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Warhammer 40,000: SPACE MARINE 2 by Saber Interactive - Titus takes on the Tyranids


Jun 18, 2018
My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit.
Holy shit managed to get the game running
All I had to do was change the Texture Filtering setting from Low to Medium
My old busted RX480 gets around 30 to 40fps, as well frequent suttering (heard the game supposedly has a memory leak)
Regardless, if you have something at least as powerful as a GTX 1080ti, you should have no problems getting the game running at a consistent 60fps
Anyway, it meets the expectations of my earlier posts
If you liked the first game, you'll like this one
It's fun
Do bolters do more boom that what was shown in the older clips?


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
what damage is there to control?
Bigger studios are always worried about leaks because a significant % of their playerbase doesn't know what a dev build is and will hemorrhage over a 2 FPS loss or some other stupid shit.


Apr 8, 2015
Played a bit more yesterday
Managed to do a bit of the 1st level proper - the Deathwatch level is the tutorial/prelude, after which Titus gets the Primaris surgery and is re-instated into the Ultramarines and gets his own squad (besides the 2 co-op dudes, there's 3 other smurfs in the squad that serve as story extras)
Insterestingly the the intro Deathwatch level can be outrigth skipped in the pause menu

The game feel is quite satisfying - I think the animations do the heavy lfting on this, the sound fx are good too but the animation work is simply great
And visually the game even on Low is striking as the enviroments are very dense with detail - even of in the distance there's alot of real 3D assets in motion

Played it on the 3rd difficulty and, so far, the "challenging but not hard" description is apt
The regular tyranids are no threat by themselves but in a swarm and specially if they surround you, they can kill you (and mind you, I have not yet fought a large swarm - going by previous footage) - also, despite coming at you in a staigth line, they are quick little bastards
Then there's the melee tyranids - 2 variants, one dual wields 2 swords, the other dual wields a sword and a whip (this one can use the whip to take Titus from medium range to close range, this attack also stuns and opens your guard) - in this difficulty, they can kill you in 3 hits and are usually accompanied by a swarm (to chip off your health or worse stun you by jumping on to you)
The ranged tyranids are just regular tyranids that don't move much other than to stay some 20 meters away from you - their guns do slight more damage than regular tyranid attacks
The last enemy I fought (but never managed to kill, I'll explain in a moment) was a sort of tyranid snake (called a Ravener) that burrows into the ground and pops off to do a hefty sneak attack or a very dangerous grapple - the reason I never managed to kill one, is because in the encounter it appears the game always crashed for me (too many enemies and shit on screen, again I have an old RX480, me being able to run this game above 30fps even with stutters is already surprising)
So far, cool enemy design imo
But, while the campaign will no doubt introduce deadlier enemies and combat encounters, it is worthy to note that Titus new companions are efficient figthers (even as AI they can dispatch melee tyranids by themselves) - only by playing the full campaign can we determine how well designed of a challenge the 3rd difficulty is

Time to talk about the new combat mechanic - Parrying
Overall it's a fine addition but I do have one particular issue with it - the HUD indicator
If you've seem gameplay footage, you probably noticed that bright blue, chaos shaped HUD element whenever an enemy was about to execute a dangerous attack
For regular tyranids that happens whenever they do the Jump Attack, for the melee tyranids and the Ravener that happens for everyone one of their attacks
I understand why the that indicator exists, the fights even in these first encounters can easily get hectic
There's even an additional nuGoW HUD arrow that appears when those attacks come from the back (again it's dangerous to let the 'nids surround you because they don't take turns and don't stop attacking you because they're not within your camera POV frame), because Titus can only parry enemies within the camera's POV frame
But it's still an element that I hope the release game allows to turn off, as imo makes the combat less engaging - the regular tyranids jumps are very well telegraphed and melee tyranids can be locked-on to, sure enemies attacking from your back can take you by surprise, but managing the swarm is part of the challenge no?
With that criticism out of the way, for the actual function of the mechanic
Parrying is a dedicated button
The Parry Window is super lenient, around 1 second - I have no problem with this, as this is not a game that focuses on 1v1, the bulk of the campaign will be against hordes so a parrying shouldn't be something demanding to execute
It insta-kills regular Tyranids and can be pulled off anytime they attack, but if you perform during one of their jumping attacks it will count as an execution as you'll recover some HP (like the original game)
For the melee tyranids, its effect on the enemy depends on the type of attack he performs, a simple attack (the HUD indicator glows blue) Titus will simply guard against it with no damage to the enemy, if the enemy performs an "heavy" attack (HUD indicator glows orange) Titus will perform a counterattack leaving the enemy open and staggered (these enemy attacks come out faster)

