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KickStarter Vagrus: The Riven Realms - post-apocalyptic fantasy caravan master RPG - now with Old Acquaintances DLC


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
It will be nice if you can take the jobs directly from the map.


News Cyborg
Aug 24, 2019


Hey Folks,

it's been a long time coming but finally Mercenary Tasks are live in today's build. These not only add a ton of variation and replayability but also go a long way in softening up story content and allow the running of a combat oriented comitatus for players. Fair warning, though: just like none of the other income sources work by themselves, Mercenary Tasks do not either. Combine them with Trade Tasks, passengers, and stories, with an emphasis on whichever you prefer over the others.

Mercenary Tasks are received from factions. Each faction is unique when it comes to the ratio of Trade and Mercenary Tasks you can get from them as well as the type of mercenary contracts they hand out. Enemies in these missions can be almost any kind, from beasts to outlaws and Undead - even the mercenaries of other factions.

It's perhaps good to clarify here that major changes to Point of Interests on the campaign map (like razing a settlement) are always the result of an active choice by players in story-lines and not Mercenary Tasks. Mercenary tasks are similar to Trade Tasks: both are repeatable, procedurally generated options that influence Faction relations and serve as a way to earn money. Accordingly, they always involve locations out in the wasteland on unnamed nodes.

Perhaps the easiest way to learn more is to watch a video about this feature:

You can read more about Mercenary Tasks in our design posts: Part I. (already here on Steam) and Part II.[vagrus.com] (on our website).

Dissonance Mode
Another big change that comes with this build is Dissonance Mode, which you can select when starting a new game from now on. While based on our statistics (thanks to everyone for ticking the box!), the vast majority of players gets the hang of the game after a few botched trials, there are others who are looking for a more relaxed experience. Dissonance Mode is still not 'easy', so we try to avoid calling it an Easy Mode, nor is it a Story Mode since it is the cruel story itself that is left unsupported by the more lenient gameplay, but still, it's something along those lines, easing up on the management and combat mechanics so that you are less likely to be wiped out during a playthrough. Note that Achievements will be disabled in Dissonance Mode.


Combat Improvements
Just like for Mercenary Tasks and the Dissonance Mode, we will have a detailed design post about all the combat changes that are rolled out in this release but in short: skills involving movement or push-pull mechanics now switch around enemies making the tactical aspect of the companion combat more challenging and - hopefully - more exciting. You can find additional information on the exact improvements below.

Important Note: Considering the extent of these improvements there is little to no chance that we broke nothing in the process. Assume that we did not want to make anyone's life harder. If you see something amiss, please flag it to us using the usual channels, like the inbuild reporting tool (F1 button), forums, and our Discord server[discord.gg].

Now let's jump into the details:

Patch 0.6.00- Codename: Conquers and Dissonance

New/Updated Features :shiny:
  • Mercenary Tasks were added to the game
  • Wasteland and Dissonance Modes are now selectible upon New Game
  • 'One More Day' option to continue your playthrough after the 10 year mark added (alas with Achievements disabled)
Companion and Crew Combat
  • Push/Pull now switches the characters behind each other. Both roll Resist & immunities apply (Stunned, Immobilized, and Downed combatants can also switch place this way)
  • Move +Action Skills no longer need an empty space but auto-switch with the other party member occupying the target position
  • Downed Companions can now be dragged away to switch places with an active Companion using a full Move action
  • Combat Skills with multiple phases are presented in the same camera zoom
  • Garrik's 'Salvaged Rune' Skill now works as intended: it randombly draws a rune from several possible ones - each affects the enemy in different ways
  • 'Acrobatic' Perk now available (you can select where to Evade!)
  • Decide the fate of the foe if they surrender in Crew Combat or if you capture them as they flee or retreat - they can be let go, enslaved, and more!
User Interface Improvements :pencil:
  • Passengers and Trade Tasks now have chart markers by default
  • We have also added a selector that allows you to filter which markers you want to see
  • Inside a settlement, you can see the destinations of all available tasks and passengers with the :eye: filter turned on
  • Factions - Active tab filter buttons added
  • Equipment filter buttons on the Market added
  • Event choice hover SFX added
Bug Fixes :bug:
  • Boosting Chain Lightning now works as intended
  • Some end of the day exploits prevented
  • Various smaller fixes and Event script tweaks

Known Issues:
  • Load times are getting higher and higher. We plan to address the issue closer to the final release.
'Is Vagrus properly balanced now?' - Nope.
'Was it a step in the right direction?' - We think so. Please let us know how you find it.

