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Was Fallout 76 a small slip or it will impact future of Bethesda?


Mar 29, 2015
I cum from a land down under
Insert Title Here
Fallout 76 was supposed to be a way to continuously milk the IP for the many, many years until if/when they release Fallout 5 in 2050 or whatever. Obviously for the suits and bean counters its a smart idea to have online multiplayer game with constant micro transactions bleeding the fanboys.

Given the reception who knows how it will work out? But i still predict someday it will do a "No Mans Sky" and there will be a big push by media/Youtube shills to say how amazing it is years after the terrible launch.


Mar 27, 2019
You guys must really be crying yourselves to sleep at night knowing Bethesda is still on top of the gaming industry. Starfield will be a hit and the next TES game will break records. Deal with it nerds.
Considering that RPG Codex is clearly a democracy, we should hold a vote to ban Fluent. /s


Nov 15, 2015
Given the reception who knows how it will work out? But i still predict someday it will do a "No Mans Sky" and there will be a big push by media/Youtube shills to say how amazing it is years after the terrible launch.


Mar 27, 2019
Sorry to break it to you my dude but i'm willing to bet good money on there never being a good Fallout game every again (and by that i mean a fallout game that keeps the fallout tradition). BS Games doesn't care about Fallout per se. They just want to monetize the iconography as much as possible.

I disagree. We regularly get good Fallout games.

Just not from the owners of the franchise.

Fallout: Ressurection
Fallout of Nevada

Soon: Fallout: Sonora

There are still things to look forward too. And Bethesda? Screw them.
Well i meant by the IP holders. But yeah there are some good fan projects i guess.


Mar 29, 2015
I cum from a land down under
Insert Title Here
You guys must really be crying yourselves to sleep at night knowing Bethesda is still on top of the gaming industry. Starfield will be a hit and the next TES game will break records. Deal with it nerds.
Considering that RPG Codex is clearly a democracy, we should hold a vote to ban Fluent. /s

Use the ignore function, its faster and easier. And if everyone does it he will go away.


Nov 4, 2012
The Satellite Of Love
It's laid the groundwork for them to properly fuck themselves up in the future. Really, it's all going to ride on TES VI - if they can pull another Skyrim (well received and enjoyed by most, big mainstream appeal, huge sales) then they're back in business. If TES VI is the sort of abject disaster we've come to expect from Todd, they're in real trouble.

Remember that Fo4 wasn't well received either. Their last good game in many people's eyes was Skyrim. If we say TES VI comes out in the early 2020s, that's 10 or more years since Skyrim - if it sucks, then that's over a decade of shitty games. That's hard to pull back from.

And if TES VI is a fuckup and then, after that, any other dev tries their hand at Bethesda's formula and succeeds, then that's pretty much game over for Bethesda. Their financial mega-success up until Fo4 will take them far, but people get fed up after being served shit for so long. I'm at the point where I don't think I'll be buying their games again, I still feel tricked for buying Fo4.


May 19, 2019
Okie Land
I still feel tricked for buying Fo4.
I expected shit, but got an okay shooter. Hooray?

If it was a budget title made by a couple of dudes while working at the Cracker Barrel I'd say it was a noble accomplishment. As it is it's more like NASA spending billions of dollars to invent an amazing new form of transportation, and after years of development they roll out a Ford Fiesta.


Jan 5, 2009
Bubbles In Memoria
I think Bethesda probably is on a downward trajectory and Starfield might be a disappointment financially for them but I wouldn't take F76 as indicative of much of anything since it was battle cry studios that primarily developed that, not Bethesda proper.


Jun 25, 2019
You guys must really be crying yourselves to sleep at night knowing Bethesda is still on top of the gaming industry. Starfield will be a hit and the next TES game will break records. Deal with it nerds.
I think they should make next Elder Scrolls and Fallout Single Player F2P game with GAaS content production and monetization and online rankings&social media sharing.

Also add strong elements like decorating your house, going to work and dates, basically sims-like and make it some part of it playable on mobile. Imagine those millions upon millions of potential consumers. Screw those nerd types, real future of fat gaming revenue is somewhere else. Onwards to bright future!
Dec 12, 2013
I honestly hope one day Bethesda will close it's doors. We are half way there already with Bioware. Let's hope we will all live to see the moment when both of them are dead and celebrate it by playing something good.

Commissar Draco

Codexia Comrade Colonel Commissar
Mar 6, 2011
Привислинский край
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Sorry to break it to you my dude but i'm willing to bet good money on there never being a good Fallout game every again (and by that i mean a fallout game that keeps the fallout tradition). BS Games doesn't care about Fallout per se. They just want to monetize the iconography as much as possible.

I disagree. We regularly get good Fallout games.

Just not from the owners of the franchise.

Fallout: Ressurection
Fallout of Nevada

Soon: Fallout: Sonora

There are still things to look forward too. And Bethesda? Screw them.

WASTELAND 2 ATOM RPG UNDERDARK I don't give rat ass about Vault boi and such but those games did scratched by post apocalyptic itch and were all creatively different Comrade.


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 24, 2017
Free City of Warsaw
I recently finished Atom and after Fallout of Nevada plan to begin full playthrough of Underrail+Expedition. Wasteland 2 I played long time ago, before it got DC and the game bugged out on me. I'll try it again next year to see if the bugs were properly exterminated. And soon we will also get Encased.

Good times, despite Bethesda's rape of Fallout official franchise.
Dec 23, 2018
FO76 was hugely damaging to Bethesda, not just the the game itself but their actions in the whole FO76 saga. Bethesda games will always be extremely flawed, the writing is almost always shit, the games are always full of bugs, the graphics are years behind the state of the art etc. They really depend on the goodwill of their fanbase to overlook those flaws and for the modding community to fix their bugs. Post FO67 though Bethesda seemed to do absolutely everything they could think of to alienate their fans. To start with, releasing an MMO after they made all that noise about being the saviours of single player gaming, releasing a game that isn't just overflowing with bugs but completely broken, Bethesda fans can live with a lot of bugs but even they have their limit, then leaving a ton of exploits in their MMO and then blaming the players for using them, leaving a freaking room with all the rarest items in the game and then blaming and actually banning people for finding this room, outright fraud with the game merchandise, and so on. I think at this point even some of their most rabid fanboys are beginning to have second thoughts about this company.
After Skyrim Bethesda probably felt like they could do no wrong, the whole industry was copying Bethesda's open world approach, now after FO76 they look totally incompetent. All this will have a huge impact on the sales of Starfield and the next Elder Scrolls.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
The only thing Bethesda needs to take away from FO76 to remain successful is to NEVER attempt a centralized online game again. It takes power away from the content creators which are largely responsible for making their games remotely playable.


I'm a spicy fellow.
Oct 28, 2010
Your wallet.
Codex 2013 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
FO 76 was a test. They announced it last minute and it clearly didn't have that high of a budget considering Bethesda's standards (it's part of the problems, really).
They haven't bet the company's treasury on it. I'm not worried too much, but FO4 was already a warning for them as far as reviews and reputation is concerned. FO76 is another one. Let's just say that if Starfield sucks too, they will have a lot of trouble to recover.

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