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Warhammer 40,000: SPACE MARINE 2 by Saber Interactive - Titus takes on the Tyranids

Mar 3, 2010
do you remember when games were sold done and finished? pepperidge hellfire remembers.


Apr 8, 2015
I don't anything surprising here
Seasonal content for multiplayer have been the standard for what? 9 years now at least?
It's the expectation for any AAA and AA project with a multiplayer game mode and people assume that without regular content updates the game will lose any healthy population in 1 or 2 months


Ph.D. in World Saving
Nov 30, 2003
Clogging the Multiverse with a Crowbar

Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2 Q&A with Tim Willits – ‘We Have a Game That Will Exceed Expectations’

At Gamescom 2024, I had the amazing opportunity to speak with veteran developer Tim Willits about Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2, Saber Interactive, and the industry as a whole. Willits worked at id Software for 24 years, eventually becoming Studio Director. He left the Texan developer in July 2019 and became Chief Creative Officer at Saber Interactive only about a month later.

Of course, the main focus of our chat was the impending launch of Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2 (due on September 9, with a full year of post-launch roadmap already revealed), but we also discussed ongoing issues within the industry and how Saber is tackling those challenges. Keep scrolling to read a very interesting conversation.

With Space Marine 2, you are taking a beloved game and finally making a sequel around a decade later. Are you feeling the pressure of the fans?

Yes. The Warhammer 40K franchise has been around for 45 years now, and millions of people love the franchise in itself. The first game was very popular. But I also want to say that if you, as a fan or as an action gamer, have never played the first game, don't worry about that. You can start with Space Marine 2 and it's a complete game. It's actually difficult to play the first game now because it's only on Steam.

There is an expectation from Warhammer 40K fans that we treat the universe with respect and that we get things correct. Then there's an expectation from fans of the first game, as well as just fans of Saber and action games. So yes, the expectations are very high, but I believe that we have a game that will exceed those expectations. We have a very dense game with a campaign mode that you can play by yourself or with two friends. We have our PvE missions where the story kind of runs parallel to the campaign, and then we have a full 6v6 PvP mode with three game modes, so it's a lot to offer. It's all wrapped together in our Saber proprietary technology with the Swarm tech and AI director, so we believe we are delivering the true ultimate Space Marine experience.

How long did it take to make this game?

Games always take a long time nowadays. About four years or so in this case, but we're very proud of where it is now. We're very happy with our work, and the people who played the preview were happy. Preorders are great. Right now, what we're focused on is September 9, you know, making sure that the servers are up and running for everyone, making sure that any issues are ironed up, but everything's looking good; it's all green lights. The game is fun and solid, so yeah, I'm excited about the launch.

I believe the game was originally meant to come out in late 2023. Can you share what were the reasons behind this nine-month delay and what did you improve during this additional time?

We just needed more time to polish it. You know that old saying a game is only late until it ships, but a bad game is bad forever. We wanted to focus on making sure that every component, the single player campaign and the PvE co-op mode, all those were solid.

There's a lot to this game and I feel that players will feel good regarding value and content. When you have all those systems, you have progression, and you have multiplayer, sometimes things take longer to get right, but I'm glad that we took the time we needed to make sure that we got it correct because Warhammer 40K fans want it correct. If we screwed something up, they would be mad, you know, and so we really wanted to honor the franchise, we wanted to respect the universe, and we wanted to make the game that people want to play.

You worked closely with Games Workshop, right?

Yes, they were a great partner. Everything had to be approved, from a small insignia to iconography, dialogue, etc. But they were great to work with and helped us every step of the way, so it was a real partnership.

I guess that includes the storyline.

Definitely. Our storyline with Titus - did you play the original?

Not much.

Okay, which is fine because, again, like I said, you don't have to play the first one.

I know Titus, the protagonist, was demoted at the end of the first game.

Yes, and then he spent 200 years in Deathwatch. This is kind of a fresh start for him, but we tried to add more personality and emotions into his story and his relationship with his squadmates and how they feel about him. He needs to win their trust while also saving the universe, so it is more than just a run-and-gun game. Titus's story is an important part of the experience.

Especially because nowadays gamers want more. They're not just fine with shooting, like in the days of the original DOOM.

Yes. It's important to note that the Warhammer 40K universe has been an inspiration for so many video games throughout the last decades. Just look at the original DOOM space marine; what does he look like? Look at the chain sword in Gears - where did that come from? Look at things like the Power Armor in Fallout. That looks a lot like a Space Marine. This IP has influenced many games, so I hope gamers who may be younger or may not understand the 40K universe can look at this and understand how effective it is.

