I could've sworn there was a rubber glove involved there, but it's been a while since I played.
The rubber glove is used later to pull a different live wire to enter the cinema. And there is a single rubber glove, so she can't really tie a live wire to a golden ring with it. I had it in my inventory, I believe, but I don't think I did repair it yet and there was no need to 'use' it nor mention about using it, either. All the puzzle did involve was click on ring, click on wires, and then the machine lits up.
Also, looking forward to your Dreamfall impressions should you ever decide to play it.
I already did. I am also, like, totally expecting the new one.
I did actually enjoy it far more than I did 'enjoy' TLJ thus far. At least the setting and the mood were consistent. There were no rubber duckies, an no do the monkey, and no explosive coke cans, and no monkey eye puzzle, etc. It may not have been brilliant but it wasn't bad at all and it didn't constantly sabotage it's own storyline and mood with random shit.
I don't really know what to think about TLJ. Is it dumb random fun ala Deponia? But everyone takes himself or herself way too seriously for that. Is it a story I am expected to take seriously, then? But... Rubber duckies, do the monkeys, explosive coke cans. I am expected to take April seriously? But she's a girl my age going alone to the worst place in town and then breaking into the police station in a setting in which it has been established the police are gigantic assholes. So I am not expected to take her seriously and instead see her as some wish fulfilment fantasy? But on and on she goes about her past and her stress and whineeeeeees like there is no tomorrow over totally inane shit. And I am expected to take the setting seriously? Obviously not, yet on they go about how corrupt and brutal corporations are, and how the villain is so totally Hitler-like, and... WTF am I playing, again? One moment I am expected to believe April is this strong girl who will save the universe, the next moment she is falling into a trap so obvious a five years old would have seen it coming from miles away. And then she's talking about how she did only do what anyone would have done... What, be a total retard? Because she was actually surprised and scared when she fell into the trap and she had no bleeping plan, so she obviously wasn't playing the monster's trick to her advantage. The monster wasn't even present when she started to panic, so she obviously wasn't playing a trick on it. One moment I am being told of people sold to the off world colonies in slavery, the next I am breaking into a police station's server by pulling childish pranks. One moment it tries to be mature and hip (and tries so very hard...) the next it is ridiculously infantile.
In a way it feels quite a lot like those young adult novels for girls I did read once or twice when I was smallish: A confused countercultural girl who doesn't fit in with the superficial plastic bitches and doesn't know what to do with her life discovers she's not really a loser but someone very special (tm) with a rare power that allows her to travel to another world, a grand destiny to save the universe, etc. Along the way she discovers who she really is, shows everyone how witty and smart and real she is, and everyone loves her and gives her very special (tm) names. Fuck, she even has a magickal talking animal and a seer who just happens to run the inn she did end up in during her second 'shift' already told her she has the talent to become the strongest and rarest kind of wizard! It's like young adult's urban fantasy 101 in there: The faux hipster shit (True Art is dis not dat! Old movies are real and legit and street! We are all so countercultural and real and alive!), how everyone loves the main character for no particular reason, how she comes with completely retarded plans that outwit everyone. The only thingie it is lacking is the hot werewolf, hot vampire, hot wizard, hot fairy prince, or hot (insert your favorite fantasy dood here) that falls for her even she has no personality at all to speak of.
I guess it is a case of anti-hype. For years I have heard about how this game had an incredible good and touching storyline, an incredible deep and relatable main character, and so much magic and charm and characterization and shit. Then I play it and... brutally underwhelmed. I was expecting, I don't know, MORE from something everyone talks about as if it were the crown jewel of the adventure genre.
2) requires you to literally be ~14yo when you play it the first time in order to really get into it (and all the stupidity) - and yes, I'm bloody serious, this game really has a thing about scoring with a lot of teenagers somehow
I am getting that impression as well. As I wrote just above it does really follow the 'teen/young adult girl's story' formula other than the rough sex with hot werewolves. Maybe I would have loved it back when I was totally into those stuffies and back when I thought 'My dad's really strict!' to be a world shattering development that would require years of therapy and the help of a few wise dead moles. Now I just find myself wanting for the shit she tries to pull to actually blow up in her face to accelerate her character development to 'not SUICIDALLY STUPID.'
Anyway, your opinion boils down to picking random parts of the game, and shouting TROLOLOL THIS IS SO SHITTY. It is like: And the characters in Planescape Torment is so shit OH LOOK I AM A FLYING SKULL, HOW RETARDED IS THIS, AND WHAT IS THAT TIEFLING GIRL, IS SHE LIKE A RAT, OR WAHT? And don't get me started about the story AMNESIA, REALLY, IT IS THE BIGGEST CLICHE IN THE WORLD, AND THE MAIN CHARACTER HAS NO PERSONALITY AT ALL. 0/10
Uhm... No? As I said I am in Ruper Klacks or something's castle. So the thingies that didn't work for me so far were, say... All the main thingies that did happen so far? Pretty much, yeah. Also, I am not writing a fucking review. I am talking about the game I am playing in a thread about the games we are playing. Do you like the game? Good for you. Do I think you are an idiot because of it? Not really. But I don't really like it and think it is flawed as fuck. Deal with it.