Ah, and don't even get me started... Without the below features I can't take Python seriously as a pleasant to use *high-level* languauge:I am going to present some lambda examples next week, once I recover from jet lag after returning from my holidays.
- no sane immutable-by-default behaviour
- mutation everywhere in the standard libraries
- standard library is a bit shit, almost as bad as the NodeJS stdlib abomination (the Kotlin stdlib is the absolute best stdlib I've ever used, Scala is second best, and the Java SDK is also very comprehensive and respectable)
- lack of tail recursion optimisation
- lack of basic functional stuff (map, filter, option, etc.) — because Guido doesn't like it, so we got the shitty and very limited generator syntax instead... be prepared to write *lots* of for loops!
- lack of pattern matching (this is the least of my problems given the above, actually)
Also here, I'm not the only one who finds this a joke:
Basically, the guys are saying it's fine if you're happy using imperative style almost exclusively. Well, I'm *not* happy with that at all, when it comes to high-level programming it's at least light functional style for me or go home. I just don't see the use case here, if I want to write low-level imperative code I can do it in C just fine.
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