Speaking of the storyline, something I noticed while playing the preview is that one of Titus's squadmates is very confrontational with him.

Yes, Gadriel and Chairon. Yes, he gets a little whiny, and I want to punch him, but yes, he's like, "What is up with you?" There's an event in the game between Titus and him, but it is interesting to see how that plays out.

Based on your estimates, how long is the campaign going to be?

It took me 12 hours to complete it, but it all depends on how you play it, on the difficulty, whether you are with your human buddies or by yourself, etc.

The PvE co-op Operations mode basically continues the story of the campaign, right?

Yes. When you play through the campaign, there are times when other Space Marine squads go off and do other important missions in the big storyline, so it's like there's one mission where you have to send a signal, and the defenses have to be knocked out, and you hear that there's a squad doing that. Well, when you play PvE Operations, you're that squad. The battle is so big and there's so much going on that we've engineered these co-op missions to fit into the story and make you feel part of the bigger conflict.

I know you have a class system for the multiplayer modes. Can you talk about that?

Indeed. Are you familiar with World War Z? It's a little similar. Our game director, Dmitry Grigorenko, was the Game Director on World War Z, and he's very good at progression, class identities, and attributes. As you play, even in PvE, as you progress, you unlock different classes and you can earn experience. You can use some of that experience to upgrade your characters even in PvP, so it's like World War Z, where you have things like the Assault class, the Heavy class, and the Support class. We have Warhammer 40K names for them, but you can pick one that you like that fits your style and then you can you can apply your experience to those classes.

Okay. How deep is the progression for each class?

It's deep. World War Z was deep. I don't have the numbers off the top of my head, but I feel that players will be happy. Like World War Z, we will have updates where we will expand classes, weapons, and game modes, all for free.

Do you have plans to add new classes to Space Marine 2 post-launch?

Yes, we have plans for it. There will be new stuff for everything.

Is there some sort of randomness attached to the co-op mode to keep things interesting?

Yes. The game knows that you've played those missions before, and if you play them again, you can have different enemies, so you may play a mission, and then all of a sudden, Chaos Marines show up. We do add variety to that. It comes back to our AI Director, which is a key component in our Swarm Engine. We have the Swarm Deck, which controls the actions of the Swarms of Tyranids. When the Swarm breaks and each Tyranid starts to come at you, then the AI Director kicks in and it understands the state of the battles.

It can bring in heavies, and it can bring in ranged attack Tyranids. As a Space Marine, you are the ultimate killing machine. You are plowing through these Tyranids, but at some point, you start to feel overwhelmed, and you're fighting and fighting, and then you just finally make it through with barely enough armor left to survive. But you've done it, and that is all due to this very advanced AI director that helps kind of orchestrate those battles.

Are the class skills in multiplayer the same across PvE and PvP, or did you balance them differently?

There are similarities, but there are also differences because, obviously, fighting Chaos Marines is way more difficult than fighting Tyranids. There are behind-the-scenes changes and adjustments that allow for challenging yet approachable gameplay in PvP, as well as having fun with your buddies in PvE.

When you're in PvE, it's okay to feel overpowered. In PvP, not so much.

Yes. What's great about PvP is something I call the Dance of Death, where you can't just button mash; you gotta move. You have your blocks, you have your grabs, you have your counters, you have your fast melees, you have your long melees, and then you can have weapons. You need to keep moving and then attack, block, attack, so there is this Dance of Death that we've created in PvP.

You're independent again, with Saber CEO Matthew Karch owning parent company Beacon Interactive after the split with Embracer. How does it feel, and what changed?

Nothing really. The great thing about Saber is there's me, Matthew, Andrey, and Anton. There's like four of us that make all the decisions. That was always the case before we were purchased by Embracer, even while we worked with Embracer, and now that we're independent again, it really hasn't changed much.

I'm focusing on the games. That's my job, making sure that each of the teams has what they need to make the best game they can. I jump in when I'm free. I'm not in the trenches like Dmitry, but I do have exposure to all the titles and work with the teams, which makes my job awesome, I love my job. But nothing's really changed. We work with Focus for Space Marine 2 and RoadCraft. We've announced some other games we're working on, like Jurassic Park Survival, A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead, coming out in October, and Toxic Commando. We'll be talking about that soon after we launch Space Marine 2. Things are going well for us.

