. Soon after starting to design Flee, we just felt that Appeasing enemies -bribing them to let you go without even having to run for it - was so tied to the Flee mechanic that it only made sense to implement both. And so we did.
We also made a number of tweaks, including the change that Tax collectors no longer factor in cargo from Trade tasks when calculating the tax amount.

It took a little more time than we originally planned and we wanted to make it available as soon as possible, so it has not been extensively playtested. The game might have become a tad too easy with these changes - please share your views about that once you had the chance to play a couple of hours with this new build.


Okay, time to dive into the list of changes:

Patch 0.5.15 - codename: Flee!
New/Updated Features
  • Crew Combat Flee including the first version of Appease
    - In case the Enemy is the attacker, you may choose to Flee instead of fighting
    - Some Enemies are slow and easier to flee from while others are good at chasing and you may be better off fighting them
    - Increase the chance of your Flee by Appeasing the enemy with leaving stuff behind
    - Based on their attributes, enemies accept offerings and appreciate them on a different level
    - Auto-offer does not work for goods yet
  • Crew combat enemy-demands scale a bit better
  • Tax collectors no longer factor in Trade Task cargo when coming up with the tax amount. At the same time, tax immunities through Factions also reduced.
  • The accidentally released Perk Summary Tab properly implemented now
  • 'Manual' companion heal phased out by natural healing replacing it completely - as planned
  • Loads of perk related updates and fixes:
    - Perks granted by gear/etc do not count towards certain requirements (other Gear, Perk prerequisites, etc)
    - Gear/Deputy/Combat perk requirements only consider the companion's base perks now
    - On the Leader and Companion Perk UIs, only the base perks are indicated
    - Perk insight and proficiency costs consider base perk levels only (no overcharge for levels granted by other things)
UI improvements
  • Companion Perk UI refreshed (still not the final version, though)
    - Split to three columns now instead of the previous four and also added new tooltips
Bug fixes
  • Settlement Slave/Mounts sell, also Banter misdirects to the Chart fixed
  • Dream event script fixed
  • Fixed disappearing proficiency points on deputy skills
  • Price tooltip resets when all goods are sold
  • 'Location ?' bug on the 'Load game' screen fixed
  • POTW Chapter 9 autosave occasional load-back issue resolved
  • A number of typos and event script errors fixed
  • Tooltip improvements
  • Various smaller fixes
Known issues
  • Gear & Status bonuses will be added back to the Companion and Leader Perk UIs
  • Scouting result crash - unable to reproduce
  • One combat decal crash - unable to reproduce

'Is Vagrus properly balanced now'? - Nop.
'Was it a step in the right direction?' - We think so. Please let us know how you find it.

Now that we have released Flee, we are moving on to design and implement Companion Progression, which will move the cap on companion Prowess to five from the current two and bring along new combat traits to increase companion stats. It already looks and feels awesome, we think.
We are also changing our approach to content releases and instead of very rare big drops, we plan to open up new campaign map areas in smaller chunks. The first one will most likely be the salt basins above Mines of Plenty, including Salum, the headquarters of the Scythichnis Covenant and the Auguros Work Camp of the Empire.

Stay tuned, stay alive, conquer the wasteland!
The Lost Pilgrims Team

P.s.: We are still receiving a high number of messages, bug reports, and improvement ideas via the various channels so we might not able to respond to everyone but we're trying our best. ✌️


Dec 28, 2011
Core City
The game really looks amazing, but the price still is absurdly prohibitive around here. I mean, it asks for practically the same as Horizon Zero Dawn - and not that I'm going to buy that (I'm not), but paying the equivalent of 7 days of lunch in a single indie game is a bit much. I will have to wait for the launch and a future discount of more than 50% to even think about it.


Feb 2, 2018
I'm watching this one closely and will absolutely buy it... when it's reasonably priced. I look forward to an amazing apocalyptic caravan experience! I can probably do it for real in the USA after the next elections, before I get a chance to try it digitally in Vagrus.


