Still a bit of Torchlight 2, which I initially discarded as shit, although I think I'm kind of leaning towards shit again, because I started to like shiny loot more than the stupid artstyle and could sort of manage with the controls from hell. It's nice that the areas change, sometimes in major ways, sometimes not so much, but would it have been so much effort to randomize the quests maybe? And considering act 3 woods area has the best mob environment interaction, maybe randomize the chapters too? And now after seeing most of what loot there is, and half of it just the same maps and textures, that's it?? Fucking Dungeon Siege 1 had more impressive loot tables, and that's got 10 years on its back, although in its defense, atleast it didn't go with DAO shoulderpad madness. Also despite DS 1 not having randomized areas, it feels a lot more fresh for replays, huge areas don't suffer from major pacing issues like in TL2, and the artwork is a lot more impressive even now than stupid cel-shaded cartoon garbage. And, it can't be that hard to make seamless area transitions, 10 years after DS 1 did it. Also they apparently had the same guy do the music that did Diablo's 1 and 2, and well, not having played 2 and 1 just barely, I fail to see the allure. It's like he's channeling Jerry Soule, only worse, although there are 2-3 pieces that work.