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KickStarter Vagrus: The Riven Realms - post-apocalyptic fantasy caravan master RPG - now with Old Acquaintances DLC


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Ah, now I understand how the root of the matter. Not all companions are mercenaries. Some of them are just people who happen to get involved in your stories and may decide to join you. They are very much their own man or woman and leave you if they do not like you. But you are right, the ones that are mercenaries or people who are assumed to being part of a comitatus, are much less likely to get pissed off in general. Simply because of their background.
Fair enough.....then why am i paying them and giving them bonuses for moral boost?

Yeah,he is a cunt.....but it has that rune spam skill that made him the best combat companion that i have had lol. On that topic,it will be nice if you add info bar for skills that say which attribute/skill/perks are affecting the damage/buff of the skills. I was at conundrum when levelling the midget bastard about which stat will make his rune spam more stronger/accurate.

Another suggestion i would make is to add skills/perks that would let you mover more per day. For example make skill that deduces the movement points needed by for every level of investment,in deserts/mountains/tundra etc. Make it so you would have like 4-5 more different skills to level,each one for a different geozone.
EDIT: Or you could make a skill with a few skill levels that gives you bonus movement points,that is high renown investment.


Lost Pilgrims
Nov 7, 2018
Fair enough.....then why am i paying them and giving them bonuses for moral boost?
Yeah,he is a cunt.....but it has that rune spam skill that made him the best combat companion that i have had lol. On that topic,it will be nice if you add info bar for skills that say which attribute/skill/perks are affecting the damage/buff of the skills. I was at conundrum when levelling the midget bastard about which stat will make his rune spam more stronger/accurate.
Yeah, that changed a lot probably since you played the game. Attribute perks do not have a direct effect on stats, they are a stepping stone. We have added companion specific Combat traits (like for Garrik: Smuggler, Gadgeteer, Dilettante Sorcerer, etc.) that increase their stats (different sets).
Those Combat traits and also Combat Skill levels have perk requirements. So he needs Dexterous 2 & Perceptive 2 for level 1 Smuggler which in turn increases his Vitality, Initiative, and Evade; or Engineering 2 for his Gas Bomb level 2, and so on.
Also, sorry to be the bearer of bad news but his Rune skill is currently overpowered as the design for it (not working yet) is that the runes have random effects and so you can never be quite sure what they will do. (damage, debuff, heal Garrick, cant remember the fourth)

Another suggestion i would make is to add skills/perks that would let you mover more per day. For example make skill that deduces the movement points needed by for every level of investment,in deserts/mountains/tundra etc. Make it so you would have like 4-5 more different skills to level,each one for a different geozone.
EDIT: Or you could make a skill with a few skill levels that gives you bonus movement points,that is high renown investment.
The Traverse leadership perk will allow the vagrus to buy Movement points from Resourcefulness. Other sources of additional movement will be: Changing your beast type; Deputy assignment, Equipment, and Status effects.


Lares Hill

Lost Pilgrims
Jan 2, 2020
[Source: Steam Store Page]

A New Build is OUT - Patch 0.5.25. - Codename: Beasty
This patch brings new features and a lot of changes to existing mechanics
Hey Folks,

this patch is a beast in all sense. So many new features and changes have been added that if you ever considered starting a new play-through, this might be the perfect time for it. A shedload of tweaks has been applied to make the early game a little more forgiving (without making the late game easier), and we look forward to your feedback on the direction of these changes.

Important note: considering the extent of these improvements there is little to no chance that we broke nothing in the process. Assume that we did not want to make anyone's life harder. If you see something amiss, please flag it to us using the usual channels, like the inbuild reporting tool (F1 button), forums, and our Discord server.

Now let's jump into the details.

Patch 0.5.25 - Codename: Beasty!

New/Updated Features

  • Dynamic pricing allows for higher profits in smaller quantities. See our detailed design post.


