Melee classes should be doing more tactical things like the knockdowns, Tripping, bashing, Grappling, flanking, using special weapon styles (actively and not as a passive bonus) to take advantages of situations such as using Half Swords, using kicks etc to actually make melee interesting. More importantly not every build should be able to access all of them.
uh oh.Well yes, the mage is going to have *some* ability to do damage, but spells of that nature are so weak they don't unbalance anything.You do know that Wizards have at will spells? I can guess that they are going to be Ray of frost, Acid splash and arrow of flame.
if it's done badly, i.e the game forces you to say shit that goes against everything you stand for, I'd rather have keywords. At least they're more difficult to get completely wrong.
it seams Josh is taking this road
Fuck you all and your fucking Project Eternity ranting!
All damage is handled by the same system. Magic damage is resisted by will power the same way physical damage is resisted by dexterity. So I think mages will be dealing with DT too.uh oh.Well yes, the mage is going to have *some* ability to do damage, but spells of that nature are so weak they don't unbalance anything.You do know that Wizards have at will spells? I can guess that they are going to be Ray of frost, Acid splash and arrow of flame.
You know what happens in the game when the guys are wearing heavy armor? Do you know the game has DT for physical weapons? Which means that weapons do at the most their min damage. Do you think that min damage will be the same level as Wizards base spells? You BET it will be.
All damage is handled by the same system. Magic damage is resisted by will power the same way physical damage is resisted by dexterity. So I think mages will be dealing with DT too.
Well if encounter design is shit, it doesn't matter how good the system is.
Fuck you all and your fucking Project Eternity ranting!
Fuck you all and your fucking Project Eternity ranting!
Every thread on the Codex is about Eternity or Sawyer eventually. It's a rule.
Petition to rename RPGCodex to RogueyCodex.
Hey man I was always against cool downs, I think W2 is going to be the better game, and I'm not sure I like Sawyers obsession with making every thing equally valuable. All that said, I think there merit in his design for reducing the overpoweredness of Wizards in IE games.Well if encounter design is shit, it doesn't matter how good the system is.
Believe it or not, if cool downs and regenerating 'stamina' were still in effect it would have made for the worst kind of encounters. Thank god they are gone. The game is that much better because of that. No only if the 'legendary designer' also skips the per encounter shit. ...
The original answer is gone but this one references it: ""Some players absolutely do not care about making noise or alerting enemies, so they would happily blast away at every other door hinge/lock with a combat shotgun."Jesus fucking Christ. Who are these metagamers and where do they come from (and why should you even care in a single-player game)? Has Sawyer somehow got an access to Ray Muzyka's telemetry and does he use it now to design games?
If you want to get a bunch of important documents from a locked safe, you don't want to blow it up. If you bump into a three-foot thick blast door, you're probably not even able to open it with dynamite (although you might be able to blow a hole into the wall next to it). You don't want to open the door with explosives when sneaking into Papa Khan's bedroom or when trying to rescue deputy Beagle without alerting every single bandit to your presence. You don't want to use explosives inside a New Vegas casino unless you're prepared to massacre everyone there. In general, if you play a stealthy character, being able to pick a lock silently is infinitely more useful than only being able to blow it up. What the hell is so complicated about that?
This is not true for New Vegas. Lots of good stuff behind locked containers. Nothing you need to finish the game but obviously that would be terrible.If I was a metagamer, I wouldn't even bother saving my explosives for the situations that Sawyer describes. I'd just carry a few skill magazines and some well-selected drugs and it'd probably give me everything I need. After all, if there's only one way to open a lock, it's safe to assume that there's nothing critically important behind a door that requires a maxed-out lockpick skill. And if there is, there's always a key somewhere.
Oh this is cute, you think he really hates that.Sawyer can't really cop to FNV having worthless legacy skill design from FO3 (idiotic shit like +5 lockpick clothing for example),
VA is fine and I hope there will be serious amount of it. Otherwise its a waste of money. Giving every important npc several starting lines of voiced dialogue like in BG series is stupid gimmick and feel really out of place.
A challenger appears!Every thread on the Codex is about Eternity or Sawyer eventually. It's a rule.
Petition to rename RPGCodex to SawyerCodex.