Coming Up Next
So we said that the Smolderbone region was the last one... but yeah, let's go for one more! Then that's it, promise. :)

Stay tuned, stay alive, conquer the wasteland!
- The Lost Pilgrims Team

Lares Hill

Lost Pilgrims
Jan 2, 2020
[Source: Steam Store Page]

Devlog #48 | The Smolderbone Region

A devlog post about the state of Vagrus - The Riven Realms

One of the latest content updates (Patch 0.5.30 Codename: Brimstone and Bones) brought with it a spacious region to explore, the most prominent part of which are the Smolderbone Flats. Players who took the 'Pilgrims of the Wasteland' standalone story for a spin surely recognize this place, as it was an important location in that story. And yet you will find that much has changed since your last visit, with 10 years passing, allegiances shifting, and new threats rising.


One of the most important additions is a new companion you can hire to serve in your comitatus. It is none other than Skornar, the kingpin and former marauder who ran a gang of smugglers in 'Pilgrims of the Wasteland'. What trouble did he get himself into? You will have to find out for yourself.
Skornar is a stout man who can take quite a beating despite his age, but he can also dish out one. His shield and armor allow for a defensive play-style enhanced by his ability to retaliate against attackers. He's also a veteran traveler, marauder captain, and lover of tall tales. He'll most likely fit right in.



Avernum itself is home to the private army called the Avernus Legion and its master, the Prefectus. Although Imperial in name and culture for the most part, the city has always been fairly independent. And with the sources of attainable ore in this metal-starved world, as well as the blacksmiths to work it into weapons and tools, Avernum has become a power in its own right, overshadowing all but the greatest of Imperial cities.


Should you not be drawn to the metallurgists and forges, worry not. Avernum has other services and attractions for enterprising travelers, such as the Carpenters' Guild's headquarters, the Imperial arena, or the odd but certainly very powerful mage who set up shop here decades ago.

The Sadirar

A peculiar tribal people, the Sadirar are made up of several tribes, each worshiping the Great Spirits that embody the elements. They are masters of the western deserts and on the whole are a relatively peaceful folk. In this build, you can visit the village of the flame-worshiping Utvorar and the oasis of the water-worshiping Vitrar. Their shamans deal in special goods and services that might interest any industrious vagrus.


Paths To and Fro

There were quite a number of story-lines that led to this very region and most of these can now be concluded or at least continued. Have you undertaken a job for House Venari or are you looking for the Invisible Arena? Or perhaps you are interested in stories that begin here? Bounties, investigations, errands, and quests will present themselves to those that look.


It is a good time to return to the Riven Realms if any of these grabbed your attention. With Brimstone and Bones, the main campaign's size grew considerably and we are now very close to adding the final zones to round out the map. But that is not the end of the story content - we'll be working on companion quests and longer, more complex questlines, too.

Stay tuned, stay alive, conquer the wasteland!

The Lost Pilgrims Team

Lares Hill

Lost Pilgrims
Jan 2, 2020
[Source: Steam Store Page]

Devlog #49 | Mercenary Task Design Part II
A devlog post about the state of Vagrus - The Riven Realms


In Part I. of our breakdown of Mercenary Tasks, we discussed what this new kind of gameplay element brings to Vagrus, how it works, and began describing the types implemented in the current build. Now it is time to delve into the rest of the Mercenary Task Types:


This type is a classical RPG task: take someone (or several people) to a location and protect them on the way there. There are simpler variants - usually lower level Tasks - where you have to take them between settlements. In contrast to most regular passengers, these have known enemies hunting them, so an attack during your journey is almost certain - with several attempts at higher Task levels.

