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Game News Wasteland 2 to use Unity


May 13, 2012
Linux is an excuse, they wouldn't go for Unity if the source was not provided.

You think other engines would not have required source code access and support? Has little to do with Unity.

That's true, but the fact that Unity does not provide the source is embarrassing.
How can we take it seriously if everybody who does get serious with the engine has to beg for the source code?

What's good about an engine that's only good if you have the source code?

For these "generic" engines, once your project reaches a level of complexity, you will want the source code. Making games without source code on a non-specialized engine is really only for casual boring-banal-bullshit.

UDK doesn't, CryEngine doesn't. You can pay a milliion bucks to get it though. Ridiculous you say? Industry Standard for the big players from what I see.

Battlestar Galactica Online - A MMO used vanilla Unity, no source. So the engine can be used to make a MMO, but not Wasteland... They have to beg for source code, which is embarasing, but all the serious players keep it to themselves unless you can spare the cash. There was a conspiracy I tell you.

Battlestar Galactica Online is a browser-based Massively Multiplayer Online Game. For god's sake, are you comparing a browser-based game to W2?

Do you think that because it is presented within a browser it's easier to make an MMO?
Do you think because an MMO is in a browser it is less complex?

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
I don't give a good fuck what engine is used so long as it's good enough to replicate a Fallout/Wasteland experience.

Of course it is. So are many other engines. The question was more about efficiency, not just for multi-platform release but for crafting this game with a small team and short timeframe. That's where Unity stood out. The graphics side was never that important since WL2 will be a fairly simple-looking game, relative to others. It provides well enough physics-wise and has enough coding options. Sensible choice.

But oh no, it's been used for browser and mobile games! Let us jump to conclusions about what this meeeeaaans. I bet it'll be comparable to a browser-based game! Totally a conclusion worth drawing :salute:


May 21, 2007
Browser deployment has fuck all to do with anything (as long as we're talking about NaCL or the web player plugin). It's just the "system layer".


May 13, 2012
Brother None: Man I'm like your avatar now, it started with a facepalm so hard, that moving my hand downwards simply took the skin off my flesh.


Jun 29, 2007
Do you think that because it is presented within a browser it's easier to make an MMO?
Do you think because an MMO is in a browser it is less complex?

It's complex alright, but the mechanics are totally different, if it's a browser game then it's made to be light, doesn't matter if it's complex or not.

Good for Unity that BSGO was made totally using Unity scripting but don't you think that a W2 game might be different? Can't you even imagine that a W2 game would require more components than a browser game? I don't care if Fargo likes Unity or not, I don't, I don't care if Unity is good, I still don't like it and saying BSGO was made in Unity so W2 can too is not a good argument.

You can't compare Orange with Apples.


(ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ ┻━┻
May 1, 2007
Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Torment: Tides of Numenera
Battlestar Galactica Online is a browser-based Massively Multiplayer Online Game. For god's sake, are you comparing a browser-based game to W2?
if anything, the fact that it's browser-based makes it all the more impressive considering how it looks and plays. this isn't some 2d flash shit from 2000.


Oct 12, 2011

And now it's just a matter of . . .
*getting screen size
*creating a proportional representation of that size for button positions (which will have to be obtained through usage of Photoshop's measure tool, then tweaked.
**IFACE will need to be color coded to ensure proper placement
*scaling the buttons if that size is greater than 640 * 480

Then, implementing a state script to handle interaction and fire-off the correct message to the inventory, options, map, character screen, represented in their own classes. . . .

Then contemplating why I spent my time on this instead of an essay due in two weeks.


May 13, 2012
Do you think that because it is presented within a browser it's easier to make an MMO?
Do you think because an MMO is in a browser it is less complex?

It's complex alright, but the mechanics are totally different, if it's a browser game then it's made to be light, doesn't matter if it's complex or not.