  • Enter Companion Combat from Crew Combat - actions enabled
    • The two combats 'run parallel' - you get to play first the Comp combat and see the result impacting the Crew combat side
    • You can decide which companions fight in which combat but only in one (meaning their CS/Def do not count in crew combat)
    • Every Crew Combat round allows you to fight six rounds in Comp combat. After that, the battle continues
    • Victory (killing all enemies) achieved within the six rounds causes 10 grit damage to the enemy
    • Defeat ( all deployed companions pushed to downed/out of combat) results in serious morale loss (so you better take it seriously)

  • Summoning Skills for Necromancers and Hollow Eyes

  • Price History is a new tool for all vagri to track goods' prices across settlements


  • Equipment design changes - new slots, unlocked by deputy assignments
    • Equipment can be mounted into one or more slots specifically and the Miscellaneous slot is no longer a default for all


  • Faction Flag selection (incl. minimap flag)
  • Beast Type change option at the Manios between Mammal and Reptile


New / Updated Content or Game Mechanics

  • Created alternative versions for some of the bandit roster characters
  • Few dozen Event balancing changes
  • Beast & Mount Buy-Sell ratio corrected
  • New game default beast type: Mammal
  • Indirect Faction reputation change is not limited to the [-1 : 3] tier range
  • A metric ton of smaller economy & crew combat tweaks
  • Some Equipment stat changes [a shed load of new equipment coming soon as Faction Rewards]
  • Road Tax event priority change (High to Preferred)
  • Road Tax event no longer considers goods in Stash
  • Road Tax event option to pay with Supplies
  • Leader and Elite unit kills cause additional Grit loss to the enemy [regardless of dying from comp combat or crew combat damage]

User Interface Improvements

  • Graphics config within Options (no pop-up)
  • Options menu overhaul
  • Combat Clash Speed option added (1.5x set as default)
  • Combat Round Announcements
  • Character turn announcement
  • Turn off tutorials for Open-World gameplay
  • Equipment is now listed in two columns

Bug Fixes

  • Criftaa Suppressing Shot + Evade crash fixed
  • Negative Power stat companion freeze fixed
  • Mass trading buttons removed from Discipline and Liberate screens
  • Selling equipment when full cargo exploit fixed
  • Empty Odd jobs result after settlement Rest due Scouting lock on the Camp UI
  • Deputy perk refund exploit removed
  • Death animation restored to its original size

Known Issues
  • We will explore options to reduce the initial loading time.
  • The visual presentation of Companion Combat skills with two phases is not final yet.

'Is Vagrus properly balanced now'? - Nope.
'Was it a step in the right direction?' - We think so. Please let us know how you find it.

Stay tuned, stay alive, conquer the wasteland!
- The Lost Pilgrims Team


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
I was just about to say that the inventory doesn't make much sense because it used the same slots for all kind of things,then i saw that you change it :incline:

Lares Hill

Lost Pilgrims
Jan 2, 2020
[Source: Steam Store Page]

Hey Folks,

this patch is our biggest to date in terms of complexity including a new region and a number of big features, so the tendency of taking on a lot seems to become a tradition for Lost Pilgrims by now.

Important note: considering the extent of these improvements, there is little to no chance that we broke nothing in the process of adding stuff and failed to notice despite extensive testing. Assume that we did not want to make anyone's life harder. If you see something amiss, please flag it to us using the usual channels, like the inbuild reporting tool (F1 button), forums, and our Discord server.


New Content

Larnak is huge, although somewhat smaller than Deven and Tor'Zag's Shelter. The city has several unique districts, shops, temples, adventure hooks, and more. Larnak is the headquarters of House Venari, as well as home to the embassy of an insectoid people that arrived to negotiate with the Empire. A dark threat is also appearing on the horizon, as the long-disappeared Sand Wyrms are returning in great numbers to prey upon travelers of the scorching deserts that surround the city.

Ash is a small town in the middle of a grey silt desert west of Sun Rock. Run by House Darius, it has become the largest slave market near and far. Unique opportunities await vagri with no scruples about forced labor.

The Forsaken Colony to the southwest of Larnak is a mysterious place. Abandoned along with the mines and an odd Yrg hive nearby, it has been largely avoided for decades. However, something stirs there at the far end of the desert and a new presence might have set up shop in the old colony.

We have also added a proper Oquo headquarters in the Drusian Quarry as well and the Dread Reavers continue their journey. Find these and more hidden stuff in the new build!

New Companion

Nedir the sorceress joins the companion roaster! Without spoiling too much, we can say that she is a spellweaver who specializes in fiery displays of destructive power as well as magic involving... well... Demons. She is completely in control of course! At least if you want to believe her.

