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Game News Wasteland 2 Kickstarter Update #61: Game of the Year Edition Coming Free to All Owners


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Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Tags: Chris Keenan; InXile Entertainment; Wasteland 2

Although for a time it seemed like they were flirting with the idea of charging for it, in the latest Wasteland 2 Kickstarter update, inXile's Chris Keenan confirms that the Game of the Year Edition update will be free for all owners on PC.

You may have caught word of our plans to release Wasteland 2 Game of the Year Edition on PC platforms, as well as Xbox One and PlayStation 4 - and if you haven't, you can check out some tidbits on the PlayStation blog, or watch the Xbox One or PS4 trailer. But while that's all well and good, we've been asked by many of our backers and fans over the last months: what about those that made Wasteland 2 a reality in the first place, or previously purchased the game?

We’re very happy to announce that the Game of the Year Edition will be coming as a FREE UPDATE to all owners of Wasteland 2 on Windows, Mac or Linux. Whether an original backer, a late backer or someone who purchased the game later on, we will be providing Wasteland 2 Game of the Year Edition as an upgrade to your PC version of the game, available to you when it launches in late summer of this year!

Wasteland 2 Game of the Year Edition will include a huge set of improvements on the original game. Wasteland 2 will be making the jump to Unity 5, the latest version of the Unity game engine, and benefits from updated environment textures, completely redone character models, and Physically Based Rendering for more impressive lighting. We’ve added a ton of new voice-over to enrich the game's cast of characters, including your trusted companions.

The Game of the Year Edition also provides major updates to gameplay.

One feature we're very proud of is our new Perks & Quirks system, which we've teased a little bit previously with Eurogamer. In the GOTY Edition, you'll be able to customize your squad of Desert Rangers with over 80 Perks & 20 Quirks, which let you fine-tune your characters throughout the game with unique bonuses and trade-offs. For instance, with Way of the Squeezins you'll become a little bit dependent on that special sauce, but gain some short-lived combat bonuses; Raised in the Circus will make you more nimble in combat, but you can bet there's a downside or two to looking like a clown.

Our fans have also pointed out that one feature they loved in previous RPGs is the ability to do more finely targeted attacks. Well, we've been hard at work on that too. Our new Precision Strike system lets Rangers target individual body parts on enemies to gain the edge in combat.

Wasteland 2's Precision strikes will tend towards less random and more reliable. With Precision Strikes, you'll be able to inflict debilitating status effects on your enemies to turn the tactical tide. For example, aiming for an enemy's torso will reduce their armor value, letting you hit them harder with your other squadmates, and firing on their head (or CPU, as the case may be) has a chance to stun or even send them into a psychotic state where they won't be able to tell friend from foe. With Precision Strikes the battlefield becomes much more dynamic and chaotic.

Finally, to improve on the gameplay experience and ensure the above features are fitted in seamlessly, we're also overhauling game balance, item drops, and reworking the majority of combat encounters throughout the game. You'll need all your training and smarts to master the new dangers of the Arizona wastes.

We'll have more to talk about as we get closer to release, as we're not quite ready to show off these features in the flesh, but if you’re hungry for more right now, Eurogamer has the most expansive interview on the Game of the Year Edition available, with me and Brian explaining the update and showing examples of the upgrades. You can also read more on Gameranx, Shacknews and Gaming Bolt.

Wasteland 2 Game of the Year Edition is coming to you free as our way of thanking you for all your support. In an age of paid DLC and microtransactions, we’re thankful that you’ve given us an alternative way to make games we love. We’re very proud of what you’ve helped us accomplish and very happy that our business model is based on mutual trust and support, and this is part of that.
The update also comes with some new screenshots from the GOTY Edition:


Rather clever PR move from inXile, delaying this news until now. It should inspire some goodwill towards the Bard's Tale IV Kickstarter, which according to the update should be arriving fairly soon.


backlog digger
Sep 10, 2010
Fort Joy
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They should launch the new KS campaign as soon as possible or wait until The Witcher 3 PR storm calms down, otherwise they risk drowning in it. Although maybe I am overstimating the overlap here.

Anyway, their dedication to keep the fans happy is encouraging, even if Wasteland 2's quality was disappointing for some people, so I will probably back BT4.


Jan 1, 2015
Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
I don't care much for the additional VO, but the rest sounds good. Armor/weapon balance probably needs the most work.


No, they really could have charged for it. ffs...

hey lets celebrate we are getting for free something that we should be getting for free :happytrollboy:

Anyway, their dedication to keep the fans happy is encouraging, even if Wasteland 2's quality was disappointing for some people, so I will probably back BT4.
Thank god Larian didnt take you for a writer.

target individual body parts on enemies to gain the edge in combat.
Like you need any edge in that shit...

inflict debilitating status effects on your enemies to turn the tactical tide.
what tide now?

For example, aiming for an enemy's torso will reduce their armor value,

and firing on their head (or CPU, as the case may be) has a chance to stun or even send them into a psychotic state where they won't be able to tell friend from foe.

With Precision Strikes the battlefield becomes much more dynamic and chaotic.

Good to see WL2 finally leaving Early Access :salute:

You mean the beta.


Jun 4, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2
Still having fingers crossed that this isn't "just" a combat and graphics update, but also touches the content on a more comprehensive level (even if just slightly whilst the engine swap and fighting take the main stage).


Old time handsome face wrecker
Dec 1, 2010
San Diego
Codex 2014
Looking forward to it. The game always felt a little empty without perks/traits, and that's not just Fallout talking. When you have a party of 7 people, it is really hard to differentiate them from each other in meaningful ways.

Bleed the Man

May 30, 2013
Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
It was obvious they would give it for free to the owners of the game, otherwise the backlash would've been huge and more detrimental than any possible benefit.

Very excited to see what they've done (and hoping it won't be horribly buggy with all this enhancements)


Oct 12, 2008
They seem to be making all the right moves with this---between this and whatever crazy thing(s) Larian is cooking up meanwhile on D:OS the latter half of the year should be quite a vibrant state of affairs on both of these examples of KS done right.

Doktor Best

Feb 2, 2015
Ill be honest, the changes sound very promising to me. The new precision strike model could kinda feel like the elements system in divinity, and if they tweak the balance on the right spots we could finally have some really decent combat. That would help the game alot since its very combat based.

And supporting their game to that extent after release is certainly not the usual thing we get from developers.

Deleted member 7219

Looking forward to the perk system, and the game not looking like brown shit, but late summer puts it around the same time as the Shadowrun: Hong Kong release and I'm definitely going to put that one first.

Dr Skeleton

Nov 9, 2014
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I posted this once and I'll post it again.
As much as I liked the game, I really hope they revise Seal Beach and the final battle area because they seemed very rushed and cut in the version I've played.

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