Good for Unity that BSGO was made totally using Unity scripting but don't you think that a W2 game might be different? Can't you even imagine that a W2 game would require more components than a browser game? I don't care if Fargo likes Unity or not, I don't, I don't care if Unity is good, I still don't like it and saying BSGO was made in Unity so W2 can too is not a good argument.

You can't compare Orange with Apples.

So you think a game that has to handle mutliple players connected to a server at the same time, doing quests, gathering items, upgrading their stats, fighting etc
is going to be easier,because it has to be "lighter" in order to run on more hardware.

Quests, items, stats, upgrades, fights:
I don't know which other game has these features, hmmm? Apples, oranges... I guess you are right..... NOT.

Oh yeah it's going to be easier because of all the handling thousands of players on a server, yeah that's it.


Oct 12, 2011
In terms of the draw calls, it seems to be only an issue with 3.51 . . . so . . . all they have to do is fail to update! And everyone wins.



Jun 29, 2007
Battlestar Galactica Online is a browser-based Massively Multiplayer Online Game. For god's sake, are you comparing a browser-based game to W2?
if anything, the fact that it's browser-based makes it all the more impressive considering how it looks and plays. this isn't some 2d flash shit from 2000.

It is impressive, yes. But it´s not the same. M:

If it was the same we wouldn't be compiling games in windows or mac or linux binaries, we would all use browsers to play, multi-platform problem solved, end of the stone age! Thank you Unity for making browser games the same experience as any other computer game. I bow before your mighty!


The Last Marxist
May 12, 2010
Where one can weep in peace
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
I don't give a good fuck what engine is used so long as it's good enough to replicate a Fallout/Wasteland experience.

Of course it is. So are many other engines. The question was more about efficiency, not just for multi-platform release but for crafting this game with a small team and short timeframe. That's where Unity stood out. The graphics side was never that important since WL2 will be a fairly simple-looking game, relative to others. It provides well enough physics-wise and has enough coding options. Sensible choice.

But oh no, it's been used for browser and mobile games! Let us jump to conclusions about what this meeeeaaans. I bet it'll be comparable to a browser-based game! Totally a conclusion worth drawing :salute:

Yeah, funny thing is that pretty much every commercial engine has been used to make some simple casual game at some point. So does that mean that all commercial engines are shit?


May 13, 2012
Drocon::deadhorse: Let it go... let it goooo.....

I'll let it go once WL 2 is out, it's been reviewed and the postmortem arrives.

Wasteland 2 PostMortem:

Unity allowed us to do so much, but we had to code this and that too. It was really tough because Drocon was beating that horse inside our offices all day long.
Going on and on about his imaginary features not possible in Unity.... to the point we got the club from him, bashed him with it and killed him then burried him in old hardware.
The amount of blood was ridiculous, our monitors were covered in it, thanks to Unity's light themed UI option we were able to continue working.


Mar 7, 2005
So you think a game that has to handle mutliple players connected to a server at the same time,


Oh yeah it's going to be easier because of all the handling thousands of players on a server, yeah that's it.

None of that is scripted. You sure you can program?


Jun 29, 2007
Do you think that because it is presented within a browser it's easier to make an MMO?
Do you think because an MMO is in a browser it is less complex?

It's complex alright, but the mechanics are totally different, if it's a browser game then it's made to be light, doesn't matter if it's complex or not.

Good for Unity that BSGO was made totally using Unity scripting but don't you think that a W2 game might be different? Can't you even imagine that a W2 game would require more components than a browser game? I don't care if Fargo likes Unity or not, I don't, I don't care if Unity is good, I still don't like it and saying BSGO was made in Unity so W2 can too is not a good argument.

You can't compare Orange with Apples.

So you think a game that has to handle mutliple players connected to a server at the same time, doing quests, gathering items, upgrading their stats, fighting etc
is going to be easier,because it has to be "lighter" in order to run on more hardware.

Quests, items, stats, upgrades, fights:
I don't know which other game has these features, hmmm? Apples, oranges... I guess you are right..... NOT.

