Deleted Member 16721
Are you guys serious? If you want your explosives to be more effective, just put points in your explosives skills. Is that so hard to do?
That still doesn't address my point. In Gothic you could fire a Fire Rain scroll. Or hell, Fireball even (200 damage IIRC), at any level since loot was hand-placed. So if you saw some Dragon Snapper lurking around a cave (hypothetical example), you could set it alight with the Fireball scroll, kill it much earlier than you "should be able to" (no level-scaling, remember? Your dude would get eaten alive in one shot if he tried to attack it otherwise), and then loot the contents of either the enemy or whatever was in the cave.
Replace Fire Rain with Energy Blast Grenades or whatever.
Underused mechanic, right there. But it requires worlds to be built like Gothic was, which sadly never happens today (other than ELEX, which is similar to some degree. ELEX takes it about 80% to as close you can get today with a world that size yet still being hand-placed and lacking level-scaling.)
In Gothic, you were also useless in any main weapon until you dropped points in it. Which I applaud. Out of all people, I would never have expected a Gothics fan to complain about useless weapons when not invested in.
Who complained about "useless weapons when not invested in"? You don't have to invest anything to use a Fire Rain scroll, which is the whole point. Just like you don't need to invest to use grenades in ELEX (although there are 2 levels of the Grenade skill that increase damage with them. However, anyone can throw them and they do great damage for the early to early-middle parts of the game. But they are expensive and an overall very expensive way to fight.)
anvi's point (I think) which I agree with is that these weapons shouldn't just be a normal playstyle, i.e. I'm going to be solely a grenade slinger or use plasma weapons or the BFG9000 as my main gun. These types of powerful weapon options should be rarer yet more rewarding in damage output. A supplement to the main damage of the more common weapons you'll be using, in essence, with rarer ammo. Something you bust out in a jam, like the BFG9000, but that you also have to save the ammo for and conserve.
Which I feel is an underused element in RPGs, and not a bad idea at all.