This. I soldiered on despite ignoring warnings from both Awor and DraQ, and the game is really somewhere between mediocre and plain bad. I still don't understand how, even in TB mode, it manages to be less fun and so much more boring than FO1 despite having full party control. I blame it mostly on encounter and location design, but whatever it is, it just makes the game tedious to go through. There are maybe a couple of misisons that are more interesting, but I don't even remember them, and that's not a good sign.There's no point of enduring this. It doesn't get better. This game is a really bad combination of the mechanics limitations of many RPG engines with limited RPG options of a tactical game. The worst of both worlds.
The first mission is the worst because it exarbate the problem of the whole game:
The whole game you can field big group of soldiers? First mission you get half that.
That in turn worsen the first experience of the first map. With full squad you can do at least two-prong attacks. With three chaps, all you can is fielding them in one group. Though solo is viable, it take bloody long to play that way.
The normal size map with half the fixed squad make it played twice as long. As first mission, it really should cut down to half or third the normal size, so that player can breeze past it, and get to the meat of the game.
Imagine you play Fallout 1 with the rat cave outside V13 is four times as big and four times the rats. You should imagine the borefest it is.