Losing Crew Combat against the attackers fails the Task. A future update would change this so that certain passengers can be killed and then these Escort Tasks will indeed focus on keeping them alive in the fight.

A more difficult variant is where the passenger's destination is out in the wasteland and once you take them there, you need to wait until they finish their business, then escort them to their final goal.


Abduct and Rescue

These types are the opposites sides of the same coin in some respects. Both would have you find a location in the wasteland, win a battle there, be joined by a passenger whom you need to take to their destination. The biggest difference is that the passengers do not join you voluntarily in Abduct Tasks, of course.

Both types carry the risk of being attacked on the way to the final destination as the foe tries to recapture the passenger.



In this type of Mercenary Task, you do not escort or take certain passengers but rather have to gain them from defeated enemies, that is, capture prisoners and turn them in at the given location. Most of the time, this can be accomplished in more than one Crew Combat encounters, but it depends on how many of the enemy flee or are killed during the battle.

Somewhat connected to this is the mechanic that allows you to decide the fate of the remaining captured enemies after a Crew Combat encounter. This means that during Capture Tasks, you could take the right kind of enemies prisoner, hastening your Task completion. The details of this will be discussed in a future post.

Be sure to try Mercenary Tasks with the right kind of comitatus now that they are added to the game and tell us what you think!

Stay tuned, stay alive, conquer the wasteland!

The Lost Pilgrims Team

Lares Hill

Lost Pilgrims
Jan 2, 2020
[Source: Steam Store Page]

Devlog #50 | The Fate of the Foe Post Crew Combat

As we teased in our latest devlog post about Mercenary Tasks, we have extended Crew Combat with a new feature: you can decide how to deal with the enemy from now on following a victorious battle.

The option appears on the Crew Combat UI at the end of the fight opposite your heal options provided that your enemy surrendered (remember, only humanoids can), fled, or retreated but you caught some of them while pursuing them.


Your options are:

Recruit: Depending on their willingness to join, this results in a few fighters, scouts, or workers to be added to your ranks. That, of course, will not sit too well with your existing crew who have fought them just moments ago, and the result is Morale loss. It's also considered to be a 'kind' action and certain companions may like or dislike it for the same reason.

Conscript: Somewhat similar to Recruit, except joining is not voluntary, and so in this case, neither your existing crew nor the newly added members are happy about it, leading to an even more significant Morale drop.

Enslave: Instead of joining as free crew members, all surviving enemies are pushed into slavery. As expected, a massive drop in Obedience accompanies this decision.

Release: Once you stripped the foe of their valuables, you set them free. It may sound kind but in fact, it's a relatively cruel decision given the dangers of the wasteland.

Execute: This is a drastic measure that is considered 'malevolent' and brings no benefits since the valuables of the enemy have been turned over anyway at the time they surrendered or got caught.

Imprison: The last one is an option that players will only see when they have an active Mercenary Task to capture such enemies (be them bandits or other faction rivals). Hence the timing of us implementing this feature alongside Mercenary Tasks.

These expanded options provide further incentive, strategic depth, and even immersion to Crew Combat encounters and we hope you'll like them and provide us with the usual valuable feedback.

Stay tuned, stay safe, and conquer the wasteland!

The Lost Pilgrims Team


News Cyborg
Aug 24, 2019
Project Update - Crew Combat Buy Off - Lure Away improvements
10 Jun | 10:00 am


The greatest thing about running open development is receiving amazing feedback from players that helps improving your game. The hardest thing about open development is identifying what the actual problem is that your players are having an issue with.

The perfect example of all this is Crew Combat in Vagrus, which is an aspect of the game that players complained about fairly regularly. After adding the Flee/Appease option, it got slightly better but not as much as we had hoped. While digging for the reasons, we came to some interesting realizations. Whenever we heard someone getting irked about how they bled out against a much stronger enemy, we asked whether they tried appeasing them and they pretty much all said "No, 'Flee' implied losing big time".

