You can play without, though it will be harder for you on higher you have to use voicechat to play these games? I briefly played vermintide but don't remember much
voicechat breaks muh immersion tbh
Not Vermintide at least, the game did pretty good of job giving you cues and having your characters to call out everything that needed calling out, you could also ping enemies (enables overlay) for your teammates for targeting. I never heard anyone using voip in you have to use voicechat to play these games? I briefly played vermintide but don't remember much
voicechat breaks muh immersion tbh
Good old 2e Codex Imperialis.
He looks more 40k / Imperial to me than Cadians.
Randos will be randos. At higher levels and difficulty you'll get more experienced players that don't somehow manage to die in the first five minutes of sedition 1.I cannot recommend the game at its current state, and I am not talking about FPS (I don't really care about FPS, I am playing the game at 50-45 FPS with high settings with no problems). The main problem is good luck trying to enjoy the game with kids who keep skipping like bunnies during all matchups. There are no private servers, so you cannot choose friends to play with, or play alone if you want to train without getting involved in groups.
console/mobile design, aversion to telling players what anything actually is and just using shapes/icons like when you're trying to make a baby laugh
If there are NO tooltips then this is reaching peak retardation, far worse than V2. For the pictograms, the first is probably "Force" or "Energy". The second is an explosion I suppose ? (In V2 Sienna's flail has a explosion on strong attacks). As for the last one, what does it even represent ? Did they hired a cavemen to do all of this ?
It's a meme at this point....Who would have thought Lascaux cave paintings would have been clearer than Fatshark's work ?
Movement's nothing like old school shooters, not even as good as something like Necromunda: Hired Gun (which was buggy and awful otherwise).
Hahahah, that's a nice summary. What about the movement? Does it feel awesome like in Quake / Half-Life; or does it feel slow like a console shooter?
Movement's nothing like old school shooters, not even as good as something like Necromunda: Hired Gun (which was buggy and awful otherwise).
Hahahah, that's a nice summary. What about the movement? Does it feel awesome like in Quake / Half-Life; or does it feel slow like a console shooter?
Expect modern FPS sensibilities, including not being able to sprint for more than a few seconds despite being a seasoned veteran. Someone described it like moving through molasses, and that's probably the best description of it.
However, unlike Necromunda, the moment to moment gameplay here is solid enough that I'll keep playing. It's just all the other stuff (progression, items, map design, etc) that are really, really underdesigned. Nowhere is this more evident than the fact that the devs decided to slap nonsensical bars on item stats (like damage) instead of numbers, and they aren't even accurate (you need to go into the training sim to test out damage numbers yourself).
Like someone else said, this is probably an intentional choice. Everything in the game feels like it just encourages you to nolife play it for 1000 hours.
This is top five best selling on steam and it's not even officially released yet. Lol at the state of modern gaming.
In Vermintide 2 aside from some extra effect on really special weapons (the orange ones) their actual playstyle was tied to the inherent properties of a weapon (crossbow vs rifle, for example). I am expecting the same deal here.I love Warhammer 40K universe, but you said there is progression and items... I don't think these elements goes well with the genre.
Sounds like every fatshark game, great combat and aesthetics but everything else is littered with weird design decisions.