Are you maybe going to self-publish some titles, too?

Yeah. We're self-publishing Jurassic Park Survival and A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead, and we're also publishing third-party games like The Knightling. We own 3D Realms, so there are a number of titles that we publish.

Recently, the industry was shaken by various events, like studio closures and mass layoffs. Some developers are quite pessimistic about the future. What do you think?

I have seen all the cycles. I started in 1995, and I remember the death of consoles; I remember the death of the PC. I remember that, yes, there's always cycles, but good games and good teams will always be successful. One of the things that Saber has done well is that we have studios around the world and we focus on the right scopes for our games. We focus on the right deal for our games. Each of our studios has multiple projects, so we don't have 200 people sitting around waiting for pre-production to finish. We're very smart with our money, and we focus on the core aspects of the game. We focus on what's truly fun, whether it's a $5 million game, $10 million game, or $50 million; it doesn't matter.

But if that core game loop is not there, it's not going to be a success, and we've done well by managing our teams, having teams and around the world at different cost structures, and finding the most talented people. If you're a world-class artist, you don't need to be in California.

I guess, like you said, perhaps the secret is really managing your budget really well. Because some game franchises have had their budgets balloon with certain sequels.

Well, that's because some teams have, especially in North America, 150-200 people. They pay everyone well. If your burn rate is a couple of million dollars a month and you wanna change an idea three months later, that's like $6 million wasted. We can make a game for $6 million.

That's one of the problems, you got these huge teams working on one game. If they want to iterate, that's expensive. Each studio at Saber has a main team working on something, and it's a natural ramp, and we have people experimenting with ideas that are starting some really small projects. Maybe five people want to work on an idea, and they can change it, they iterate, they're not spending millions of dollars. As soon as that idea is solid and we're happy with it, after going through our evaluations and our gates, then we ship people over to that project.

We also have a culture at Saber where everyone can work on every project. I've seen studios in North America where people are like, I'm on the red team; I'm not going to work on the blue team. But here, we're all Team Saber. For instance, we are ramping people off Space Marine 2 because it's coming out soon. Now, those people will work on Jurassic Park Survival or Toxic Commando. That's how we remain lean and make money. We don't have ridiculously expensive budgets, so we don't have to sell four million copies to be a success, you know what I'm saying? There are games in North America that, if they don't sell 4 to 6 million copies, they are a failure. That is dangerous.

Just one last question. Electronic Arts actually came out a few months ago during an investor's call after canceling a Star Wars game in development at Respawn to say that they would lean less on licensed franchises in the future. Do you think that's where the industry is headed, partially to offset those growing budgets?

Oh no, no. We're working on a Jurassic Park game. That's one of the world's biggest IPs, and we have other things we are working on that we haven't announced yet. No, you have to manage how much money you are spending on your team. You have to manage how your teams are working.

If you have the right brand, the right IP, it can really benefit you. Even we have had great success working with other IPs. Look at World War Z. I believe the game has made more money than the movie did—I believe, but I'm not sure about that. But you have to manage your teams and your business, and you have to make the right game with the right budget in the right part of the world. That's what we do well.

Okay, well, thank you a lot for your time.

Tim Willits simply cannot not be a cheerful chap.


Oct 23, 2017
No denuvo
Does the game use DRM software (ie. Denuvo…)?

➡️ No.
Day 1 crack I guess...
Not worth pirating if you're gonna be doing any of the multiplayer stuff.
This just made it a day one purchase for me.
do you remember when games were sold done and finished? pepperidge hellfire remembers.
One and done products are nice but when you're left wanting more it sucks. I'm not nostalgic for the days of waiting for developers to needlessly create sequels instead of expansion content. Especially in this case where that content is free.
If you gave me the option of buying Hitman Blood Money levels instead of waiting all those years for Absolution I would've done it.


Jan 10, 2023
I liked the first game well enough, it was a good 7/10 game with a nice 40k coat of paint. It also helps that I paid like 5 bucks for it. Never played the MP tho.

Otoh cant say I am itching to play this one, maybe I will grab it a few years down the line.


Mar 10, 2011
I liked the first game well enough, it was a good 7/10 game with a nice 40k coat of paint. It also helps that I paid like 5 bucks for it. Never played the MP tho.

Otoh cant say I am itching to play this one, maybe I will grab it a few years down the line.