So we renamed the button from Flee to Buy off/Lure Away to better indicate the appease options lying underneath it. It got slightly better again. Yet many players still ignore it. When we asked why, we learned that they had a bad experience with it. They used the Auto Offer function that gave away all their slaves, which in turn resulted in a workforce shortage and sent them into a death spiral. Boom. Never touched the option again.

The Auto Offer function was indeed something that we left unfinished. It only offered money and crew, but not cargo, nor items. Thus, it often proposed a deal that was far from being optimal. So from the player feedback, "Crew Combat is insanely hard" we got to "a small piece of the Appease feature was left unfinished and coupled with no explanation, it led players to fight unwinnable battles they should be just avoiding".

The good news is: we are adding Item Offers and shoring up Auto Offers in the next build. And hope to see more players get the hang of when and how to avoid fights that are way out of their league.

Item Offers

Items are a resource that is often overlooked. They have no weight to be considered in the cargo hold and can accumulate silently. Items looted from events or combat encounters can turn otherwise unfortunate ventures profitable - if sold in the right place.

It also makes sense that these valuables be traded or used during Crew Combat appeasing. They can even add new flavor, since the various enemy types are interested in different items - tribal folk in trinkets and charms while Necromancers in ancient tablets and arcane texts. We even decided to introduce beast lures and Undead charms that are highly effective against those kinds of foes.


Items are split into two categories. Well, more like three. The items listed in blue are the ones that will help the player the most to successfully Appease the enemy (or aid their Flee in case of Beasts or Undead). The second group lists the items that can also be used but with less efficiency. There is also an implicit third category of items that the player owns but cannot be leveraged in the given situation.

Auto Offer Improvements

With Item Offers added into the mix and considering the feedback we deciphered, we spent some time shoring up our Auto Offer logic, too. For one, now it offers cargo and items as well, though it does not apply advanced mathematics to optimize the offer, there is an underlying logic that takes the enemy's goal into account. It will offer Supplies and edible goods first to voracious opponents, valuables to looters, mounts to poachers, and so on.

We think - and hope - that these changes will bring us one step closer to addressing some of the unintended difficulties players face in the game as we continue to improve other features as well.

As ever, we are immensely grateful for all the support and feedback!

Stay tuned and conquer the wasteland,

The Lost Pilgrims Team


News Cyborg
Aug 24, 2019


What is this 'Dissonance Mode', you ask? Essentially, it is a game mode you can select when starting a new game, and that shifts the experience toward a more narrative route, easing up on the management and combat mechanics to transform Vagrus into more of an exploration game with a strong visual novel element for those that find the challenge too taxing.

We decided to include this game mode due to player feedback, but the decision to do so was not an easy one because we dreamed up Vagrus as a game that closely fits its setting: a cruel, harsh, merciless world that pulls no punches but once the challenges presented by it are conquered, the sense of accomplishment would be all the more satisfying. So if the world is presented as savage and unforgiving while the difficulty is lower, it can easily cause what is called ludo-narrative dissonance, which in the broadest terms means that what you are told in a game does not match what you play.

This kind of dissonance has been reported by a number of players in times when more experimental patches caused the economy to pour money on enterprising vagri. Most of this feedback described the lack of challenge and the resulting tension, which caused the dissonance, eventually leading to players to abandon a playthrough.

However, not everyone is looking for the same thrills when they play video games, and those players that do not enjoy the tactical combat or the strategy aspect of managing resources and logistics will ultimately feel that they want to delve into the world but not at the cost of a steeper learning curve. Well, Dissonance Mode is tailored for them.
In general, it comes with easier combat challenges and a more forgiving economy, allowing players to explore more freely. However, with the removed challenge comes the removal of Achievements, too. It is our hope that those who still wish to earn these badges will get practiced in Dissonance Mode and then go on to enjoy the full experience that we'll from now on call Wasteland Mode.

The list of what Dissonance Mode and 'an easier playthrough' exactly entails is not final yet and will probably change quite a lot until the final release. We'll see what to add partly based on future feedback.

