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Game News Wasteland 2 to use Unity


Jan 11, 2012
Drocon you are confused. 3D acceleration from hardware powers non-software device interfaces. Thats key to why something would be faster than software in either 2D or 3D games. In 3D games drawing the UI on a quad is a standard afaik, anyone who doesn't do it are still probably overlaying the UI graphics with another method which itself works with the video card to be accelerated.


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
Fully realized, though, I can't see this using more than 60 MB of RAM and 150 draw calls. Feel free to beat me to death for being wrong later.
60 MB of RAM for a 2D GUI lolwut

Surely u doin it rong?


Jan 11, 2012
Now multiply by 20 screens and add large backgrounds :lol:

And yeah atlas is huge PITA. Especially when you have hundreds and hundreds of interface images.

C4 supports them for GUI and it's the default way but I don't end up using them. Thought it would eventually give me a performance hit but I've been surprised that it doesn't do shit.

And stuff that's not visible doesn't get rendered, and if nothing changes it doesn't readjust its size and 50 other nonsense things Unity and some other GUI systems do. Plus there's a little wysiwig editor that even a complete idjit could use.

And you can build these interfaces directly in your game, like on a slot machine, nuclear reactor controls, a television set with actual video, etc. And there's never anything that gets rendered all messed up.

It's almost like someone competent programmed it all! Amazing what happens when that's the case.

Run a reflector on my game. See how I get around the complexity of their engine. hint: I didn't. I realized that there wasn't room for making clean and neat designs for entities/objects/actions.
Jan 9, 2011
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
koyima on which of those games listed on your blog you worked as something other than an artist? You have said that you have been coding 3 projects already. However, you don't list your programming experience on LinkedIn, we can't see your CV (404) and the only game-design project I saw you involved in as something more than an artist is Dead Within - a failed IndieGoGo flexible funding campaign. You also wrote that you have a prototype of this game but the only thing you posted is a crappy title screen, a piece of concept art and some silly screenshots. Where's the video you promised?


May 28, 2008
and the only game-design project I saw you involved in as something more than an artist is Dead Within - a failed IndieGoGo flexible funding campaign. You also wrote that you have a prototype of this game but the only thing you posted is a crappy title screen, a piece of concept art and some silly screenshots.
In the brown?


Feb 10, 2005
Oh for fucks sakes. It's a god damn rendering engine with an easy asset pipeline. The pro versions have access to software version control. You can collaborate with each other and on top of that, they might have source.

Who gives a shit? This is like the other discussion where whats his name bought the Crysis engine. Use what you need. They have to fucking code a game around it. Duh?

It's just ease of use, are you fuckers really concerned about a top/down isometric bloom fest? Is that what you care about? I'd be more worried about how they code the RPG/Database part of it. Throw some programmers at it that learn the engine. Half, no *most* of the battle is learning the API's and getting it to do what you want, not the damn graphics or how many retards have made games like mine.

ANY game needs coding and content. ALL of them. The simplisit shit game needs work. I think Unity is a brilliant choice for what they want to accomplish. I imagine they'll hit some pitfalls, but fuck, it all gets coded in the end. There is *NO SUCH THING AS AN RPG ENGINE*. They don't exist. And before you say... just shut the fuck up.

Here's a game: C#. OMG. It's OO and I'm doing it procedurally. Who gives a fuck if it's fun. This one is for you, Dorkron. I think it's better than the game you made. Sorry about the shitty download place. Here is a game, it has a starting screen, a level and an ending screen. Technically, it's a game. Actually I know it is because it's fun! Show me your C4 fluff. Or don't, and I don't care.

Blue is Fuel, keep track of it, yellow is points. This is the easy version.


Space Transport (PC):


Space Transport (MAC) (you can download unrarx here: http://www.unrarx.com/ )




Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
Your game doesn't have much of a GUI. Where do I increase stats?



Jan 11, 2012
Drocon with 3D Quads you can draw to just the texture of just the UI control that is just affected. flipping onto the entire screen can be slower. but in either case surely Unity's UI isn't slow!


Feb 10, 2005
I know you're awesome, so, did you like it? Was it fun, did you have a good time? Did you like it? And where is yours? Out do me.


Feb 10, 2005
Just so DarkUnderLord knows. Blue is for fuel, yelllow is points. Diablo 3 is comming out soon, get it together.


