Part 20 – A Space Odyssey
At the end of the previous episode, we got knocked out and kidnapped by this dude. He then proceeded to take us to the Enclave base and restrain us inside a jail cell.
What do you want from us?
Apparently, the Purifier thing that Daddy was working on needs a code to activate.
Why do you care about the purifier?
He promises to let us go if we tell him the code.
Umm...I guess we could tell him the code. I mean, what harm could it do? Maybe they’ll succeed and get the thing working, and save the world.
But, Daddy never told us the code. We don’t know what it is.
Sure we do.
Since the game has already forced us to sit through Daddy Neeson reciting Revelation 21:6 to us twice, this puzzle should be fairly obvious.
So, you let us go now?
He repeats the code to some soldiers over the intercom...
...and they confirm that the code is in fact correct.
Wait a sec. The password was only 3 digits long? Shouldn’t that have been pretty simple to hack and decipher? Why the hell did he need us to tell it to him?
Whatever. So, you’ll let us go now, right?
He then takes out his pistol and shoots us in the chest 3 times.
We then get a Game Over screen. Fallout 3 doesn’t let us side with Colonel Autumn in this situation.
FACT: Our leg clips through the forcefield thing.
Hey!! Why’d you shoot us? We told you the password? What was the point in shooting us?
It’s because he’s EVIL. And shooting us was clearly the EVIL thing to do.
Hey, wait a second. He just shot you. Aren’t you supposed to be dead?
Na. I’m fine. I just reloaded the previous Autosave.
So, this time, we refuse to tell him the code.
He gets mad at us and threatens to beat us up, but...
...conveniently, the head dude interrupts (over the intercom)
After Colonel Autumn has left the room, he speaks to us:
This is President Eden. He’s the head dude of the Enclave as well as the self proclaimed President of the United States.
Umm...what do you want with us?
OMG! You’re gonna tell us that we’re the chosen one, aren’t you?!!
He then releases us from the cell and tells us to head to his office.
Inside the base, we find several Enclave soldiers. They are peaceful to us.
While travelling through the base, we find several futuristic looking things:
Like this. I think that’s supposed to be a Super Mutant floating inside that cell.
And this. I have no idea what this stuff is.
FACT: This is what the video game consoles of tomorrow will look like.
As we’re walking through the base, we hear the Colonel’s voice over the intercom.
What the hell? How does the Colonel even have jurisdiction to override the President’s orders?
Anyway, this just means that we have to fight a bunch of Enclave soldiers on the way to the President’s office.
On the way there, we also meet:
Anna Holt was one of the scientists working with Daddy on the project.
WTF? You helped them?
And, you trusted these dudes?
Dude, are you fucking kidding me? How much more obvious could it be that these guys are the stereotypical villains?
Anyway, we finally arrive at the President’s office, where we find this gigantic computer:
Notice the flower vase at the right of the computer.
I am quite pleased you were able to make it. The trip was not what I had intended, but serves as and adequate test of your abilities.
Notice how the second choice is grammatically incorrect.
FACT: This never gets old.
Anyway, there are some things I’d like to talk to you about.
The United States has fallen on hard times, but it can be healed.
We do?
We cannot move forward until humanity has gained a strong foothold in the world.
So, what does this have to do with us?
The purifier you father helped create has the ability to provide clean water to the whole Capital Wasteland.
With a simple modification, it can be used to distribute agents that destroy mutated creatures upon ingestion. In time, we could eliminate all mutations in the Wasteland, and help the good people of the world regain their health.
I need you to make the modification necessary for this to succeed.
Why the hell are you asking *us* to do this? Why don’t you just ask Colonel Autumn or someone like that?
He has allowed his humanity to cloud his objectivity. And now, that he is publicly countermanding my orders, I can no longer rely on him.
So instead, you’re gonna trust some dude you’ve never met before, who also might suffer from his ‘humanity’ getting in the way? :sigh:
So, this stuff is gonna kill every mutant in the city?
I assure you that we have not become even the least bit sympathetic to any NPC in Fallout 3.
Anyway, what exactly are you?
My terminal was installed to oversee the basic functions of this facility, and to act as a relay between other installations across the country.
And, now for the best part of the game. Just in case you didn’t believe Brother None when he talked about it, here it is:
I cannot stop Colonel Autumn, however. That much will be up to you.
But, before we leave, we pick up the modified FEV strain that he was talking about.
As we leave the base, President Eden blows up the base like he said he would.
:twisted: EXPLOSION!! :twisted:
:twisted: EXPLOSION!! :twisted:
Anyway, once we’re outside, we find a familiar face.
What the hell are you doing here?
Wait a second. When the hell did you help us gain our freedom? I’m pretty sure we did all that ourselves.
Anyway, what are you gonna do now?
And so, Fawkes becomes our ‘companion’. He follows us around everywhere and kills everything for us so we don’t have to. He wields a Gatling gun that never runs out of ammo.
There are several possible companions in the game, whom I’ve ignored until now. But, I’ve decided to employ Fawkes as our companion, since he’s the most <s>fucking inane and moronic</s> awesome and insightful companion ever.
End of Part 20.