Here is the list of impacts [effective from v0.6.02 going live (hopefully next week)]:
  • Cheaper supplies
  • Significantly distorted RNG in the players' favor
  • Higher level Trade and Mercenary Task commissions available from the start
  • Easier Mercenary Tasks (lower opponent combat stats)
  • Higher trade-distance market premium (wider price differences between source and sell locations resulting in higher possible profits)
  • Constant 'Favored' Property on Companions granting them extra Vitality and Accuracy
  • Lower chances of Crew Combat encounters, especially in the early game
  • Slightly easier Crew Combat encounters
  • Lower defense rate requirements to guard your camp
  • More allowing workforce rate requirements before the Severely Understaffed and Critically Understaffed states are triggered
  • Healing chances are higher (both during Camp and via Events)
There is, of course, the possibility that a number of players choose a Mode that is not suited for them consistently, causing them not to enjoy the story without the challenge in Dissonance Mode or become disheartened by the cruelty of Wasteland Mode, but our hope is that in the end, more of them will find the right alternative in the two modes available.

Now that Dissonance Mode was added to the game, we are looking forward to your feedback on it. Until then, stay tuned, stay safe, and conquer the wasteland!

The Lost Pilgrims Team

Lares Hill

Lost Pilgrims
Jan 2, 2020
[Source: Steam Store Page]

A New Build is OUT - Patch 0.6.20. - Codename: Target Acquired
This patch brings new features and a lot of changes to existing mechanics

Hey Folks,

it was amazing to see how our latest patch was received. So many great new reviews and quite a few previously negative ones flipped to positive. We appreciate you all immensely for your vote of confidence! Especially as apparently we left a huge bug in the game that made the late game easier, instead of the early game, as we originally intended. So that's getting fixed but what else comes in this new patch, you might ask? Let's dive in!

Crew Combat Appease Improvements

Appease is a feature that is still not used by many players, though it often holds the key to avoid major losses. With better Appease conversions, the option to offer items going forward, and the improved Auto Offer function, hopefully more players will benefit from this feature. Have we mentioned adding Beast Lures and Ahskulite Charms to distract beasts and Undead from your fleeing forces? Yep. Those. too, are now in the game.


Companion Combat Targeting

Changes to targeting include making a number of new options to configure how you preferred to target your foes and friendlies:
  • Using ony the keyboard? Beside picking the Skill with keys 1-4 (and 5 for Move), now you can use 'Tab' to shuffle through available targets, and 'Space' to confirm.
  • Okay with mousing over things but want to rest your index finger? You can now hover over the target and trigger the Skill from the keyboard without ever having to click with the mouse.
  • Want to do away with having to confirm? Sure, attack like a pro without having to click twice.

There are also visual upgrades, like Area Targeting boxes instead of the previous visual effects on the metal bases of the characters. While these changes are not final and there are further improvements planned, we hope you like this already and find the best combination fitting your play style.

Important Note: Considering the extent of these improvements there is little to no chance that we broke nothing in the process. Assume that we did not want to make anyone's life harder. If you see something amiss, please flag it to us using the usual channels, like the inbuild reporting tool (F1 button), forums, and our Discord server.

Now let's jump into the details:

Patch 0.6.20 - Codename: Target Acquired

New/Updated Features

  • Tweaks to the starting comitatus crew composition and beast type stats to enable an easier start
  • New open-world starting tutorial added about the game being hard, and also Wasteland vs Dissonance Modes
  • Dissonance Mode Heal (camp & event) boost
  • Increased the workforce offered on a number of low-income passengers

Companion Combat
  • Area targeting as an option (instead of having to click on the character bases)
  • Area targeting visual update
  • Previously targeting steps only worked in this order: Skill > Target > Confirm; now you can also do Target > Skill > Confirm
  • You can switch Skills without having to select the target again
  • Character selection refreshes the Skill bar to show which Skills can be used on the given target
  • Change between targets using 'Tab'
  • Confirm Skills with 'Space'
  • Option to 'Target First Available' - after selecting a Skill, the first available target gets automatically selected
  • 'Hover as Selected' option added
  • UI, logic, and performance improvements to the new targeting features
  • Unfocused enemies will fade to have a better focus on the target(s)
  • Added SFX for a number of enemies