Mar 6, 2017
Why would anyone leave staff behind when flee? Why not just reload?

Ironman runs, for starters. The same reasoning could be applied to a lot of RPGs; failed a skill-check, just reload! It's bad game design to tailor things around F5-F9 though.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Am i really seen people bitching that a 50hour game costs 25 buck?! What a bunch of poor retards lol,that is like one day of eating niggers.


Feb 29, 2012
Why would anyone leave staff behind when flee? Why not just reload?

Ironman runs, for starters. The same reasoning could be applied to a lot of RPGs; failed a skill-check, just reload! It's bad game design to tailor things around F5-F9 though.

How many play on Ironman?

1%? At best.

Lets do content first for 99% and than do for 1%?

The Wall

Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Jul 19, 2017
The game really looks amazing, but the price still is absurdly prohibitive around here. I mean, it asks for practically the same as Horizon Zero Dawn - and not that I'm going to buy that (I'm not), but paying the equivalent of 7 days of lunch in a single indie game is a bit much. I will have to wait for the launch and a future discount of more than 50% to even think about it.

Vagrus boasts 50h+ of content already and costs less then blowjob, +5speed golden sneakers for Messi in FIFA 21 or DLC for Europa Universalis 4 that adds 3 brand new buttons for you to click

tldr: Find a job

P.S. Don't tell me you pre-ordered Fallout 76 Collector's Edition. You're posting on Codex, you're suspect


Dec 28, 2011
Core City
Vagrus boasts 50h+ of content already and costs less then blowjob

The blowjobs where you live must be very fucking expensive, I hope the bitches in SERPGIA (wherever that might be) make up for it! For the price they are charging here, I think I could literally pay for 50 hours of blowjobs.

And those I get for free, anyways.

Am i really seen people bitching that a 50hour game costs 25 buck?!

Here it costs 150 bucks, just so you know. If I could buy it in USD the game would be much cheaper, which is stupid because I live in a shitty third world country and Americans are paying cheaper for the game. So no, it's not worth the price. I can literally buy Tainted Grail + Pathfinder: WotR and there's still change left for some other game on sale.
Last edited:

Lares Hill

Lost Pilgrims
Jan 2, 2020
[Source: Steam Store Page]


Fellow vagri,

we thought that this would be a good time to take a look at the recently implemented User Interface changes in Vagrus.

With the Factions tab, you can track your standing with the various factions of the game's world. At a later point in the developement, it will be possible to claim rewards for each unlocked reputation tier (although there are already a lot of implicit benefits and rewards for high reputation with almost every faction).

The Leader Status and Perk Summary UI pages might seem superfluous gains at first, but they round out the status effect UIs, as well as provide vital information about Perks, so it is indeed a very important milestone in our march towards completing the game's interface.

Below you can read about each of them in more detail.

Faction UI

In short, factions are organizations you can gain reputation with. Enough reputation points unlock tiers of faction standing that award the player with all kinds of goodies: discounts, items, equipment, and better paying Tasks, to name a few. Factions are often at odds with each other, so gaining reputation with one might lower reputation with another or two. You can absolutely lose standing, which results in losing the passive benefits of that tier. Most factions also provide quests and other content with the right tier unlocked.

There are several places where you can find factions on already existing UI elements. First and foremost, factions appear as a separate UI tab under the Leader main UI (since faction relations belong to your character the vagrus). You can check your standing with all factions here as well as what each tier provides, read about all the factions, and check on their allies and enemies.

Apart from that, factions also appear on the settlement UI, where Tasks can be taken, turned-in, and rewards are redeemed, provided the faction in question is present in the given settlement. Faction presence is also varied, with headquarters allowing for the most interaction. The majority of factions have a presence in large cities, though.

There are 11 factions currently in game, though several of them are partially implemented and will be fleshed out more with upcoming content patches. Some of them you have already encountered when playing the Open-world campaign, like the Church of Sergorod, the Ratharnak Alliance, the furtive Abolitionists, or one of the Imperial Trading Houses. We'll discuss them in more detail in a future post.

