Playing CB Jericho and it is a really different game from the CB Undying. Undying had some mystery in it and the fun was trying to figure out whats going on, in Jericho everything is known from the begining and its all about the fps parts.
In Jericho you are a part of the squad made of 7 members with supernatural abilities they can use in combat, and around the begining you die (you know its permanent because it happens in a ingame animation), but instead of going to the great gaming grounds you end up as a "ghost" that can possess your teammates and fight with theirs special abilities. The story is boring, stop the Firstborne and some other jerk that is helping him. The game has alot over the top amount of gore and just the right amount of profanity (not using it to much and not turning it into a gimmick).
The gameplay is made of pretty good fps shooting parts, its usualy made of being rushed by enemies in small coridors or rooms, but with possesing diferent squad members, using their abilities(hold enemies, fire atack, heal teammates) and trying to keep them alive its probably the most fun part of the game, although the ai of teammates in combat could be a bit better sometimes. The rest of the gameplay is made of occasional "you have to use a specific character to do some action" and "press the right key when it flashes on the screen" minigames that range from small nuisance to completley retarded (the only way to kill a giant monster is to posses a girl with a katana, jump on the beast and finish him in meele by hitting arrow keys when they flash on screen).Also the game also has some annoying bugs, boring map design and some funny conversations between teammates.
Alltogether its a preety good squad based fps with bigest problem in game being the ai, bugs and and minigames.
In Jericho you are a part of the squad made of 7 members with supernatural abilities they can use in combat, and around the begining you die (you know its permanent because it happens in a ingame animation), but instead of going to the great gaming grounds you end up as a "ghost" that can possess your teammates and fight with theirs special abilities. The story is boring, stop the Firstborne and some other jerk that is helping him. The game has alot over the top amount of gore and just the right amount of profanity (not using it to much and not turning it into a gimmick).
The gameplay is made of pretty good fps shooting parts, its usualy made of being rushed by enemies in small coridors or rooms, but with possesing diferent squad members, using their abilities(hold enemies, fire atack, heal teammates) and trying to keep them alive its probably the most fun part of the game, although the ai of teammates in combat could be a bit better sometimes. The rest of the gameplay is made of occasional "you have to use a specific character to do some action" and "press the right key when it flashes on the screen" minigames that range from small nuisance to completley retarded (the only way to kill a giant monster is to posses a girl with a katana, jump on the beast and finish him in meele by hitting arrow keys when they flash on screen).Also the game also has some annoying bugs, boring map design and some funny conversations between teammates.
Alltogether its a preety good squad based fps with bigest problem in game being the ai, bugs and and minigames.