Crew Combat
  • Item offering option added to Appease/Bribe
  • Auto Offer functionality extended to offer Cargo and Items as well
  • Beast lures and Undead Charms added in Events (mostly shops in settlements)

Bug Fixes

  • Supply price limit period (Late vs Early game) corrected
  • The disappearing character UI during successful Evade with the Acrobatic perk fixed
  • Maxed out Cargo hold vs Stash anomalies solved
  • Vitality mod anomalies in Dissonance mode after combat & camping fixed
  • The bug where market and events did not refresh after 'One more day' fixed
  • Journal scroll bar no longer cuts into text/assets
  • Exquisite Banner Renown modifier counts towards Event dependencies now
  • Various Task/Passenger related validations and auto-repair jobs added
  • Rare Discipline/Liberate crash bug fix
  • Fixed when some Trade Tasks were not visible on the Chart
  • Failed Escort Tasks and stuck Passengers are fixed

Known Issues:
  • There is a rare bug where the skill selection with keyboard misfires. Planning to apply a hotfix once we are able to reproduce and resolve the issue
  • The Companion Perk UI is buggy (lags). Planing to rebuild it.
  • Long initial loading time - we will see if we have time to do something about it before 1.0

'Is Vagrus properly balanced now?' - Nope.

'Was it a step in the right direction?' - We think so. Please let us know how you find it.

Coming Up Next
As we work on rounding out the content for the 1.0 release, we are also continuing our final UI upgrades: Crew and Settlement panes will come next.

Stay tuned, stay alive, conquer the wasteland!
- The Lost Pilgrims Team

Lares Hill

Lost Pilgrims
Jan 2, 2020
[Source: Steam Store Page]

Devlog #52 | Companion Combat Design Changes
A devlog post about the state of Vagrus - The Riven Realms

Companion Combat is an important facet of Vagrus even though players have quite a lot of control over how much they want to engage in it. At the same time, it is the most complex part of the game when it comes to code, so whatever changes we make requires more time relative to other parts.

After we added Mercenary Tasks, our focus has moved back to improving Companion Combat, partly because a lot of players opt to enter it from Crew Combat, so it is our goal to keep these fights interesting for as long as possible. The current set of changes are thus aimed at spicing things up a bit: more movement and thus further emphasis on positioning instead of spamming Skill 1 while standing still. The changes include:

Push-Pull Improvement:

When enemies are pushed into or pulled into another enemy, instead of being damaged slightly and staying at the previous position, the two combatants switch places, potentially setting weaker targets up for attacks or messing with their available Skills.


Skills Involving Move Action:

These Skills no longer require a free position to move into. Instead, the acting combatant will switch places with the one on the target position. In the example here, Gor'Goro charges forth, switching places with Harvek in the front line.


Here, Harvek jumps back, taking Renkailon's position while throwing his dagger.


Multi-phase Skills:

Speaking of Renkailon, one of the changes is not mechanical but visual, namely that Skills that have multiple phases will now perform these during the same camera zoom clash animation as originally intended, making it much more pleasing to the eye.


Acrobatics Perk:

Acrobatics is a Perk that is typically used by certain very agile characters - and opens up a new mechanic for them. When a combatant with this Perk Evades an attack successfully, they do not move onto a random empty position but can choose where to Evade, even onto an occupied spot, thereby opening up new tactical considerations.


Diehard Perk:

This Perk essentially saves a combatant from becoming Downed 30% of the time. When successful, Diehard makes it so that the character stays standing. Although far from reliable, it can save you in a pinch.


Although that's it for now, more improvements on the way for Companion Combat.

Stay tuned, stay safe, and conquer the wasteland!

The Lost Pilgrims Team


News Cyborg
Aug 24, 2019

Project Update - Winning the Game: Renown Victory
01 Jul | 10:00 am


As we are gearing up for the 1.0 release of Vagrus, we are finally coming around to implement the victory mechanics, which means that you will soon be able to complete a playthrough! There are caveats, of course, since we are still in Early Access, but we thought it was time to discuss what to expect (now and later).

