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KickStarter Vagrus: The Riven Realms - post-apocalyptic fantasy caravan master RPG - now with Old Acquaintances DLC


Lost Pilgrims
Nov 7, 2018
Have you thought of Hardcore mode, for us Masochists?

Yep, those in-game options to make the game harder are ways to do that. The hardest achievements will require winning the game with those curses while using only autosaves, no manual saves.


News Cyborg
Aug 24, 2019

Character Poses - Tarkian Mercenary


Tarkian Mercenaries are versatile fighters effective both in melee and from range, so they can be commonly seen in mercenary or outlaw rosters in different setups. They are quite tough with high Block values and good Initiative but light armor. All of this relegates them to a support role, which their Skills reinforce:

Scimitar Cut: A basic melee attack against a single target. Accurate and difficult to Evade but deals subpar damage.

Bloodletting Slash: A single-target melee attack that deals more damage and applies a Bleed effect.

Curved Bow Shot: A single-target armor-piercing ranged attack. High critical strike chance.

Tarkian Archery: This self-buff raises Accuracy and Critical Chance, ideal to set up a brutal bow shot.

Even though Tarkian Mercenaries aren't the most intimidating or apparently dangerous enemies, one would be foolish to disregard their potential to cause harm from almost any position.

-The Lost Pilgrims Team
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±¼ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Apr 16, 2012
Divinity: Original Sin Divinity: Original Sin 2
The lack of a end game goal and the presence of a self imposed difficulty setting makes me to hold the purchase and await for a DLC/addon to alleviate these "problems".


Lost Pilgrims
Nov 7, 2018
The lack of a end game goal and the presence of a self imposed difficulty setting makes me to hold the purchase and await for a DLC/addon to alleviate these "problems".

not sure if these info pieces are new or not but leaving them here just in case:
- The end goal is to win the game through the questline applicable to your ambition. (Or go beyond and play the heck out of the game.)
- The other day one of our players posted about winning the game. It took him 240 hours on normal mode. Now, a big chunk of the content is getting added with the 1.0 build only, so those additional Insight and Renown sources might have helped him to win earlier, even if completing the game (exploring everything) would have taken even longer.
- We can confirm that we are not planning to remove the difficulty options with future DLCs. There are three independent self-imposed difficulty choices that one can pull on themselves or even combine them to pose the ultimate challenge. We are not aware of anyone ever winning the game that way.



Feb 29, 2012
- We can confirm that we are not planning to remove the difficulty options with future DLCs. There are three independent self-imposed difficulty choices that one can pull on themselves or even combine them to pose the ultimate challenge. We are not aware of anyone ever winning the game that way.


What are this 3 choices? Or it is secret?


Lost Pilgrims
Nov 7, 2018
- We can confirm that we are not planning to remove the difficulty options with future DLCs. There are three independent self-imposed difficulty choices that one can pull on themselves or even combine them to pose the ultimate challenge. We are not aware of anyone ever winning the game that way.


What are this 3 choices? Or it is secret?

Angering the three Gods of the Triumvirate. I.e: go into their temple of the God of Anger and Vengeance and piss on the altar ('cus that's a good idea. :)).
The achievements will require doing that within a certain time limit and then play the rest of the game with that/those on.


Feb 29, 2012
Angering the three Gods of the Triumvirate. I.e: go into their temple of the God of Anger and Vengeance and piss on the altar ('cus that's a good idea. :)).

Thank you! I will do this at first opportunity. It is good idea.


News Cyborg
Aug 24, 2019

Project Update - Loyalty Questlines
02 Sep | 10:00 am


For a long while now I've been working on what we call loyalty questlines for the eight companions in the game. These are long, complex stories, often with branching endings, personal to each companion. In this project update, we wanted to give you a heads-up about certain aspects of these without spoiling any content.

How Loyalty Questlines Work

Until now, players have not been able to start these questlines (although the beginnings of some of these were available in certain cases, like Criftaa or Harvek) but now companions will open up more easily about what they want or proceed with their personal story. This means that you'll always need the specific companion to continue their quest. By following these stories, you'll have the chance to earn the companions' trust, discover more about them, and gain Insight as well as a wide variety of other rewards.

Prowess Gating

The other important aspect of these personal storylines is companion progression. Prowess levels have been gated from the beginning because the design was that you have to progress with the loyalty questline to be able to level up a companion. Prowess levels 3, 5, and 7 can only be unlocked if you progressed past certain points in the companion's storyline (with 7+ levels only available after completing the whole story).



Another great addition of these questlines is that a lot of sections provide opportunities to gain Loyalty for the given companion. Until now, you could only use gifts to raise Loyalty, but that will not be necessary if you follow the quests. No longer will your most trusted lieutenants complain over and over again while you wait for gifting cooldowns.

