Sunk around 8 more hours into the game this weekend, just finishing up on Taris
Still really enjoying it, surprisingly so. This early combat is undoubtably lacking, it's not awful by any means but it's certainly nothing special either. But I've just got Force powers rolling now that I've nabbed a certain character, and that's added a slight bit of spice to proceedings thankfully, hopefully it will continue.
Linear corridors are a valid complaint, but the freedom to approach various quests how you like helps matters. Not to mention that the location of those quests and how they overlap, means it's not straight-forward to streamline everything too, so linearity isn't bothering me currently.
And bloody hell they've done a superb job of paying homage to and capturing that 70's/80's/90's sci-fi vibe. I absolute love how they've struck an almost perfect balance of fantastical and realistic, and allowed the early game to give you something of a Star Trek/Space Hunter feel too, where you are a mere mortal just trying to get off a rock. Honestly, I'm a huge sucker for Sci-Fi done well, and you can tell this has had some real effort and real heart put into this area of it's development. It avoids a ton of Nu-Star Wars dumb shit, and gives you those feels which peak sci-fi did. That's a huge sweet spot for me personally.
Apart from the odd mis-step, the writing and voice acting are pretty good, and the quests themselves fun too. I really appreciate how opposite alignments allow for different approaches to certain quests rather than just being a case of doing the same quest but choosing between doing it with a smile or frown upon your face.
So far, it's held up way better than I thought, would probably rate it 8/10 at the mo.