Love this game..
Starting to HATE STEAM with a passion though, not sure why this is considered more 'user friendly'.
Here is my current steam rage problem. I started to try and play wasteland 2 and steam informed me there was an update patch. Yeah, a patch! So it begins downloading and my computer starts to freeze up, the download times says there is 15-19 minutes left, but as my computer slows down it turns into hours etc..finally it freezes and I have to restart the computer and the patch was only about 15% downloaded. So I restart the computer and restart steam and try to load wasteland 2 again so it can finish patching. (the setting is on 'always keep game updated BTW)...well the game loads this time without anymore downloading or patching, I am thinking it can't possibly be downloaded since it said there was 15-20 minutes left on the download when it froze up and I turned the computer off and back on and immediately tried to run the game to finish the patch only a few minutes later. But the game does not seem to be updating or patching, nor does steam seem to think I need to patch it now...problem is I have no idea, there is no version number in the wasteland 2 startup screen, or credits or anywhere I can see. On steam I can't find a version number, nor can I see anyway to know if its actually patched.
I click wasteland 2 game update history and it tells me all about the new patch, but I have no idea if it applied to my game or not and to me it seems impossible it could have finished patching since it froze up with 15 minutes left on the download and I restarted the computer and its only 2 minutes later. I guess the new shit is to just assume 'THE STEAM' has it all under control and not to worry about what version it is or if it applied or not because THE STEAM has it all covered, but the problem is I can't understand how the patch might of installed in this instance and so much information is hidden from me and there is no way to just go download a patch off the internet and apply it to my game since it has to work through steam and so I am left with the option of just assuming THE STEAM just never fucks up and its all working, but I hate that shit..
Second of all, what does 'backup files' on Steam mean? Does this mean can 'backup' my files and play my game without the internet? Does it mean there is some way to actually install the en tire game on my computer using the 'backup files' utility? I don't know what 'backup files' means or why I would want to do it. I read about it on steam help and its still unclear what it is or why I would want to do it. If it means it installs all the files on my computer so I don't need a steam connection then I think it should be called something else, like 'full install', because 'backup files' to me means just making a copy of files I already have on my computer, and I don't see the need to do this. So maybe 'backup' means full instal, and that would be cool, but I don't actually know. Thanks STEAM for making my gaming experience so much more user friendly. The problem with steam to me seems to be they try to anticipate how stupid people think about computers or something, but in the process they actually have made the entire experience more confusing and opaque for other types of users.