Rewards and Endings

Unique Gear or Equipment, valuable Faction reputation, treasures worth a fortune - these and more can be yours if you follow through with companion quests. Of course, not all companions are made equal, nor are the rewards or endings of their stories are equal in any way.

Last, although some companions have only one ending to their personal questline, most have choices and consequences in their story that produces several outcomes, often with differing rewards.

We are very excited to learn what you think about the stories because we worked a lot on them. For starters, we're adding the beginning of these questlines (up until about their third), while the rest are coming when the game hits 1.0 soon.

Stay tuned and conquer the wasteland,

Geri, Lost Pilgrim


Jun 17, 2012
Have you thought of Hardcore mode, for us Masochists?

Yep, those in-game options to make the game harder are ways to do that. The hardest achievements will require winning the game with those curses while using only autosaves, no manual saves.

Completely unrelated, but a small note of UI feedback. It seems like mousing over the enemy portraits in crew combat should display their name, and maybe a blurb on what they are. Obviously there's a lot of lore written for the units, but when you're in combat all you have is the pictures, it's literally impossible to tell what each unit is without just knowing.

Out of curiosity, did you guys ever consider putting story elements into opposing the new gods? Perfectly understandable if it's just purely intended to be gameplay/mechanical, but the idea of renouncing all the three gods and storyline being attached to that is tantalizing.

Taka-Haradin puolipeikko

Filthy Kalinite
Apr 24, 2015
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Bubbles In Memoria
Only noticed this now.
Game looks somewhat similar to Raiders! Forsaken Earth and Dust to the End, both of which I'm somewhat interested in.
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 22, 2020
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming!
Vagrus is not much as Raiders! Forsaken Earth (which is fairly simplistic combat focussed game where combat gets old very soon), it is way better though! I would compare it to Sunless Sea/Sunless Sky games (general idea of constant travel and trading + huge CYOA elements), but again, Vagrus is way better in every area, plus it has respectable “crew combat” that Sunless Sea/Sky lacks.

The setting is also pretty damn ace. This is the first time I hear about Dust to the End, so cant really make a comparison to it.


Jun 17, 2012
Ironically I found the travel/exploration/trade aspect much more engaging than the writing/stories. My only real gripe about the gameplay is the crew combat is very unrewarding with the binary nature of how defense/attacking works and defense always feeling bad no matter how strong you are, which also kind of makes growing your crew/combat strength past a certain stage pointless.

But the companion combat is fine and trading/exploration is really fun for the first 1,000 days or so.


Jun 17, 2012
9 is what I heard. I've seen about 7~. Keep in mind you can hire mercenaries from the factions when you raise your rep who can fulfill stat test check/camp roles, the indispensable part of companions is companion combat... well that and their long companion stories (which are mostly coming in the final release) with insight gains.


Aug 24, 2013
From what I've played, combat is certainly the game's weakest point.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
From what I've played, combat is certainly the game's weakest point.
It could be,the ea game didn't had all the levelling systems in. It feels very rng to me,tho could be wrong. Hope that there will be way to increase the accuracy and damage of companions.


Jun 17, 2012
From what I've played, combat is certainly the game's weakest point.
It could be,the ea game didn't had all the levelling systems in. It feels very rng to me,tho could be wrong. Hope that there will be way to increase the accuracy and damage of companions.

He probably means crew combat. Companion combat is fine, sometimes fun, and pretty good. Crew combat kind of sucks, especially on Defense.


Aug 24, 2013
Hate to break it to y'all and obviously its a matter of perspective, but combat in general, both companion & crew. Looks and feels like something ported right off them android "games".


Jun 17, 2012
How big is game world?

It's pretty big. Kind of a hard question to answer though. Exploring the whole world in terms of just having been to every town once is only a fraction of your time. That being said if you take it slow and only explore fully once you feel comfortable doing so (because it's really rough overextending yourself early on, which is to say taking any long journey at all that isn't part of making profit), you're easily going to take a week of straight playing just to see the whole map. And I've heard people say they spent 200~ hours in the early access without seeing all the storylines/content, so yeah, there's a lot in there.


Feb 29, 2012
How big is game world?

It's pretty big. Kind of a hard question to answer though. Exploring the whole world in terms of just having been to every town once is only a fraction of your time. That being said if you take it slow and only explore fully once you feel comfortable doing so (because it's really rough overextending yourself early on, which is to say taking any long journey at all that isn't part of making profit), you're easily going to take a week of straight playing just to see the whole map. And I've heard people say they spent 200~ hours in the early access without seeing all the storylines/content, so yeah, there's a lot in there.

What is closest game to it?

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