A few months ago i decided to buy FO:NV and try it out, since there was a lot of hype and praise. I admit i was positively surprised (my last Fallout experience was FO3) - it is really a nice game. Although the exploration is not nearly as fun as it is in FO3, it makes up for better dialogues - nothing Fallout 1 level of course - but still good. In my first playthrough, i played in Hardcore mode already. Several of my friends freaked out and said that Hardcore mode is borderline impossible ; i admit i was a bit intimidated, but it ended up being quite nice. It could have been better implemented, but hey it was still pretty fun and contributed a lot to the roleplay. I still remember roaming around the wastes, searching for a place to sleep and finding a raider-packed abandoned police department - after clearing it, i found a place to sleep and well, what is the only place you can find a bed in a police department? That's right, the cells. I found it to be so ironic how people in Pre-War avoided to be in those cells at all costs, and here i was locking myself on purpose. I finished the game on Hardcore and i honestly will not play it again without it. It feels like its almost a basic mechanic for FO:NV, and anyone playing it without it is missing out a lot.
I then checked the steam achievment list to see how many players finished it on Hardcore, just to check if that kind of mode is popular among the gamers or not.