Oh yeah it's going to be easier because of all the handling thousands of players on a server, yeah that's it.

Oh yeah, we will play W2 on Fargo's big server. A chat can host thousands of people too. The game has a server that handles everything and the game in the browser has to be light.

Making MMO is a great experience, all those complex quests they have, all those npcs with great dialogue.


Mar 7, 2005

DU utterly destroyed you a couple of pages back and you spat the dummy and disappeared. Now you are back??? Aren't you busy? Don't you have games to make in Unity?


May 13, 2012
So you think a game that has to handle mutliple players connected to a server at the same time,


Oh yeah it's going to be easier because of all the handling thousands of players on a server, yeah that's it.

None of that is scripted. You sure you can program?

Yep, cut out the important part, leave the sarcasm, answer to the sarcasm, win in your head.


May 13, 2012

DU utterly destroyed you a couple of pages back and you spat the dummy and disappeared. Now you are back??? Aren't you busy? Don't you have games to make in Unity?

You don't understand... I was making games, that's why I'm back now. DarkUnderlord was still talking about making a Custom Engine (laughs!!!!).
Compared the situation in 2005 with today basically, said because Bioware made it's own engine ten years ago, we should do the same today. Destroyed.... I think not.

I replied to his points, did you miss that? Oh, yes I forgot, it's you, the one that cut's out the quotes and responds to the sarcasm part. All makes sense now.


Oct 12, 2011
. . . unity community thinks who isn't making a similarly complex game to what WL 2 is supposed to be . . .

Challenge accepted? See you in 14 years.

Well, no. Not quite click click click . . . It took me longer than I'll care to admit to figure out
var guiStyle : GUIStyle;

function OnGUI ()


	GUI.Button(Rect(0, 42 * 6, 22 * 6, 21 * 6), "", guiStyle);


is really what I needed. I need not have manually added things to GUIStyle. That was more of a click drag.

Chances are it inflates my OnGUI calls rather than pre-allocates and assigns the textures in Start(), though. If this is the case, there will be much woe.


May 13, 2012
And apparently, one Unity user is close to Fargo and convinced him to use that crap. Click Click here (It is also the thread where our friend Koyima brag about this thread here)

Unity is just a big hype. Nothing more. And it makes one thing pretty clear. If you have the money and the marketing you rule the market. No matter how shitty your product is.

Well, I could care less what anyone at unity community thinks who isn't making a similarly complex game to what WL 2 is supposed to be, and that's everyone.

It's sad but true, money buys you a lot of public support, and more and more it buys it in very shady ways.
It's a conspiracy I tell you!!!! All those guys with their money, they are conspiring to make a game for us. I knew it.


Mar 7, 2005

DU utterly destroyed you a couple of pages back and you spat the dummy and disappeared. Now you are back??? Aren't you busy? Don't you have games to make in Unity?

You don't understand... I was making games, that's why I'm back now. DarkUnderlord was still talking about making a Custom Engine (laughs!!!!).
Compared the situation in 2005 with today basically, said because Bioware made it's own engine ten years ago, we should do the same today. Destroyed.... I think not.

I replied to his points, did you miss that? Oh, yes I forgot, it's you, the one that cut's out the quotes and responds to the sarcasm part. All makes sense now.

No you didn't.

3 "serious" games in what? 7 years? The rest casual rubbish, like what you make. And all that VC backing you brag about? Whats the problem? With all that money, why don't serious developers use it?


May 13, 2012

DU utterly destroyed you a couple of pages back and you spat the dummy and disappeared. Now you are back??? Aren't you busy? Don't you have games to make in Unity?

All you do in unit is click click click then go back to saying how great unity is on the internet. It's THAT easy.
Yeah, man you click click click. Exactly! It's a click to make your game wonder you should try it, maybe then you will have something to show the codex...


Oct 12, 2011
Click, read for a few hours. Curse at unanswered questions from months gone by.

Feels like learning Torque, actually.

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