The Design

Even in the first game design documents, winning the game was connected to Ambitions - Wealth, Fame, Knowledge, as well as some hidden ones perhaps. That is, you will select an Ambition at character creation and you win the game by reaching that Ambition through gameplay, then completing an Event that will reward you with a victory.


Once victory is achieved, the game will offer you to continue in Freeplay Mode. This is mostly for fun or if you wish to complete some additional stories, because Achievements are turned off, and the longer you go, the less sense some stories will make when you put them in the context of elapsed time. Still, we wanted to give players the chance to keep on wandering the wasteland if that was their desire.

Victory Screen(s)

Once you complete a victory, you will receive a victory screen - for now. We are planning a series of screens touching upon the most important storyline states and companion questlines, but initially, only the single Ambition-related screen will be added, primarily because we want to hold back on story reveals and endings until 1.0. Also, only a Renown Victory will be available for the time being as some things are still being worked out for the other two.

We are looking forward to hearing your reactions to the Renown victory and see how easy or difficult you find it to reach.

Stay tuned and conquer the wasteland!

- The Lost Pilgrims Team


Mar 6, 2017
The fact that the devs have consistently shelled out updates (in high frequency and quality too) and not simply sat on the laurels, as usually happens with EA games is very endearing to me. I wish the LP team all the best.


News Cyborg
Aug 24, 2019


The greatest thing about running open development is receiving amazing feedback from players that helps improving your game. The hardest thing about open development is identifying what the actual problem is that your players are having an issue with.

The perfect example of all this is Crew Combat in Vagrus, which is an aspect of the game that players complained about fairly regularly. After adding the Flee/Appease option, it got slightly better but not as much as we had hoped. While digging for the reasons, we came to some interesting realizations. Whenever we heard someone getting irked about how they bled out against a much stronger enemy, we asked whether they tried appeasing them and they pretty much all said "No, 'Flee' implied losing big time".

So we renamed the button from Flee to Buy off/Lure Away to better indicate the appease options lying underneath it. It got slightly better again. Yet many players still ignore it. When we asked why, we learned that they had a bad experience with it. They used the Auto Offer function that gave away all their slaves, which in turn resulted in a workforce shortage and sent them into a death spiral. Boom. Never touched the option again.

The Auto Offer function was indeed something that we left unfinished. It only offered money and crew, but not cargo, nor items. Thus, it often proposed a deal that was far from being optimal. So from the player feedback, "Crew Combat is insanely hard" we got to "a small piece of the Appease feature was left unfinished and coupled with no explanation, it led players to fight unwinnable battles they should be just avoiding".

The good news is: the current build has Item Offers and improved Auto Offers in it. And hope to see more players get the hang of when and how to avoid fights that are way out of their league.

Item Offers

Items are a resource that is often overlooked. They have no weight to be considered in the cargo hold and can accumulate silently. Items looted from events or combat encounters can turn otherwise unfortunate ventures profitable - if sold in the right place.

It also makes sense that these valuables be traded or used during Crew Combat appeasing. They can even add new flavor, since the various enemy types are interested in different items - tribal folk in trinkets and charms while Necromancers in ancient tablets and arcane texts. We even decided to introduce beast lures and Undead charms that are highly effective against those kinds of foes.


Items are split into two categories. Well, more like three. The items listed in blue are the ones that will help the player the most to successfully Appease the enemy (or aid their Flee in case of Beasts or Undead). The second group lists the items that can also be used but with less efficiency. There is also an implicit third category of items that the player owns but cannot be leveraged in the given situation.

Auto Offer Improvements

With Item Offers added into the mix and considering the feedback we deciphered, we spent some time shoring up our Auto Offer logic, too. For one, now it offers cargo and items as well, though it does not apply advanced mathematics to optimize the offer, there is an underlying logic that takes the enemy's goal into account. It will offer Supplies and edible goods first to voracious opponents, valuables to looters, mounts to poachers, and so on.