Leader Status

All kinds of long-lasting and temporary status effects can be received that affect the vagrus, your character, and these are listed on this pane. Its addition became especially important with the coming of Faction rewards, many of which provide bonuses borne by the leader of the comitatus (while companion- and crew-related effects get listed on their respective UI elements).


Perk Summary

With this addition, you can check each Perk's cumulative value. These are collated from your vagrus, your companions (including their Gear), equipment, and enduring effects. You can also see the breakdown of these Perks ordered into categories. Naturally, this UI only shows Professions and Attributes, as only these can be gained from multiple sources.


We hope these additions will make your lives in game easier. Stay tuned, for more is to come!

The Lost Pilgrims Team


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Lares Hill do hope you clean up the companions reputation system or just make going only up. I mean just companions quest matter for their loyalty/reputation,and doing them opening up more things with them. Because companions leaving you because don't liking some of your actions....doesn't make sense. After all they are mercenaries that get paid by you and shouldn't care about what you do with your money,slaves etc etc.


Feb 2, 2018
The game really looks amazing, but the price still is absurdly prohibitive around here. I mean, it asks for practically the same as Horizon Zero Dawn - and not that I'm going to buy that (I'm not), but paying the equivalent of 7 days of lunch in a single indie game is a bit much. I will have to wait for the launch and a future discount of more than 50% to even think about it.

Vagrus boasts 50h+ of content already and costs less then blowjob, +5speed golden sneakers for Messi in FIFA 21 or DLC for Europa Universalis 4 that adds 3 brand new buttons for you to click

tldr: Find a job

P.S. Don't tell me you pre-ordered Fallout 76 Collector's Edition. You're posting on Codex, you're suspect

Is SERPGIA anywhere near Serbia? I did get a blowjob from a fine young lass from that neck of the woods years ago, she even taught me a phrase which she said would be useful if I visited her country. It sounded like 'Popu shimmy kuratz'. I hope that means something in SERPGIA too. Now, I've wasted enough time here, back to the coal mine so I can scrounge enough pennies to one day afford this fine product.

Lares Hill

Lost Pilgrims
Jan 2, 2020
[Source: Steam Store Page]

Lately, we have been working on Crew Combat to further enhance its mechanics and the latest improvement is the 'Flee' feature. Let's check it out!



Fleeing will now be added to a selection of Crew Combat encounters with the following considerations:

  • You do not always have the option to flee. It depends on the encounter.
  • While trying to flee, your combat strength is significantly reduced.
  • Your Flee value comes from your crew composition, equipment, and crew combat attributes among other things, resulting in a percentile chance.
  • The enemy's Chase modifier further alters the chance of fleeing.
  • Flee chances represent how successfully you can flee from combat. You will suffer damages even in case of a successful flee, albeit much less than you would by staying in a fight where you are outmatched.



Appease is an option that further changes fleeing when you can use it.

  • Sometimes you have the option to try to appease your enemies. Again, this is dictated by the combat encounter.
  • When you choose to appease, you offer to leave behind a variety of things for the enemy but depending on your foe's type and motivation (crew combat attributes), they may or may not appreciate them equally or at all. Some Perks increase the effectiveness of appeasing your opponents.
  • If you offer enough things to satisfy their craving, the appeased opponents will not chase you at all. In case of a partial offering, some of them might still do but the damage caused by them will be comparatively less.

You can see a demonstration of these mechanics in the video below.

No need to die against a horde of Jhakrae or a throng of Undead (or to load your game...). Run away and live to fight another day! :)

We hope that these changes will significantly improve the WIP Crew Combat experience, making it less of a Load Game fest. Let us know what you think once you have tried it.

The Lost Pilgrims Team
Aug 10, 2019
Shame that i can't take a concubine/sex slave too.....i am sad slaver now
Shame indeed. Maybe in a future update but I wonder if it would happen in this day and age with Americans mistaking video games and media with reality. Although I like the game enough to buy in to their early access meme regardless. The world is facinating and the gameplay could be very good with enouhg polish.

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