I thought the first game was surprisingly good, in particular the multiplayer was very engaging. It had an awesome PvE mode and the PvP wasn't half-bad.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
I've never understood the hype for this one. That first game was borderline trash and forgettable. I paid something like $5 for it and still felt like I got screwed.
It was fun, what are you on about.

You think running into battle naked and blocking blows with your face so you can get really mad is a good idea. Just saying.


Sep 25, 2012
Strap Yourselves In Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth


Aug 1, 2013
-looks at trailer-

Oh look, chaos.

In a space marine game? Well, I never.
This but unironically. There's nearly four dozen types of Tyranid bio-forms to choose from, and yet they had to rope in the nerdiest of traitor legions.


Ph.D. in World Saving
Nov 30, 2003
Clogging the Multiverse with a Crowbar
PCGamer gives it a lukewarm 60%, confirming my suspicions.

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 review

After a rip-roaring first impression, the long-awaited sequel quickly runs out of steam.

By Robin Valentine
published 14 hours ago

Over the course of its roughly eight-hour singleplayer campaign, Space Marine 2 presents the Warhammer 40,000 setting at a whole new level of spectacle. It feels huge, authentic, and visually sumptuous. But the sad truth is that I was tired of actually playing it before those eight hours were even up.

It's disappointing, because the game does make a fantastic first impression. As space marine warrior Lieutenant Titus, returning from the first game, you're dropped straight into a war against the insectile tyranids, and it's simply awe-inspiring looking out at the horizon and seeing their forces crawling over an entire mega-city. Developer Saber Interactive's swarm tech, already perfected in otherwise limp co-op shooter World War Z, is used to wonderful effect to sell the vast scale of war in the setting.

Hyper-gothic architecture towers over you, and as a genetically-modified, power-armoured super-soldier, you tower over the normal humans who scurry around your feet. Like the first game, Space Marine 2 understands that these warriors of the Imperium need to feel massive, weighty, and powerful, far beyond your usual bulky sci-fi protagonist.

In combat you're a force of nature, raining down explosive hell on tides of enemies before drawing a combat knife as long as a man and crashing into melee like a furious steam train. Larger elite enemies striding through the flood, such as grinning, chitinous tyranids warriors, are your priority targets. You ram through the crowd to reach them for melee duels, parrying their blows and smashing at their defences until they stand woozy and stunned, ready for an execution animation that restores your shield bar and sees them ripped to gory pieces and frequently stabbed to death with their own appendages.

For your first couple of hours of fights, it looks and feels awesome, but unfortunately it's not long before cracks start to show. The biggest problem is those executions which at first feel so cool. Other than the swarming minions, every enemy will enter that stunned state once they're at low enough health, and because executions are one of your only ways to mitigate damage, it's always to your advantage to perform them. The result is that you're constantly sprinting between flashing red foes to watch the same canned animations over and over, a problem that only escalates as the game sends increasing numbers of elite troops at you in its later stages.

Your two AI companions—fellow Space Marines Gadriel and Chairon—will even stun enemies for you and politely leave them for you to finish off while foes around you stand awkwardly waiting for their turn. At first I found the absurdity funny, but even that wore thin before long.
Only war

The whole system of combat is warped around this one mechanic. For example, because executions have to be performed at melee range, and are so vital for staying alive, long-range combat is largely pointless, despite the array of scoped weapons that cater for it. But equally the various close-range guns have little use either, because at that range you might as well just draw your melee weapon, and their lack of versatility will leave you caught out against certain enemy types. The sensible choice is always just your standard, mid-range boltgun. That's thematically appropriate, perhaps, but not ideal in a game that already struggles to offer variety in its repetitive combat encounters that far too often simply see you fighting the same small number of enemy types over and over.

Beyond that, fights simply feel rough around the edges. Parries are oddly inconsistent—some attacks come with a huge, flashing indicator and a giant timing window, while others aren't telegraphed at all and are easily missed in the crush. Against some attacks, parries will automatically kill or stagger the foe, but for others they don't—instead, you want to try and parry or dodge with perfect timing (a window that itself feels inconsistent) in order to be able to perform a bolt pistol counter-shot and recover some shield. But then sometimes simply a charged melee attack will get you that counter-shot instead. None of it quite clicks together.

The whole combat system is simply messy in this way—it feels like the developer iterated on it several times but forgot to go back and delete their old work, so multiple clashing ideas sit jumbled together. There are individual elements that work well—Titus feels huge without being slow or unresponsive, iconic Warhammer 40,000 weapons such as the thunder hammer are as impactful and empowering as they should be, and there's a great gory sense of humour to the animations. But it doesn't add up to a coherent vision, and over the course of the campaign the charm of the parts that do work is tarnished more and more by the repetition and frustration of the ones that don't.