We think - and hope - that these changes brought us one step closer to addressing some of the unintended difficulties players face in the game as we continue to improve other features as well.

As ever, we are immensely grateful for all the support and feedback!

Stay tuned and conquer the wasteland,
The Lost Pilgrims Team


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
It will be nice if they add an options to disable animation,that pop in during attacks is annoying.
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Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Fuck,they really fucked up the map,now it looks like generic garbage made by an edgy teen during class. The old maps was really good,but now it is total shit. It is one of those island garbage,killed the immersion for me.


Mar 6, 2017
Fuck,they really fucked up the map,now it looks like generic garbage made by an edgy teen during class. The old maps was really good,but now it is total shit. It is one of those island garbage,killed the immersion for me.
Can you post comparisions?


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Fuck,they really fucked up the map,now it looks like generic garbage made by an edgy teen during class. The old maps was really good,but now it is total shit. It is one of those island garbage,killed the immersion for me.
Can you post comparisions?
Not really,could be a bit confused. I remember before being more of continent not an island like now.


Lost Pilgrims
Nov 7, 2018
Not really,could be a bit confused. I remember before being more of continent not an island like now.

You might be thinking of another game. The map has not changed since its very first implementation three years ago. You could and still can zoom out to see the whole continent of Xeryn (not the other continents).


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Not really,could be a bit confused. I remember before being more of continent not an island like now.

You might be thinking of another game. The map has not changed since its very first implementation three years ago. You could and still can zoom out to see the whole continent of Xeryn (not the other continents).

Fuck,i want to go back in to my universe,you made a better map there. I remembering it having more deserts/land up north and east,the dragon empire being a lot bigger. After all no point in having a dragon gate if you could just walk around it. It would have made more sense if mountains go all the way up to the big city north and all the way down south.

Also i am playing a bit now and noticed that you can't find a fucking faction missing any-ware because they all need level one reputation lol. In the original EA release it was a lot easier to find jobs to transport supplies,now i haven't seen a single mission that i could take.
And i say again,a skills that lowers your travelling cost will be nice,like having two pips of mountaineering would lower the cost to travel trough a mountain by to point. Make four or five such skills and make them expensive,and the game will be a lot better.
Combat is also slowing,it will be nice if there is an option to disable that pop in thing that tells you for how much you get hit. I disabled all the animations and things but it still takes like 5 minutes to mop up a battle.


News Cyborg
Aug 24, 2019

Character Poses - Kindly Sister
13 Jul | 10:00 am


'Kindly Sister' is a euphemism that has become a colloquialism throughout the long and bloody centuries of the Fourth Age, denoting the common members of Nosferatis Sisterhood, a coven of furtive dark sorceresses and witches. The religious organization has secretive goals revolving around magical research but beyond that the Sisters support Imperial agenda all over the Realms.

Players will come across Kindly Sisters as enemies belonging to the Imperial roster. With low defensive stats and Resistances (except for Magic and Mind), average Vitality, and no Armor, Sisters are fairly squishy in combat but they were never meant to be frontline fighters or effective alone. Instead, they rely on their blood magic abilities to heal and support their allies while debuffing their enemies. Left unchecked, they will be a real threat in combination with the other enemies on board. Their Skills are:

Haemorrhage: A basic, low-damage, single-target melee attack that has a high Critical Chance and causes Bleeding.

Life Tap: This single-target ranged magical attack causes moderate damage but is followed up by a second phase whereby the Sister can heal an ally (even herself) by a similar amount of Vitality.

Seduction: The Sister seduces a single enemy, making it move once (to a disadvantageous position). The Skill also applies Initiative and Accuracy debuffs on the enemy for a single turn.

Blood Curse: Targets of this powerful ranged magical attack become Immobilized, start to Bleed, get a Block penalty and are easier to hit.

Although some of these more powerful Skills cost quite a lot of Power, Kindly Sisters can keep casting from their Vitality once their POW is depleted. This is risky, since they can damage themselves quite a lot, perhaps giving a window of opportunity to resourceful players that they can use to quickly get rid of the Sister.

- The Lost Pilgrims Team

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