To top it off, we have also added Venari Hireling characters who can be hired for a period of time to help out with the toughest of challenges, albeit for a small fortune.

Factions, Factions, and Factions!

Dynamic pricing was the first step to our final economy design. The second: Faction Offers is now added with this patch.

As the Factions own sole rights to trading in bigger quantities, finding enough goods to trade from the market can be quite challenging (and expensive with the prices shooting upwards with each bought stack). For the affiliates of the big Trading Houses though, the flow of goods opens up right away. Gain good standing with them and you will find their buy and sell Offers on the now enabled Faction Offers tab [Only in the open-world section]. Use a portion of your accumulated goodwill (reputation) and the deal becomes even sweeter.


Faction Rewards open up with each tier of Faction standing. Some of them you can reclaim at each of their headquarters, others are awarded simply by reaching new tiers (and lost when falling below a tier's threshold). These new rewards include:
  • One-time obtainable rewards (like equipment and gear) can be reclaimed for most unlocked faction tiers. Some of these are not attainable anywhere else in the game.
  • Constant effects, like increased worker efficiency, ambush chance, or Odd Jobs bonus. These are unique for each faction per tier and they have several levels you can unlock on higher tiers.
  • New vagrus and comitatus customizations in the form of banners. Most factions give you their banner upon reaching a high tier of standing. You will be able to change banners on the leader UI.
Mounted Fun

Did we mention the third beast type becoming available for high-end comitati?
How about the option to mount up your whole crew (provided you do not have any beasts and have enough mounts for all your crew including companions, passengers, and yourself)?

Well, it would take too long to describe every fix and improvement in detail, so let's just switch to our traditional Patch notes format. Here goes:


Patch 0.5.27 - Codename: Luminous

New/Updated Features

  • Faction Offers / Access to Faction reserves
  • Faction Rewards (gained for each tier of standing)
  • Buy Market info via your Faction connections
  • The third beast type enabled (attainable via quests)
  • Mount-Up (though not quite feasible yet, more enablers to come)
  • Companion Combat formations (save and deploy your fav positionings)
  • Hero Select autofill and remove (filling order based on health rate)
  • Venari hireling characters (expensive professionals to hire)

New/Updated Content

  • The Larnak-Ash region
  • Venari HQ in Larnak
  • Oquo HQ in Drusian Quarry
  • New Companion: Nedir
  • Dread Reavers on the road again (though technically this time you are on the road for them)
  • Three new music tracks [Deven, Larnak, and an alternate Jaggest Waste]
  • Brand new enemies, as well as new versions to existing ones

Updated Game Mechanics

  • A great number of changes to the effects of existing and new equipment/gear/statuses
  • In many cases, changes to the availability of equipment and gear (now often available as Factions Rewards only as opposed to the market)
  • Stronger versions of equipment added - sometimes the original ones nerfed a bit to make the upgrade noticeable without breaking the balance completely

User Interface Improvements

  • Indicators added on both the Crew Combat and the Companion Combat side to better indicate which unit participates in them, and also if they were Elite or Leader units
  • Market prices and quantities now shown in stacks when the 'mass trade button' is pressed
  • Tooltip improvements all across the board

Bug Fixes

  • The trickling reputation rates were in reverse for Opponents and Adversaries, now corrected which will make it a great deal easier to remain on good terms with opponents
  • A great number of insight and reputation exploits closed off [sorry, not sorry :P]
  • Event decisions impacting Faction presence in settlements were not working property - fixed and reconstructed for prior saves as well based on journal entries
  • All known crash root-causes resolved
  • Various other smaller fixes

Known Issues
  • We will explore options to reduce the initial loading time.
  • The visual presentation of Companion Combat skills with two phases is not final yet.

'Is Vagrus properly balanced now'? - Nope.
'Was it a step in the right direction?' - We think so. Please let us know how you find it.

Stay tuned, stay alive, conquer the wasteland!
- The Lost Pilgrims Team

Coming up next... Mercenary Tasks and a return to Avernum. Yes, you read it right! Stay tuned.
Last edited by a moderator:

Lares Hill

Lost Pilgrims
Jan 2, 2020
[Source: Steam Store Page]

Hey everyone,

2020 has been a challenging year for us at Lost Pilgrims as much as for anyone else but it also brought a number of things that we really appreciate.