Lastly I only used 4 weapons so far - Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Boltgun and Combat Knife
The melee weapons only use 1 button, but if you hold said button you perform an "heavy" attack - which is not so much for damage but for its stagger, opens melee tyranids guards or stuns them if their guards were already opens
The combat knife is faster and has more combos, but the chainsword does more damage - but both kill regular tyranids in 1 hit
Another important distinction, the chainsword has very wide swings, while the knife is more "frontal" in it's attack patterns - so I would say the chainsword is better suited for clearing mobs and the knife is for "duels"
If you have a Bolt Pistol it will be automatically used in conjuction with whatever 1 handed melee weapon you currently possess
And there's a new mechanic with this weapon pairing - if you perform a "heavy" attack on an enemy, they will be marked for a few seconds, during which if you press the "Fire" input, Titus will perform a quick and precise pistol shot that deals major damage and staggers the opponent


Overall I liked what I played
And honestly I think they could release at least the Deathwatch level as a demo on the next month - I think most people would like and they could even use it to collect some feedback
My feedback would really just be to give the option to disable the parry indicator hud element - oh and please implement a key to switch the camera to another shoulder

Also I hope they don't plan to charge people for new multiplayer maps (there's only 3 in this build) - that would be stupid given new content it what will determine its longevity
Don't care for cosmetics though

Do bolters do more boom that what was shown in the older clips?
From what I played
Both the Bolt Pistols and Boltguns kill the regular Tyranids in 2/3 shots
You can manage regular 'nids with the pistol fine (provided you can hit them), but really it seems to me that its main strength is to be a sidearm to the 1 handed melee weapons
For melee tyranids you'll need to dump more than half a clip to kill them
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Aug 1, 2013
"Commander, Squad Africanus has placed last in accuracy during bolter drill again!"
I know you're kidding, but there's these two images of a member of the Celestial Lions, Ekene Dubaku, who as far as I know is one of the few if not the ONLY Space Marine to have a foregrip on his bolter:



And yes, the Celestial Lions are much more of a chapter of Space Africans than the Salamanders are.


Jan 10, 2023
The Melanochrome is the 13th of the 19 genetically-engineered gene-seed organs that are implanted into a Space Marine Neophyte to produce a new Astartes. This hormonal implant is attached to the human lymphatic system and controls the amount of melanin in a Space Marine's skin.
'Black' marines never made sense, their skin should adapt to the environment. If they spend a lot of time inside a ship or on planets with low radiation they should be close to albinos. The opposite should also be true, say Titus goes to Nocturne his skin should be jet black.


Apr 8, 2015
How's the story?
From what I played
Pretty much what this post described
The game starts with the mission described in the 6th bullet point - which acts as a tutorial
You only see the events from Titus perspective
Awaking up from the Primaris surgery, the Chapter Chaplain informs that his records as a Blackshield have been expunged as if found out they would bring unrest among the company (the company's captain also expresses similar concerns)
So Titus "personal quest" is to prove his loyalty and worthiness to the Ultramarines

