In typical corpo fashion, they made each main character a different colour, except they are all, in truth, white guys. Why bother making a black and an Asian dude when they’re completely indistinguishable in every way except their faces from a white? It’s fake diversity which is even more loathsome than the regular kind. I want my black guy to be jive talking and I want my Asian guy to be dropping some ancient wisdom with the classic accent. The game has a general problem where the voices do not match the characters at all. I found it very jarring. Then there’s the woman commander lady that looks like an old Russian granny took hgh and got beat with an ugly stick. Sigh.
The faces are actually a running joke in Warhammer 40k, because they are modelled after white faces, and that is why the Salamanders are described as being black-skinned due to a peculiarity of the Primarch and an adaptation to their home planet, but not black as in race. The woman commander looked to me like a middle-aged street-shitter. It's a shame we didn't get a good looking one like in the first game.
There is no grit to the characters at all and there is a general plastic, cartoonish feel to the graphics which I find displeasing. Especially the faces. Actually, reminds me of the warhammer toys that you glue together and paint but just because it’s based on toys doesn’t mean everyone in the video game has to look like toys. The main villain is strikingly goofy looking and impossible to take seriously. Later in the game, we enter the realm of purple and cyan particle effects. Typical of modern games, the too colourful, too bright, overdone magical spell graphics combined with overly smooth textures make the game have a childish atmosphere that I hate with all my heart. Especially the fucking PURPLE. I have had enough purple in video games now to last 100 lifetimes. I wish I could jab something into my eyes that would remove my ability to perceive purple.
Captain Acheran's face is modelled after the Captain in Phobos Armour miniature (look it up), and I'm pretty sure there are more. The colorful aspect is there because it's a realistic take on what the tabletop game looks like. Also, if you go outside you'll notice that the world is full of colour. Nobody wants to play some desaturated colour shit that looks like you left it in the tailpipe of a running truck and then you shoved it up the ass and shat it out, or like a chain-smoker's apartment. The brown and grey palette from 20 years ago was there to conceal technical shortcomings of graphics (mostly consoles') hardware, or because some Steven Spielberg cargo cultism. The purple and cyan chaos shit is lore accurate, I don't get WTF are you complaining about. It looks like you were expecting Gears of War or another generic brown game, but that's not what this is.
I don’t pretend to understand what was going on in the story. The meatheads say a bunch of soldier brotherhood stuff and go around blowing up aliens. I wonder what these guys are even fighting for, haven’t seen a single nice place to live where you could go settle down and raise your family. Just let the insects have this shitty galaxy imo.
Man, it's Warhammer 40k, not some gay shit. The Space Marines are essentially superhuman warrior monks, they aren't going to raise a family. The aliens are out there to eat you and the whole planet, you aren't going to give them an inch. The people who raise families live huddled together in megastructures and eat recycled dead people for lunch. It's like playing a LotR game and not understanding why they don't give the shitty ring to the gentlemen in black and go back home and raise a family. Purge and cleanse, motherfucker.