One of these is a gingerbread Vagrus fan art. Yes, that's a thing! Besides the Krawag we also received orc marauders and three replicas of the pilgrim with the lamp from our logo. Those have not survived long enough to be part of the final photoshoot, though.

The First Open-World Region

But let's rewind for a bit - to the start of 2020, in fact. It was a year we entered with big hopes, albeit with a lot of uncertainty. In January, we were in a frantic push to share the first open-world region of the game with our Fig and Patreon Backers, finally revealing our true vision for the game. We were all very excited to hear what people thought about it.

On March 26, the time has come to taste the pudding as they say. It was yummy but the crust was a bit too hard: new players struggled with the strategic aspects of Vagrus. After a few weeks, we knew that the game was not ready for an Early Access release in May as we had originally planned. We needed to implement Trade tasks first, along with a number of improvements in other areas.

COVID Impact

Soon after publishing the open-world patch, our team opted to work from home-office. An interim measure, or so we thought at the time. It took some getting used to but eventually, we got the hang of it. The occasional scare that one of us got the virus was not helping our mental health, and we had a storm gathering on the financing side. The private investment round we planned for spring tanked as one by one our candidates pulled out due to the global pandemic. We had to pull our belt in a few notches while working hard to get ready for Early Access and start generating some income. In the end, we held a smaller round of investment the same week that we released the game into EA. It wasn't fun but it bridged the gap until our first revenue share payment.

Early Access on Steam

After some shuffling around due to the Steam Summer Festival and Summer Sale date changes, we set a course to release the game at the end of July. We knew we were developing a niche game with a lot of reading from the start, so we set our expectations accordingly. Compared to that estimate, our debut ended up being a huge success (while remained modest in the grand scheme of things, of course). Most importantly, it was enough to keep us going.

The amount of initial feedback quite frankly overwhelmed us. At a certain point, we were over two weeks behind with processing our bug reports and other forms of communications we received but gradually worked it down to an acceptable threshold.

From all that insight from players, we gleaned new truths on how we should prioritize the upcoming features and fixes. It quickly became apparent that crew combat needed some additional love first. The good news was that there were plenty of people enjoying the game even in its Alpha state, which gave us hope and strength to march forward.

A Growing Team and Game

We got to know Laci, who joined Lost Pilgrims as a programmer, back in February and kept in contact, with the turbulent times of COVID ever-delaying our target-date for joining forces. His commitment to safely hand over his previous project to his replacement was something we admired a lot and proved that we picked the right person to join our team.

We added new content and features one after the other. Most recently, the largest content drop to date opened up the Deven region with a lot of new things to do. Looking at Steam, one can find many players with 60-70 but some over 150 hours of playtime. It's hard to grasp for how long some folks might play Vagrus when all the content will be added and finalized.

At the end of summer, the team decided to make home-office permanent and we canceled our office rent. With the second wave of the pandemic hitting not very long after, it proved to be a wise decision.


Social Numbers

It's been a while since we shared our progress in numbers. The trends have been similar to previous years. Traditional social media platforms grew a little but not significantly while the number of our following on gaming portals has more than doubled - a clear sign that most people follow their gaming news where they play.

The good news is that since Vagrus's Early Access release on Steam and other platforms back in July 2020, the revenues coming from those places cover the cost of our small development team, which means we can safely continue working on the game, adding new features and content with each patch to the great satisfaction of our existing player-base who come back to play and see more of Vagrus.

Perhaps the most significant news of 2020 for our team was that from our Early Access revenues we could expand our crew and so Laci joined us later in the year. He has proven himself an excellent and fitting addition to our team and we have high hopes as to our reinforced ability to deliver a great game during the course of 2021.

We still have a lot to do, of course. First, to add all the regions we plan to include in the final release, then to build on that and develop mid- and end-game content that connects all the places like a web. On the game design and code sides, the biggest ticket will be implementing Mercenary tasks, a feature that is much more complex than the already existing Trading tasks. As it stands, Exploration tasks will likely be added in a post-release patch only but who knows. We have an incredibly long list of other improvements we plan to cover until the 1.0 version, ranging from visual enhancements through complete User Interface revamps to Quality of Life features requested by our players.