Aside from that, the only other plot thread that was introduced in the first level was the seeds for the squad's interpersonal drama
Basically since they are in the middle of the 4th Tyranic War and Titus has been figthing nids since the 2nd Tyranic War (plus he's a Lieutenant), he is given is own squad
The problem is doing so he replaces the squad's previous leader, Gadriel (one of the co-op companions)
Though he doesn't show it, Gadriel doesn't like the change and he's suspicious of Titus - possibly resentful, my assement of the character is that he's collected, competent, very scrupulous (specifically in accordance to the Codex Astartes, but I don't think it will be another Leandros situation) and also perhaps ambitious (as he's a young Ultramarine, still not 1 century of service, but already is very good standing within the Company)
The 2nd co-op companion, Chairon (the black dude), doesn't care for the change - his character seems straightforward, an obedient soldier that cares only for his marching orders and relishes at the opportunity of bathing in the blood of his enemies
As for Titus himself, from what I've seen so far the only great change to his character is that he seems to be a great deal more taciturn (IMO an understandable and a consistent character development)


Apr 8, 2015
Played further more
When the game's action gets going, it gets going!

Fought a huge swarm with a heavy bolter
Fought inside a bunker where the framerate was close to 60fps - a shame the recording tool wasn't active at the time, would've loved to post the clip
Fought a new enemy - a big tyranid (like the sword ones) but with a gun, shoots more accurately than the small long-range nids and fires a dozen of projectiles at the same time, but unlike the small ones which fire continuously, this nid takes a few seconds between shots

Since this dev build lacks keybings, I only now discovered the button for the over-the-shoulder firing mode (more accurate, less mobile - while shooting from the hip you have full mobility but your shots deviate alot from the targert's center
The heavy bolter has the "fuller auto" firing mode when shooting in the over-the-shoulder way, but even on hip fire it just clears rooms:

"Fuller auto" has a overheat mechanic though, which will be maxed out at the 100th round fired
The heavy bolter is a weapon that can't be "kept" - i.e. you pick it up but if you switch to another weapon Titus will drop the bolter on the ground, also the gun will be discarded once it runs out of ammo
The game also has that detail from the original where gunfire will start to sound different when you start to run out of ammo
Also found the heavy bolt pistol - more powerful version of the pistol but with reduced rate of fire
And my new favourite weapon, the Meltagun
It's essentially the game's version of the super shotgun but dialed to eleven - very wide area of effect, 10 to 20 meters of range, low ammo (only 4 shells), obliterates anything in its path (even big Tyranids)
Again I wish the recording program had worked...

Now, one cause for concern is the difficulty
The enemies are dangerous, on this 3rd difficulty even 1 sword Tyranid will put you down in seconds if you clown around
But the AI companions are indeed very efficient
And to make matters worse, since this is a co-op campgain, there is a Revive mechanic (Titus will go down and your companions have to reach you before the timer runs out, I estimate you recover around 20% HP if they manage to rescue you)
I don't know how it works exactly, because in some cases the enemy whacked me and I went straigth to "Game Over" screen and others had Titus on his knees waiting for help
Would have to test furter, which I don't want to...

My pc has been doing a tremendous effort to run this game and at an average of 35 fps with stutters (and occosional crashes), well it's just not ideal for an Action game...
My curiosity has been sated and I don't mind waiting until I have proprer hardware
Plus I already like this one more than the original
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Aug 1, 2013
Bro what. Don't fight Hormagaunts in melee, even as a Primaris Lieutenant. Rapid fire ranged weapons and weapons that cover a larger area are the way to go. Bolters are good, Heavy Bolters are better if a bit overkill. Use grenades, Flamers and anything that makes a big boom.

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
I'm looking at the classes and their abilities, and the general feel of the game and all I can say: This isn't 40K anymore. Space Marines don't jump around with grappling hooks. They don't randomly go invisible. I understand this is GW being faggots and pushing their Primaris garbage.
The total focus on MP that nobody asked for and will probably be dead in half a year is on the devs though.


Apr 8, 2015
The total focus on MP that nobody asked for
The story campgain has been the primary focus of the marketing so far, only now have they been showcasing the MP - a game mode which already existed in the original game (even most classes are lifted straight from the original), so yes most fans wanted it as well
The co-op PVE is the only new game mode
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 22, 2020
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming!
All the relevant stuff is going to come in free updates, if people want to pay for skins, thats on them. I see no problem.

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