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What game are you wasting time on?


Sep 6, 2022
Hidden Valley" is absolutely screwed. If you manage to reliably and consistently get a Silent Assassin rating at the end of the mission, then my hat's off to you and I salute you, but I just don't give a fuck and can't be bothered to get Silent Assassin on it. Best I got was Shadow. It'll do...
This the one where you got to poison a dude to death?
You have to get a Crossbow, a disguise and make your through a mountain valley into the castle of a Yakuza Lord.
Absolute hell.


Aug 7, 2020
I was having to reinstall scs on BG1 EE but it bugged out during a long install so I just said fuck it and returned to the non-EE edition. I started my game over for some reason. Its really autistuc but playing the OG without all the quality of life stuff and jank just puts me in a good mood.
Started playing Heroes of Might and Magic 3 again too. 3 and 2 are my favorites.

I have Temple of Elemental Evil in my to play list too, heard about it through Auntie Lilura.


Sep 6, 2022
I was having to reinstall scs on BG1 EE but it bugged out during a long install so I just said fuck it and returned to the non-EE edition. I started my game over for some reason. Its really autistuc but playing the OG without all the quality of life stuff and jank just puts me in a good mood.
Started playing Heroes of Might and Magic 3 again too. 3 and 2 are my favorites.

I have Temple of Elemental Evil in my to play list too, heard about it through Auntie Lilura.
What the...
You're playing as Scorpion?


Aug 7, 2020
I was having to reinstall scs on BG1 EE but it bugged out during a long install so I just said fuck it and returned to the non-EE edition. I started my game over for some reason. Its really autistuc but playing the OG without all the quality of life stuff and jank just puts me in a good mood.
Started playing Heroes of Might and Magic 3 again too. 3 and 2 are my favorites.

I have Temple of Elemental Evil in my to play list too, heard about it through Auntie Lilura.
What the...
You're playing as Scorpion?
Yes, I always make absurd out of place characters.


Sep 6, 2022
I was having to reinstall scs on BG1 EE but it bugged out during a long install so I just said fuck it and returned to the non-EE edition. I started my game over for some reason. Its really autistuc but playing the OG without all the quality of life stuff and jank just puts me in a good mood.
Started playing Heroes of Might and Magic 3 again too. 3 and 2 are my favorites.

I have Temple of Elemental Evil in my to play list too, heard about it through Auntie Lilura.
What the...
You're playing as Scorpion?
Yes, I always make absurd out of place characters.
Would be funny if your character had selection and command sounds like Scorpion's "GET OVER HERE!".


Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
Tried Baldur's Gate 3 for the heck of it. Knowing how degenerate it is, my expectations were low. Laughing at bad games is not a bad pastime.

Beside the disgusting gory part of walking through sphincters, there's not much I can say about the game. The only thing I can point out is that the writing is dumb and the game as a whole is just boring.

What a disappointment. I was prepared for a bad game, not a boring one.
What specifically then is the best cRPG game you have then played?

Lord of Riva

Jan 16, 2018
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath

I can't even beat stage one of this game.

I'm replaying NWN 2 main campaign currently, even if it's mostly unrelated to mask of the Betrayer which is what I would actually like to replay, as it does not feel complete otherwise imho.

I am getting complete AIDS with the game though, it's so damn shit.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Das it for Return to Na Pali. Faget warned me about hitscan space marines, meanwhile they appear only in one place, in one level. Now I feel cheated.

Anyway, this mission pack felt kind of pointless and is basically standard fare for classic shooter expansion packs, namely that it's rather uninspired and the only levels that stand out were originally made for the base game but cut (Tarydium processing plant, aztec-ish Nali temple). The Prometheus crash site is such a far cry from ISV-Kran that it's kind of sad.

Also I just don't get why they added the new guns. The assault rifle is basically a hitscan stinger, and then you get a dedicated rocket and grenade launcher even though the eightball gun doubles up as both. WTF?

The ending leaves you with total blue balls too. All this time you expect it to end in SPEHS on the SPEHS KROOZA full of ENEMY SPEHS MUHRINES, and all you get is a stupid cutscene after killing a skaarj warlord in a stupid arena where he gets stuck very easily. Goddamn.

Does Unreal 2 have any redeeming qualities? I've never played it because I heard it was shit, and the fact that it never gathered any sort of weirdo cult fans like most unpopular games do also seems to attest to this.


Sep 20, 2010
Finally beat Halo 3: ODST and man, what a let down. It had one of the best game trailers I can remember, which is unfortunately leaps and bounds better than the game.