We very much look forward to this new year and we'll see what it brings.

Thank you all for everything and cheers,

The Lost Pilgrims Team


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Its changed a bit since I first bought it. I got devestated financially in-game and in combat but that was just after its release. I think the idea of M.U.L.E. or rather the trading and travelling drew meas much as the background setting. I haven't gone back to it and should dl the update.

If you like caravans and economy then maybe a buy.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Is this game good? It looks expensive relative to its production?
Yeah,it is great. Even in early access there is content for a game. It is good,trading caravan merchant sim,it is good exploration rpg,it has amazing setting.It is dark sun setting but better. I would recommend checking it out,i believe it have a demo.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
At large
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Is this game good? It looks expensive relative to its production?
Yeah,it is great. Even in early access there is content for a game. It is good,trading caravan merchant sim,it is good exploration rpg,it has amazing setting.It is dark sun setting but better. I would recommend checking it out,i believe it have a demo.
It's also great read and gives the feeling of meaningful C&C. I didn't replay it because I didn't want to spoil it for myself from playing the demo too much.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Is this game good? It looks expensive relative to its production?
Yeah,it is great. Even in early access there is content for a game. It is good,trading caravan merchant sim,it is good exploration rpg,it has amazing setting.It is dark sun setting but better. I would recommend checking it out,i believe it have a demo.
It's also great read and gives the feeling of meaningful C&C. I didn't replay it because I didn't want to spoil it for myself from playing the demo too much.
Same here,pirated it on release and had to stop playing it to avoid spoilers. Ended up buying early access for me first time in me life. Not very proud of it,but fuck it,the game is worth it.


Mar 6, 2017
On one hand I really like the game and the writing and want more of it, on the other I don't want to spoil myself and then get blueballed while waiting for full release, this being a story-heavy game.
What to do...

Lares Hill

Lost Pilgrims
Jan 2, 2020
[Source: Steam Store Page]

Devlog #41 | Hirelings
A devlog post about the state of Vagrus - The Riven Realms


Hirelings are a new kind of ally we have recently added to the game. They are in effect companions but can only be hired for a limited time - and for a steep price. They have no story of their own because they are only meant to represent nameless mercenaries, rounding out the abilities of your companions or making up for something you are missing in your
. You always hire these henchmen from certain Factions.


Types and Use

There are two kinds of hirelings: non-combatants and combatants. The latter can take part in Crew- and Companion Combat encounters, and are quite capable in both, armed with their own Skills and Combat Traits. Non-combatant hirelings do not fight but provide their versatile skills to anyone who can pay them. They will be added in a later content update.

There are stronger variations of each hireling available to those vagri who can pay more.


Abilities and Limitations

Hirelings can not be leveled up, their Prowess is fixed. However, they start at a higher level, which makes them much more powerful than most starting companions. Several hirelings have Deputy Perks, which can make them useful when you want to obtain a character with a specific role. Hirelings' combat skills complement those of your own companions, with most of the mercenaries adept at crowd control, tanking, or support Skills.


Where to Get Them

House Venari is the sole purveyor of hirelings at the moment but you do not have to be on friendly terms with them, only neutral, to be able to make use of this service. Higher standing with the Faction will give you a significant discount on hirelings. If you are interested in these specialized mercenaries, seek out the Venari villa in the city of Larnak in-game!

The Lost Pilgrims Team

Lares Hill

Lost Pilgrims
Jan 2, 2020
[Source: Steam Store Page]

Hey Folks,
this next patch is a bit lean on content but that is because we are gearing up to the next one that has a huge new region with tons of adventures awaiting - and it is coming sooner than you think! That said, this current update contains a pile of new features and Quality of Life improvements that will hopefully make you happy - like a completely reworked Event UI, Test boosting that allows you to use Resourcefulness to improve chances in Events, additions to Chart markers that makes it easier to find things in the wasteland (but still keeps it a challenge most of the time), new Hirelings, combat Skill tweaks, and a lot more!


Important Note
: Considering the extent of these improvements there is little to no chance that we broke nothing in the process. Assume that we did not want to make anyone's life harder. If you see something amiss, please flag it to us using the usual channels, like the inbuild reporting tool (F1 button), forums, and our Discord server.

