Prime Junta
I read an article saying this new game takes place in 19th century Seattle? It doesnt look like it from screens and videos.
It's a direct sequel of VtM:B that takes place in 19th century Seattle. Cainedidit.
I read an article saying this new game takes place in 19th century Seattle? It doesnt look like it from screens and videos.
Yea, IIRC didn't you just walk into Hallowbrook from the front in the release version?Well, that at least explains why the connection between lighting and the modification to proximity allowed seems so odd and arbitrary.
I guess the Source engine that Troika had to work with had nothing regarding to stealth, so they had to improvise.
Master: The changed stealth stats stay so this might be the reason why many people find stealth much too easy.
I'd say that serves an important purpose for atmosphere and aesthetics.
I agree to that, especially for the museum entrance. It was originally only planned for the Prelude mod and created by EntenSchreck, but I added another small downtown area he had build after a beta screenshot and devised a way to enter the museum in a much less sudden fashion than in the original game. I'm pretty sure Troika intended to do this at one time too, because the entrance textures were already in the game files and the prince even says that he gives you the front door keys!
It leaves only Hallowbrook Hotel as kind of a question mark in terms of location and approach, but that's mostly just because the place is well within range for LaCroix to throw small rocks at the local Sabbat from his window.
I think here again the restored atrium map explains a little bit better how you get from a window cleaning elevator inside the building. Again we found all of the railing and elevator models unused in the game files, EntenSchreck build the map and I filled it with life.
As for the library quest story, we really had to improvise there! I emailed Brian Mitsoda about it early on after we discovered a lot of unused library models and textures, but he only remembered that it was connected to a main character and an optional Sabbat miniboss. The main character was Beckett because the library card had his name on it, but we had nothing else! I then found the ritual cave model which is also visible in some beta screenshots and had burgermeister from Clan Quest Mod fame build the library after my plans on top of it. Much latter I added the smoke shop, the coffee shop and the pier ending to make the player move around a bit more! I'm open to any suggestions in which this can be improved by using only the levels that are already involved!
That's FPS. And considering main character is a cop, it would be very weird when other characters would be happy with killing spree.Deus Ex.Which rpg rewards most for no killing?
But the option must be given without any consequence or it is not "incline".That's FPS. And considering main character is a cop, it would be very weird when other characters would be happy with killing spree.Deus Ex.Which rpg rewards most for no killing?
DX is a fps rpg...That's FPS. And considering main character is a cop, it would be very weird when other characters would be happy with killing spree.Deus Ex.Which rpg rewards most for no killing?
Anyway, point wasn't so much in regards to the place existing in the world (or not, in case of release version museum exterior), but rather the placement and the massive scale of it. Like I said, it's kind of amusing that the Sabbat are shacked up within rock-hucking range of LaCroix. It sort of makes for the comedic image of a scowling neighbourhood since with the Last Round added in it seems everyone's just decided that they like that particular road in Downtown.
In regards to the pier, I feel it might be a neat idea to have Sabbat appear to be looking for the next clue themselves rather than waiting to ambush you, it makes them seem more proactive; possibly also add in a pair of additional Sabbat coming down the pier after you find the clue as rest of the pack (similarly, I'd feel that the library section might benefit from removing the second guard and instead introduce means by which Sabbat would be keeping watch and protecting the hustle they're working on down below instead of a one-man show). Clue found at the pier then directs to the smoke shop and the last information and the means to enter the library.
As noted before, the text is notably weaker than the rest of the game (example, I feel it's just poor form to directly refer to a Discipline by name, or the convenience of having learned it), so it could be worked on further as well.
Also the music in the library main level is just delightful, I should mention.
There isn't really that much that could be done to add an "approach" to Hallowbrook without relocating the area itself, and that's where I suppose even that Chateau Hotel map wouldn't work entirely.Anyway, point wasn't so much in regards to the place existing in the world (or not, in case of release version museum exterior), but rather the placement and the massive scale of it. Like I said, it's kind of amusing that the Sabbat are shacked up within rock-hucking range of LaCroix. It sort of makes for the comedic image of a scowling neighbourhood since with the Last Round added in it seems everyone's just decided that they like that particular road in Downtown.
Yeah, downtown is quite small, but I guess that is due to the Source engine alpha version that Troika had to work with at the time. Still it always annoyed me to enter the Hallowbrook using a window cleaning elevator only to end up inside a stairway with no windows in sight! The Hallowbrook Atrium was definitely planned to be there, besides the assets mentioned above we even found a disabled level transition from la_bradury_2.bsp to the at the time not yet existing la_bradbury_1.bsp!
In regards to the pier, I feel it might be a neat idea to have Sabbat appear to be looking for the next clue themselves rather than waiting to ambush you, it makes them seem more proactive; possibly also add in a pair of additional Sabbat coming down the pier after you find the clue as rest of the pack (similarly, I'd feel that the library section might benefit from removing the second guard and instead introduce means by which Sabbat would be keeping watch and protecting the hustle they're working on down below instead of a one-man show). Clue found at the pier then directs to the smoke shop and the last information and the means to enter the library.
While it would be possible to add more enemies to the pier and the library, I had the impression the Lasombra is not part of the main Sabbat organisation in LA which is headed by Andrei so he wouldn't have access to as many vampires. Also the last hint to the library should be where Scott was abducted and should not be in the smoke shop where everybody could read it. But maybe I can have the note on the pier point to the coffee shop and thus swap those two locations around? I'll think about it...
As noted before, the text is notably weaker than the rest of the game (example, I feel it's just poor form to directly refer to a Discipline by name, or the convenience of having learned it), so it could be worked on further as well.