In some ways, the campaign is refreshingly focused—with no levelling system, unlocks, or side missions, and only a tiny smattering of collectibles, it's an antidote to the cluttered and bloated worlds of modern action games. For the most part it's just you and the combat setpieces, and when the game's firing on all cylinders, especially early on, that works. There's a real ambition and imagination to its spectacle, and the short campaign is full of sights to delight Warhammer 40,000 fans in particular.

But again it's undermined by what you're actually doing. Much of the encounter design feels overly inspired by the game's co-op mode (more on that later)—you're constantly standing in a circle until a bar fills up, or defending a big inanimate object, or running between computer consoles pressing buttons, while arbitrary waves of enemies spawn at you. (You even have to wait for your two allies to "assemble" with you at the end of every area before you can push a button to move into the next one.)

There's a mid-game sequence, for example, where an enormous swarm of tyranids attempt to hurl themselves bodily into a colossal power generator to try and destablise it. It's a wonderful visual—that perfect Warhammer mix of cool, scary, and completely absurd—but it's essentially a cross between wave-based survival and an escort mission, and the actual process of trying to keep the generator's health from ticking down while countless creatures much smaller and faster than you sprint at it is more tedious than epic.
The Imperial Truth

What does shine through is how passionate and knowledgeable about this setting Saber Interactive is. Though the story is fairly thin (essentially Titus is just in the middle of a big war trying to prevent the use of a dangerous macguffin) it nails both the broad strokes of how Warhammer 40,000 should feel, and its quieter, more nuanced elements.

More often than not, videogames in this setting simply tell stories of heroic Imperials fighting against the forces of pure evil. So it was a pleasant surprise to see this game incorporate themes such as the simmering tension between the space marines and the Adeptus Mechanicus, a divergent cult needed for their engineering prowess but with their own inscrutable ambitions. Or the low-level internal politics within Titus' chapter, around questions of faith, corruption, and his own murky past. Or the strange layers of superstition and ignorance that hamper the Imperium's relationship with its own technology—there's something both poignant and funny about such powerful warriors having to follow awkward automated bureaucratic processes to get a machine started in the middle of a warzone, or offer some burnt incense and a prayer before accessing classified computer files.

In some ways it's authentic to a fault, even—it's likely to be too in-depth for those unfamiliar with the universe, or even just more casual Warhammer fans. The game spends almost no time on exposition about the setting, trusting players to have done their homework, and it doesn't shy away from more obscure or complex reference points. If you don't know how the Deathwatch works and why being a Blackshield in it would be shameful, or the function of a Neurothrope in the synaptic network of the Tyranids, or the reason that a soldier of the Thousand Sons would have no corporeal body inside their armour… then you're likely to find yourself confused not just by the details of the plot but by what you see in fights, too.

For those who are dedicated Warhammer 40,000 aficionados, however, there's a real thrill in such a major game not only representing the setting so well but refusing to compromise on it for a mainstream audience. Space Marine 2 revels in the specifics of Games Workshop's universe in a way I think very few games ever have, and that's something the community is sure to take to heart even if the overall experience is flawed.

But while that atmosphere and authenticity never breaks, like the combat the story increasingly loses its way as the game goes on. It has an odd structure—by the end of the second act, any intrigue and mystery in the plot has been fully resolved already, and the character arcs of your companions have concluded. (Titus himself doesn't have an arc—he's just always right, and spends the game stoically waiting for everyone else to realise.) That leaves the third act with nothing to do but try and escalate all the fighting and shouting and apocalyptic threats ever higher and higher, and though the visuals are mostly impressive enough to back it up, it does all start to feel like so much noise.

It's not helped by an increasing shift in focus over the course of the game from the tyranids to the forces of Chaos—specifically the Thousand Sons, worshippers of the god of magic and scheming, Tzeentch. Compared to the utterly alien tyranids, this dark cult offers a more understandable foe, but their plans are frustratingly underbaked, and in a game with so many surprisingly nuanced details, its key villains are oddly two-dimensional.