Now let's jump into the details:

Patch 0.5.29 - Codename: Perky

New Content

  • 1 new Venari and 3 new Oquo Hirelings became available at their respective headquarters
  • New Deputy Perk options now available on most companions (most of these you have to unlock via Prowess progression)
  • New SFX for a few enemies

User interface improvements

  • Event UI revamp including buy-sell icons, hover effect, the whole choice box clickable, dependency icon improvements, and tooltip improvements,
  • Test chance boosting is now available (normal & advanced with the 'Enhance' Perk)
  • Revamped Mini-comitatus UI (campaign view top left) with more information
  • Revamped Node & Marker cards on the Chart
  • Chart markers are differentiated by colors and icons from now on
  • Added the use of preview markers: this allows you to check the destinations of Tasks before picking them up
  • Enemy banners added in Crew combat for flavor and categorization
  • 'Ready' sub-header added under Journal Tasks


New/Updated Features

  • 'Enhance' Perk and functionality enabled (allows you to raise Test chances further in Events).
  • 'Traverse' Perk and functionality enabled (allows you to convert MMP to MP every few days).
  • A shedload of balancing changes to Companion Skills.
  • Tasks no longer automatically grant the settlement destination on the chart. Instead, they spawn a marker similar to quest markers that can be used to locate the settlement.
  • Passengers also get a marker. Their destinations also is now clickable in the mansios (so you could preview the direction they are heading to).
  • Several tweaks to market prices aiming to make cheaper goods a bit more profitable while curbing the effortless riches on expensive goods (let us know how you find these).
  • Trade task commissions got a ~8% increase to make them more worthwhile


Bug fixes

  • Faction offers no longer accumulate the available offer quantity infinitely (hopefully that puts an end to the 1k bross rounds)
  • Sand Wyrm burrow got an interim fix - a proper fix will come at a later time
  • A number of smaller bugs squashed
  • Can no longer poach Yrgs from Crew Combat
  • Crew Combat offerings no longer disappear when clicking 'Back'
  • Event occurrence tweaks regarding the frequency of wind and dream events
  • Another round of infinite insight exploits closed off


Known issues:
  • The initial Loading time might have gotten even higher as we had added the new nodes for the upcoming content patch (hidden from players for now)

'Is Vagrus properly balanced now?'
- Nope.
'Was it a step in the right direction?'
- We think so. Please let us know how you find it.

Coming up next
Meanwhile, we keep working on two major patches simultaneously. On the content side, the Smolderbone region has been coming along nicely, while the development of our single largest outstanding feature, Mercenary Tasks, is progressing well, too. We are not sure at this time which one will be ready for release first. Let us know in the comment section which of them you are waiting for the most.

Stay tuned, stay alive, conquer the wasteland!
- The Lost Pilgrims Team


News Cyborg
Aug 24, 2019

A New Build is OUT - Patch 0.5.30. - Codename: Brimstone and Bones
This patch brings new features and a lot of changes to existing mechanics
Hey Folks,
the time has come to revisit the region that featured in Pilgrims of the Wasteland, the tutorial/prelude of
. We opened up that very zone for the open-world campaign, albeit we are 10 years in the future compared to that prologue story, so expect some changes. There was a bit of a switcheroo involving several patches in the works and eventually the choice fell onto pushing this out in part to fix a game-breaking bug from the previous patch. For this reason, expect a smaller update in the near future that irons out a few things regarding the currently added content, although we might end up merging that with Mercenary Tasks, the next larger addition.


Important Note
: Considering the extent of these improvements there is little to no chance that we broke nothing in the process. Assume that we did not want to make anyone's life harder. If you see something amiss, please flag it to us using the usual channels, like the inbuild reporting tool (F1 button), forums, and our Discord server.


Now let's jump into the details:
Patch 0.5.30 - Codename: Brimstone and Bones

New Content

  • The
    Smolderbone region
    is finally open, as well as a new part of
    the Searing Plains
    . They include five new points of interest: the city of Avernum, Omphalat Outpost, as well as the tribal settlements Vitrar and Utvorar, plus the dreaded Writhing Oasis.
  • A number of stories and quests that lead to this zone continue, and a lot of new ones begin here, too.
  • A
    new companion
    , the veteran warrior and former kingpin
    can be recruited in Avernum.

