Is Ulfar like the worst character in the game? stat/buildwise
He is a solider+arch militant, that
make him the second best damage dealer companion, right behind argenta. And they are pretty much interchangeable.
The problem is you only need to have one of them, and argenta is better. He is much tankier than Argenta, so there is that.
That line in yellow alone tells you this is a joke of a representation of 40K. They are literal genetically engineered super soldiers. Multiple redundant organs, superhuman in every way, more like superheroes than men. With the blood of the Emperor in their veins. He is "second best" to the white haired Emperor groupie slut? Puh-leez. In 40K lore a Space Marine could skull fuck an Adeptus Sororitas "Battle Sister" with his hands tied behind his back, while blinded and missing limbs. There is -
no- comparison between them in a martial sense.
I'm so sick of hearing warhammer retards talk about how much they want to fuck space marines.
You don't have to want to fuck Space Marines to find the current arrangement ridiculous. Space Marines are, for the most part and with few exceptions, the most brutal and efficient fighters in the Imperium.
I remember asking about this months ago, maybe over a year ago, on the Codex -- namely, how are they going to balance having Astartes in a party? Sounds like they solved the problem by just making him shitty. Which, uhh, is one way to do it.