All the text is mine and I'm not even a native English speaker and I have little WoD knowledge besides what I picked up from the game. So I'm open to suggestions! I didn't know e.g. that Discipline names are not to be mentioned. How do vampires talk about their powers instead? Do they paraphrase them?
Also the music in the library main level is just delightful, I should mention.
This is an unused Bloodlines piece by Rik Schaffer, who gave it to me to restore!
No he isn't. He's a government agent, and that's only for, like, the first quarter of the game.And considering main character is a cop
Have any of the former vtmb devs contributed to the patch?
And yes, moving the coffee shop in the quest progression seems like a very good call. Change it around so that the computer logs will cover the library and the secret ritual there, and way to get in, so it's the natural end for the Santa Monica segment of the quest. The pier would need some signs of struggle (as it has, bloodstains IIRC, don't recall if there were stains that look like someone was dragged away) with a key to the coffee shop to indicate that the contact was captured and the most logical place to follow the trail is the coffee shop.
Or alternative the Lasombra is a rogue infernalist or secretly Baali, which judging by the ritual is very much a possibility (and this indeed would put them directly at odds with Andrei and the rest of the Sabbat, they have kind of a zero tolerance policy in regards to infernalism and any other deviations from Sabbat orthodoxy).
In terms of the writing thing, I'd imagine that a vampire keeping a log would not feel it worth mentioning about use of Disciplines except in the most extreme circumstances.
Some note or other form of clue is needed then.
Also if you wish you can send me the text, I'll edit it a bit if you don't mind.
This is where it should be noted that if we assume that the doorman of the Crackhouse is a Sabbat vampire, he would most likely also be an infernalist infiltrator.
I think it's just more of a cult thingIs Bishop Vick a real Sabbat bishop, if maybe a little bit more mad than usual? The title can't be an accident and would make Andrei the Archbishop.
Well it actually doesn't need to spelled out, all it needs is to make sense within the background. All you need is just as it was before, a mention in the computer logs of the Crackhouse doorman being a vampire and Beckett's contact thinks they're Sabbat like the Lasombra he saw. Nothing wrong with a bit of unsolved mystery, I didn't mean to suggest radical expansion of the quest like that (my suggestion is really to just change the order of events in Santa Monica, maybe alter the things you encounter in the library, but generally the important bit is to revisit and improve the text). I liked that the Crackhouse doorman bit was just an offhand note in the logs, it ties some stuff together in terms of background material.This is where it should be noted that if we assume that the doorman of the Crackhouse is a Sabbat vampire, he would most likely also be an infernalist infiltrator.
Sorry, but this is much to complicated for a simple side quest, so I better leave the background in the unclear. But speaking of the Crackhouse, maybe you can explain a thing to me that I always wondered about: Is Bishop Vick a real Sabbat bishop, if maybe a little bit more mad than usual? The title can't be an accident and would make Andrei the Archbishop.
And no, Bishop Vick most likely isn't Sabbat. My guess would be that it just wasn't considered since the game's focus isn't on the Sabbat (most evident in that Sabbat lingo is left at shovelhead, since that's the only contact surface of most non-Sabbat). In that same vein, the thing about Sabbat and infernalists should at most be a character's observation about something that doesn't fit in with their previous encounters with Sabbat. Since this is pretty hush-hush stuff, after all.
Would you think "vampire cover up" when you see a vape store employee having a meltdown at someone wearing a red hat?And no, Bishop Vick most likely isn't Sabbat. My guess would be that it just wasn't considered since the game's focus isn't on the Sabbat (most evident in that Sabbat lingo is left at shovelhead, since that's the only contact surface of most non-Sabbat). In that same vein, the thing about Sabbat and infernalists should at most be a character's observation about something that doesn't fit in with their previous encounters with Sabbat. Since this is pretty hush-hush stuff, after all.
The Bishop was just a lower-ranking vampire running a cult to provide an ample source of blood. Might have been inspired by Charles Manson's cult. IIRC Bishop's cult was responsible for the bloodborne disease spreading among mortals and drawing the attention of the CDC. A setpiece to show how recklessness threatens to expose the masquerade. Yet the Sabbat's extreme recklessness goes unnoticed by mortals. It doesn't quite add up. It's just flavor.
Hmmm..... if you're right we're all fucked. We just assumed TDS was a mental disorder.Would you think "vampire cover up" when you see a vape store employee having a meltdown at someone wearing a red hat?
Bishop Vick was running a doomsday cult, not a hustle for getting blood. His goal was to cause the apocalypse through a plague and in his mind this would drag the entire world to Hell. He clearly wasn't part of the Sabbat, and he clearly wasn't acting out of recklessness but insanity.And no, Bishop Vick most likely isn't Sabbat. My guess would be that it just wasn't considered since the game's focus isn't on the Sabbat (most evident in that Sabbat lingo is left at shovelhead, since that's the only contact surface of most non-Sabbat). In that same vein, the thing about Sabbat and infernalists should at most be a character's observation about something that doesn't fit in with their previous encounters with Sabbat. Since this is pretty hush-hush stuff, after all.
The Bishop was just a lower-ranking vampire running a cult to provide an ample source of blood. Might have been inspired by Charles Manson's cult. IIRC Bishop's cult was responsible for the bloodborne disease spreading among mortals and drawing the attention of the CDC. A setpiece to show how recklessness threatens to expose the masquerade. Yet the Sabbat's extreme recklessness goes unnoticed by mortals. It doesn't quite add up. It's just flavor.