New/Updated Features

  • Defender, Diehard, and Marksman Perks implemented.
  • Skill dependencies implemented for Burrow, Eviscerate, and a number of other enemy Skills. In some instances, these Skills appear as new (like Eviscerate) but mostly they got more restricted in their use by the tweaks.
  • Considerable changes to market prices.
  • A number of fixes/design changes to Trade Offers.
  • Enemy Mounts and Beasts gained through Crew Combat are now turned into supplies when your
    uses the Yrg beast type.
  • Enemy combat resistances nerfed all across the board.

Bug Fixes

  • Most Event UI crashes/bugs fixed - not all of them, though
  • Various smaller fixes and Event script tweaks

Known Issues:
  • Skornar's Guard Stance retaliation attack upon successful block may not always trigger. We are investigating the reason.
  • Load times are getting higher and higher. We plan to address the issue closer to the final release.

'Is Vagrus properly balanced now?'
- Nope.
'Was it a step in the right direction?'
- We think so. Please let us know how you find it.

Coming Up Next:
Mercenary Tasks, along with a focus on spicing up Companion Combat.

Stay tuned, stay alive, conquer the wasteland!
- The Lost Pilgrims Team

Lares Hill

Lost Pilgrims
Jan 2, 2020
[Source: Steam Store Page]

Devlog #42 | Faction Rewards

With the arrival of Factions to Vagrus, you guys got a new way to specialize your comitatus. Up until the addition of Faction rewards, however, this meant some obscure (albeit very welcome - we're looking at you, road tax) boons and perks but then with claimable rewards, Factions quickly became our players' new best friends.

The Name of the Game

In its core, the system is well-known in video games: build more reputation by doing repeatable, procedurally generated Tasks as well as unique stories, unlock higher tiers of Standing with a Faction by doing so, and receive your rewards. The higher the Standing, the better the rewards - it is that simple. Or is it? Of course, staying friendly with a Faction might be a challenge of its own, seeing how they tend to hate each other so passionately. This means that gaining reputation with a Faction will reduce reputation with their enemies, albeit not with the same intensity. It was deliberately implemented this way so that you can not get all the goodies in a single run - a balancing act, a tool of immersion, and a factor in replayability.


The Rewards

Two kinds of rewards are bound to Faction Standing:

  • Prizes: These Gear or Equipment rewards are one-time only redeemables. Once you have the Standing, you can claim them at a settlement with the right Faction presence. There is some overlap between prizes here and there but you also get a lot of unique rewards among them to make them more interesting. The higher tier ones are powerful and valuable additions to any
  • Boons: These are always Enduring Effects and they will stay applied to your comitatus until you lose the required Standing with the given Faction, in which case you'll lose the boon. However, upon regaining your Standing, you can again claim these effects by simply going to a settlement with any kind of presence for the Faction in question.

All in all, we are very happy with how Factions - and the related rewards - have turned out in the game. There is still some tweaking to be done, perhaps overhauls of rewards as well, but we have had a very positive feedback from our player base and we're very excited to see how these awesome rewards will motivate you guys to delve into the Faction system.

The Lost Pilgrims Team

Lares Hill

Lost Pilgrims
Jan 2, 2020
[Source: Steam Store Page]

Devlog #43 | Project Update - Equipment Design Changes

Dear fellow vagri,

This short video was made to give you a rough idea about how the new comitatus equipment screen and system were changed. Categories have been revamped, with new ones added into the mix.


The new mechanic allows players to use these items in more diverse and specialized ways. New types of equipment, like armaments, tools, and animals were added while we ironed out the older ones as well to make it more consistent and interesting. Many pieces of equipment are available for several slots, so you can mix and match in more ways than one.

Another change is that Deputies are now linked to equipment in a new way - they will open up extra slots for certain types when assigned to their post, further deepening the system. Now you'll be able to make use of more equipment at the same time and come up with combinations that better suit a large variety of situations in game. We also added a lot of new pieces of equipment with the last several patches, making the list of available ones fairly long by now, including some unique ones only acquirable through questing and faction reputation.

The Lost Pilgrims Team

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