I see nothing wrong with having political shit in the game as long as you have an option.
that, my friendo, is the whole point
if bloodlines had been released today, you'd have /pol/tards claiming at best that the game is good despite all the George Soros propaganda about how hierarchies are bad and the only good vampire faction are the communo friendly anarchs but that at least there are boobs
of the three times in the entirety of bloodlines where someone almost gives enough of a shit to ask you about your character (VV, Venus and Beckett), the game lets you shit on republicans just for the sake of it twice -- you can't tell me there'd be a tentative twitter brigade about that in the heyday of gamergate and how coastal liberal elites are trying to tell people how to think
could the desire to be political lead to shitty writing, yes of course and it very certainly will at least in part, which is why even
Lacrymas' autism has its place. yet its no coincidence that this thread went to shit when a bunch of alts who either joined recently or seem to be exclusive posters of the GG thread started reacting to the 2 retarded things that the developers have said so far out of a bunch of praiseworthy bullet points that would have caused this forum to blow its collective load with expectation back in the dark ages of 2009
so far we have non linear hub exploration, deus ex inspiration, conservation of character sheet mechanics, multiple ways to solve quests through violence and dialogue skills, a reactive troika character background scheme, rick schaffer's return as the composer and so on
but instead of calling attention to these factors and trying to mine the previews for tidbits of info you've got almost exclusively bullshit about discord tranny mental issues by newfags and shitposters and incredibly long diatribes about how the slight inclusion of politics in anything ever leads to the death of entertainment
except for the 6 or 7 times it happened in Bloodlines, I guess
tl;dr /pol/tards are the new furries