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
I know you're awesome, so, did you like it? Was it fun, did you have a good time? Did you like it? And where is yours? Out do me.
Not really. The spaceship flies very sluggishly and for some reason, always wants to head south. It's also trying to be a 2D space-sim but the perspective just seems wrong. Like it's all 3D stuff with just the camera locked above (which is obviously what it is, but it makes it feel forced).

And why am I flying around trying to very carefully press stupid fat buttons (which if I'm even slightly off, result in a catastrophic explosion of my vessel)? Why aren't fuel / points collectable things? Or things I mine out of asteroids with a mining laser or just, something that makes more sense. Even the asteroids themselves, it seems they project some sort of invisible forcefield around them that results in an explosion if you even nudge it slightly.

The edge of space is an invisible barrier that once I pass, kills me instantly. With no warning that it's there.

The game completely fucked up when I tried to alt-tab in and out of it, resulting in a crash which had to be ctrl-alt-deleted. And it seems I have to click to "restart", and yet I'm using the keyboard controls to fly the thing, resulting in me constantly ducking back to the mouse just for a single click.

Also, yeah, it's not really got much of a GUI. Unless you think two numbers == GUI.

And 36.2 MB for that? Dude. Code bloat much?


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
I know you're awesome, so, did you like it? Was it fun, did you have a good time? Did you like it? And where is yours? Out do me.
It was quite fun! I seem to remember a game like that for C64 that I played years and years ago. Seems that the yellow pads are bugged though - I can return to blue ones for fuel easily enough but no matter how slow I'm moving, I always crash on the yellow ones. Maybe I just suck.

Do they know how funny shit like this is as they write it or are they the Jeniffer Heplers of TV?
Jennifer Heplers of TV, of course. Calling a nerd from tech support or even just checking Wikipedia is too cumbersome when TRUE ARTISTS like Hollywood writers get IN THE ZONE to write TELEVISION MASTERPIECES!


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Do they know how funny shit like this is as they write it or are they the Jeniffer Heplers of TV?

They know how profitable it is when they get dat check from Microsoft for namedropping Visual Basic. :smug:


Oct 12, 2011
Fully realized, though, I can't see this using more than 60 MB of RAM and 150 draw calls. Feel free to beat me to death for being wrong later.
60 MB of RAM for a 2D GUI lolwut

Surely u doin it rong?

It would seem I'm misreading the stats. For some reason, in general, the screen just . . . equals 7 MB. Textures themselves are 48 kb.



Sleep, pain. Excuses. Something. But everything is okay now! Soon I will smite Prosper and take his place.


Jan 6, 2004
Glorious Vaterland
Seriously, I would rather they did a top down 2D game, with a custom engine and did it really well.

I find the discussion here is just bizarre. What problem would a custom engine solve that would justify the expenses? As a software developer you are paid to solve problems and not to write code. And as a game developer you are tasked with, you know, creating games and not developing engines and tools. You want to use off-the-shelf software whenever possible unless you can make a strong case for doing the development yourself (e.g. prohibitive costs, market expansion, software not not available or modification too costly, etc.). What is this absurd fascination with reinventing the wheel whenever possible? Do you also build your own hammer whenever you need to put a nail into the wall?


Apr 18, 2008
Well, that won't happen. But the thing is, it looks like there's some expectations for this to be BEST RPG EVAR+AAA GRAPHICS.
I just hope they don't waste too much effort on the graphics. I haven't payed for an AAA game and least of all for an AAA-wannabe one.


does a good job.
Oct 19, 2007
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pathfinder: Wrath
No fucking christ. All the people who whined about the possibility of the game not being close enough to the original are now whining about graphics? What?


Mar 7, 2005
Well, that won't happen. But the thing is, it looks like there's some expectations for this to be BEST RPG EVAR+AAA GRAPHICS.
I just hope they don't waste too much effort on the graphics. I haven't payed for an AAA game and least of all for an AAA-wannabe one.

I hope it doesn't look like the RPG koyima showed us. If I had made it, I would be very proud, but it didn't take my fancy at all.

If you can't do something as good as the best, because you don't have the funding, I'd suggest moving to an area, where you can be the best and make something classy. Just my opinion.

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