The pacing in this game is horrible, and is told mostly through a lot of flashbacks. You're dropped in as a rookie ODST soldier, but the whole thing goes tits up on the drop, so you wake up a while after in a big empty destroyed city block. You then have to look for clues as to what happened to your teammates, which triggers the flashback missions. The missions aren't all bad, but the walking around the city part is so boring, then suddenly interspersed with ridiculous difficult-spikey encounters and a super cringey audio log storyline.
It has some noteable voice actors but they're completely wasted on the mediocre story. There's also a lot of backtracking through the same city block in between missions and a lot more copy-pasted sections especially toward the end of the game. Completely skippable imho. Just watch the trailer above, it's much better.


Sep 20, 2010
Does Unreal 2 have any redeeming qualities? I've never played it because I heard it was shit, and the fact that it never gathered any sort of weirdo cult fans like most unpopular games do also seems to attest to this.
I remember it as just OK, while looking amazing (at the time). As for redeeming qualities:
Jan 7, 2012
Does Unreal 2 have any redeeming qualities? I've never played it because I heard it was shit, and the fact that it never gathered any sort of weirdo cult fans like most unpopular games do also seems to attest to this.
It's a collection of entirely unrelated levels in unrelated environments, usually with some kind of gimmick. It tries to throw constant uniqueness at you which makes it feel like a jumbled mess. Thoroughly mediocre IMO. On the plus side it isn't nearly as drawn out as Unreal so you can bang it out in a long evening if you're interested in seeing what it has.

The main thing I remember is that it did the "you have a home base where you can talk to NPCs and get lore dumps and shit in between missions" way way before other games started doing that. That stuff is just as boring, shit, banal as you'd expect.


Sep 6, 2022
The Hitman 2 playthrough is proceeding nicely, but not without some level of difficulty.
"Shogun Showdown" is a great mission, but it involves a certain amount of trial and error if you are pushing for "Silent Assassin" rating. You have to sneak around and find a ninja disguise (hard part) then grab a keycard, a missile guidance system from Hayamoto's museum, THEN whack him. You can either plant a bomb in his helicopter and sound the base alarm OR do it the old fashioned way - Fiber Wire, Knife or Bullet in the head. I got Silent Assassin thankfully.

The Malaysia missions are also pretty good, the last one is a highlight.
The Afghanistan missions are a fucking nightmare. I went full RAMBO on them except the first one, where I managed to score a Silent Assassin rating.
In the last one I grabbed an M60 and unleashed some 7.62 pain...
My mission rating was "Mass Executioner"...
Overall game rating is "Professional", can't complain, I'm happy with that.

Not that many missions left.


Aug 7, 2020
anyone who even entertains the idea of trying out these disgusting scanlines is clearly a degenerate
I think people overdo it a lot but for certain games you're emulating the dithering effects from a crt filter can do neat stuff. Best example would be the water transparency effects in the classic Sonic games. You will only get those on a crt or a shader that supports the particular effect. I don't consider myself an expert on these kinds of things and accept its just a pale replica of a real crt . I think most of the stuff that comes with cnc-ddraw looks like vaseline was smeared on the screen so I don't bother unless I'm messing with settings.

Speaking of messing with settings:

I was playing the EE of BG1 this evening, namely because my eyes started hurting reading the text of the vanilla version. I finally caved in and tried a widescreen mod because I heard you could increase text size and NO, I DID NOT MAKE BG1 INTO BGT or TUTU before someone accuses me of that. I make many questionable and downright awful decisions but I'm not that lost yet.


I'm bugged over how the save screens and transisitions are off center but its something I can mostly deal with. I don't have this problem with PST or BG2, BG2's text seems much easier to read for me.

Also, if someone could help me: how do you go about making custom voice packs for the vanilla verion of BG1 or even BG2? I saw a guild somewhere for the EE on steam but I assume the method would work for regular BG2. I just want to make a voice pack of Scorpion saying "Get over here"/"Come here" in different tones with the odd clip of him going "SUCKERS" from the 2nd movie..I somehow remember that.


May 28, 2016
Lost Continent of Mu
Also, if someone could help me: how do you go about making custom voice packs for the vanilla verion of BG1 or even BG2? I saw a guild somewhere for the EE on steam but I assume the method would work for regular BG2. I just want to make a voice pack of Scorpion saying "Get over here"/"Come here" in different tones with the odd clip of him going "SUCKERS" from the 2nd movie..I somehow remember that.
In your Baldur's Gate\Sounds folder there is a sndlist.txt that tells you what to do.


Aug 7, 2020
Also, if someone could help me: how do you go about making custom voice packs for the vanilla verion of BG1 or even BG2? I saw a guild somewhere for the EE on steam but I assume the method would work for regular BG2. I just want to make a voice pack of Scorpion saying "Get over here"/"Come here" in different tones with the odd clip of him going "SUCKERS" from the 2nd movie..I somehow remember that.
In your Baldur's Gate\Sounds folder there is a sndlist.txt that tells you what to do.
It worked perfectly.


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