Best advice I can give anyone is to just kill her on the first meeting, game will be better for it. Do the same with Gale. Those two companions simply add nothing.
I wanna like gale, but his appearance bothers me. he has a 1980's look with his dumb earring. he should be on an episode of Miami Vice playing the role of a drug dealer informant whos always getting into trouble with crocket and tubbs, but for some reason they always let him off the hook
For me it's the other way around. I didn't have a problem with his looks, but i found his way of talking to be highly pretentious. A comparison with Sand is probably in order, since Sand did that "i'm a wizard so i must be smart" trope better. The courtroom sequence was the highlight in NWN2 OC for me.
Also, i'm pretty much convinced Gale's introduction was either written by a woman or was written for a female character. All that shit about cats and wine. Really? REALLY? Is this Reddit? Actually, most of the writing in this game feels like Reddit so that's a moot point.
Ultimately, what kills the BG3 NPCs besides all the faggotry shit is that they all have those impossible gimmicks. Gale would have been a good character had they scaled down his subplot. Say, he was in love with a noble woman and had to flee Baldur's Gate because he soiled the good name of the wizard's guild he belonged to, something classic like that. So now this highly educated and highly refined slightly pompous but not to the point of being insufferable disgraced wizard is forced to follow around a ragtag of losers because he has no choice. But no, he was trying to bone the literal GODDESS of magic and now he has a bomb in his chest 'cause i don't know, magic or some shit right? It's fantasy so shit has to be magical amirite?
Same with Karlach why couldn't she just be a barbarian? Or maybe even an half-orc keep it simple. No, she is from hell 'cause now everything has to be Planescape for some reason. And of course, she is level 1 too because that certainly makes sense given her background, right?
Maybe quirky wasn't the right word to describe this but there's this underlying feeling you get from this game that the writers didn't actually know shit about the setting and didn't care. That it's all about THEM. About what THEY find funny or interesting and not what would be consistent with the world and setting. The shit about Xan shoving his sword up his ass is just the final culmination of this inherent self-centerness of the writers. Just imagine how clever whoever wrote that retardation felt about themselves when they shoved that abomination in the game. And yes, i know it was just a random snipped in the game but... i just can't let it go, because it was simply yet another manifestation of the overall tone running through this game.