Howdy from Colorful Colorado!
POSTED: 06/10/2019
A Postcard Arrives
E3 is upon us—that special time of year when you learn about new games, or more about the games you’re most excitedly waiting for. We’re happy to be delivering some of the latter, with a new, pre-Alpha look at Wasteland 3 from an old pal and returning character from Wasteland 2. We’d love to hear your thoughts.
In addition to the return of Scotchmo and an extended look at the post-nuclear landscape of Colorado, we’re announcing a new launch window of Spring 2020. That’s down to the fact that, thanks to our relationship with Microsoft, we’re able to hire more staff and spend more time realizing our vision for Wasteland 3. All in all it means a little more time to get things right and deliver the experience we want, and the one we know you expect.
We also have new screenshots to share over on
our Wasteland 3 page on the inXile site so you can get a closer look at some of locations glimpsed at in the video.
Alpha, Early Access and Release
We’re pleased to announce two more release windows; ones we’re asked about almost as often as when the game itself is coming out.
Our backer Alpha will arrive August, 2019 to those who pledged in the First Access and higher tiers. Early Access (sometimes referred to as Beta) will be arriving in late Fall, 2019, and is for all backer tiers with the exception of the Correspondent tier.
The Alpha will be a first opportunity to play around with many of the game’s different systems in a guided experience, with the Early Access providing a bigger chunk of the game to check out. In both cases, they’ll be your opportunity to provide us with feedback that we can use to help make the final game that much better for everyone.
As mentioned above—but it bears repeating—our launch target for the full game release is now Spring 2020.
Wasteland 3 at gamescom
If you’re attending gamescom 2019, you’ll have a chance to check out Wasteland 3 and meet some of the inXile team as we’ll be there showcasing the game for press and at the Deep Silver booth. Come by and say hello!
Our Alpha backers won’t have to travel to Cologne, stand in lines, or be limited by any event timers, as they’ll be receiving an unrestricted version of the gamescom floor demo.
Last Chance to Back Wasteland 3
For those of you who haven’t backed the game yet and have just been reading along, we’ll be closing CrowdOx to new orders on June 30. A very
limited number of physical Collector’s Editions remain, so if you’ve been waiting on treating yourself, now is the time!
Backer Q&A
There’s a lot going on, so we’ve worked up a little mock Q&A. Certainly if there are other questions we missed and can answer right now feel free to comment below and we’ll do our best. Of course there are still some things we won’t have specifics on to share just yet.
Q: Can you talk a little more about what’s in the Alpha?
A: We’re still nailing down the exact part of the game we’ll use, but the goal is to provide enough of the core game systems and experience to prompt feedback and reports to help us improve the game and resolve issues. You should expect a tailored experience in a focused environment that covers a lot of the core systems. Be aware that co-op will not be available in the Alpha.
Q: When can I choose my platform?
A: We’ll be working with CrowdOx to set up and send that data collection survey after backing closes on June 30. So you can expect it shortly after that.
Q: I want a GOG key for the full game, but I have Alpha and Early Access as part of my pledge. What happens here?
A: Previous crowdfunding pre-release tests have been on Steam only. Your participation in a pre-release test on Steam won't change or preclude you from choosing your final game delivery on another platform.
Q: Is it possible to still get physical goods?
A: Yes! We have a *very* limited amount of physical good pledges left to claim. The CrowdOx backing platform will remain open for a very limited time. Once we sell out of the physical Collector’s Editions or on June 30 (whichever comes first), we’ll be closing all backer opportunities. Head over to the
Wasteland 3 CrowdOx page.
Q: Any updates on physical backer goods?
A: Not for this update. We’ll have more to share in future updates. Just know that it’s going to be awesome.
Q: I backed the game but not at a tier where I’ll be able to get into the Alpha. Can I still upgrade my pledge?
A: Yes, but as noted above only for a limited time. Head over to the
Wasteland 3 CrowdOx page to manage your pledge.
Q: Do both people need to own the game for co-op play?
A: Each person will need to own the game in order to play co-op.
One Last Treat
Finally, we wanted to leave you with one last treat. We’re happy we were able to reveal Scotchmo’s triumphant return in the E3 trailer, and wanted to share a look at how we’re bringing Scotchmo back for Wasteland 3. show how the character originally evolved in Wasteland 2, the iteration work he went through in early production, and finally an extended video snippet of a player conversation with him. Again, please remember that everything you see, from graphics to audio to UI, are all pre-Alpha.
Pre-Production Iteration on Scotchmo’s look for Wasteland 3
Scotchmo’s Wasteland 2 look alongside a high-res (WiP) Wasteland 3 model
An early test version of Scotchmo and the conversation system
The revised Scotchmo, weathered, weary, and thirsty in Wasteland 3
And here’s an extended look at the model, animation, and VO for Scotchmo. The dialog UI is very much temp in this video, but provides an example of the type of dialog options you might see in the final game. Our artists want to reiterate that this is of course an early look with temp UI, in-progress lighting, model, and everything else. However, we'd still love to hear your feedback!
Thank you again for your backing and support of the game. We couldn’t have gotten this far without you. We’ll see you again soon with some more Wasteland 3 goodies, including drill-downs on some of the core gameplay pillars and systems. Stay tuned!
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