Worse, they're simply a lot less fun to fight than the bugs. Chaos space marines, your evil counterparts, are unflinching damage sponges that put out heaps of near-unavoidable ranged damage—they're sent at you in increasingly large waves, and of course you'll need to perform a lengthy execution on every single one of them to stay alive. The point at which the combat is most wearing out its welcome is the point where the game goes all-in on its least satisfying enemies.
Squad game

The game also has a PvP multiplayer mode, pitting loyalist space marines against chaos space marines of various legions. Unfortunately I wasn't able to test this at all as part of my review, because the playerbase was too small in the pre-launch period. This score therefore doesn't account for PvP. To be honest I will be very surprised if these combat mechanics translate into a satisfying competitive experience, but I'll be giving the mode a go later this week and posting my impressions soon.

Throughout the campaign, Titus sends another small team out to complete vital objectives that intersect with his own. This is your cue to hop over into the separate but narratively interwoven co-op mode, where you can play out these missions with up to two friends as one of six different Space Marine classes. While in the story Titus is battling to reach the astropaths to send a message off-world, for example, you can play out the effort to destroy signal jammers around the area, or perform the assassination of a Hive Tyrant that clears the way for him to get there.

It's an interesting idea, and does add some extra drama to the six co-op missions. There is fun to be had, too, in the sheer chaos of three player-controlled marines crashing around taking on even greater numbers of foes, and at least the mission objectives that feel contrived in the singleplayer fit more neatly in multiplayer. There's no less attention to detail in the visuals and setpieces, either—there are moments in the co-op that feel just as spectacular and must-see as anything in the campaign.

It's clear Saber Interactive's hope is that this is where players will end up sinking a lot of time into the game. Unlike the singleplayer, co-op has currencies to earn, weapons to unlock, and other forms of progression to keep you coming back—and there's more content planned for release post-launch.

After playing each of the six missions for the first time, however, I already felt I'd essentially seen everything co-op has to offer. Those problems with the combat system are even more pronounced in a mode that pushes you to test your skills (and includes two people ready to steal your executions), and compared to the Warhammer co-op elephant-in-the-room Darktide there just isn't the depth here to dig into over a long period of time, either in the action or in the very linear levelling.

Though the missions are very cinematic, one of the consequences of that is they don't really have the variability to stand up to repeated replaying—once you've seen the cool things once, they'll be the same again next time you see them. But even on your first play you'll notice serious problems with how each mission is paced. Where Darktide has a natural ebb and flow, interspersing intense fights with moments of eerie quiet, Space Marine 2 feels like it's spawning enemies haphazardly just to try and keep you busy.

The result is that missions feel oddly flat, existing at much the same level of action throughout and inevitably ending with the three players present saying "Oh, I guess that was the end?" when it suddenly cuts to the outro cinematic.

Following the fairly short singleplayer campaign, I was hoping the co-op would make Space Marine 2 a more complete package, but it feels just as fire-and-forget—worth trying for its cool, cinematic moments and the initial rush of the action, but wearing out its welcome a while before its roughly five hours of content is up. Future updates will add more to do and may smooth off some of the rough edges, but I'll be surprised if they can improve the core systems and mission design enough to give the mode the depth it would need for long term play.
Old soldiers

Though the original Space Marine, from developer Relic Entertainment, is remembered fondly, it too certainly had its flaws. So I decided I'd finish off my review by going back to the now 13-year-old game and seeing how they compare. What I discovered is that, though its sequel easily beats it for visual splendour, ambition, and authenticity to the setting, the original is simply far more fun to play. Combat has a clearer rhythm that feels far more under the player's control, and though it's shallower, it benefits from being less cluttered with overlapping systems. That's damning—after more than a decade of advancements in gaming design and technology, I'd still rather fight orks on Graia than tyranids on Kadaku.

And yet there are moments in Space Marine 2 that I think every fan of Warhammer 40,000 owes it to themselves to see. It's rough and uneven, but still operating on a grander scale and level of production value than we've ever seen from the setting before. It puts me in the odd position of feeling that this is fundamentally not a good game, but one that I think will still be a great source of joy for its intended audience.

As a few hours of seeing cool stuff, feeling big, and nerding out before it runs out of steam, Space Marine 2 is a decent bit of fun. But at full price, and after 13 years since the original, I think you'd expect a bit more than that. I commend Saber Interactive for its clearly genuine and deep love for Warhammer 40,000, but though it's done right by the venerable setting, I wish as much care had been put into the parts I actually get to control.


Warhammer 40000: Space Marine 2
Fans of Warhammer 40,000 will be delighted by the spectacle and authenticity—but ultimately disappointed by messy action and unengaging multiplayer.

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