Yeah, I could play dumb some more just to see how low he'd be willing to go for them pixels, but at the time I just found it annoying so I blocked him. Oh well, there's always more lulz to be had in the internet.
Later I checked the store - the items he was asking for (that I got for free from buying other games) cost more or less 15 dollars. I then got a premium account (it just lets you trade more items and have a bigger inventory) for buying a 10 cents gun.
edit: My TF2 experience has been vastly improved since I realized I could just turn the volume down. The amount of kids singing, "pro" players boasting about their 1337 skillz for everyone to hear, and general inbred idiocy - it's like my ears suddenly became a public toilet

. No more. I just want to shoot people, kthxbai.
edit 2: Oh yeah, tried the Primal Carnage weekend. It's good enough dumb fun shooter for the price, TF2 with dinosaurs but no item management, just shootan (humans) and RIP AND TEAR (dinos). It may seem imbalanced towards dinos, but humans are really strong and can reliably win if players cooperate. Dinosaurs can work alone, and roflstomping (literally) a group of humans with a carnotaurus or t-rex feels awesome.
Shame there's not many people playing. It's always a bad sign when instead of fixing bugs the developers pump out skinpack DLCs. Screen gallery (clicky-clicky):
I took screens from the class selection screens to illustrate the differences between them, but looks like Steam ate those when the free weekend ended.