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Why is Fallout New Vegas considered good?


Jul 25, 2011
South Africa, Cape Town
Im about 45 hours into F:NV and its going really well
How many times have you listened to Johnny Guitar and Big Iron?
I loaded a Radio mod which includes additional stations and songs , I really enjoy Country music but yes I like to hear different songs. You can only hear Big Iron so many times in a single gaming session :-D


Apr 2, 2012
Im about 45 hours into F:NV and its going really well

I loaded all the Viva FV mods and stability recommendations but then I also loaded about 25 additional mods and accepted that this could create some CTD because they outside the Viva list

And I was getting about 2-3 random CTD in a 3 hour session which is fine, it takes literally 30 seconds to reload the game in MO2 and I save often so I dont lose anything. But then on Sunday I went on a Bounty Hunter quest to the Fiend territory and the game started crashing every minute in one region. And this area is notoriously bad for CTD and its well known and there are lots of solutions to resolve it but as usual with troubleshooting and CTD one solution doesnt mean it will resolve your specific problem

So I decided to use MO2 to troubleshoot and the advantages of using multiple profiles, multiple profiles lets you disable mods and enable mods and it wont impact your main game

But before I started disabling mods in my troubleshooting MO2 profile I read a suggestion on Viva and the FNV performance guide and it was an .ini setting around the NV Tick Fix mod


" Double-click on NVTF in Mod Organizer, then open NVTF.ini in the INI Files tab, and set:

bModifyDirectXBehavior = 1"

So I made the change and guess what? No more crashes in the Fiend territory and I havent had one CTD since making that single .ini change which is about DirectX

I am amazed that a single .ini tick box could improve the overall stability so much, Im not complaining of course and Im sure I will still get CTD but its an interesting lesson around how sometimes CTD are not about particular mods you use but rather a specific setting or recommendation in a mod file

Moral of the story, always read your mod recommendations around performance and stability and how this type of mod can be configured


At some point in 2010s i had to quit NV altogether because of how much it crashed with my mod load. Some years later i managed flush all the ctds by using nvac, memory patch and some others while having as much mods as i wanted.

However one area Ultra Luxe still remains broken piece of shit and even all these fixes combined with Yup do nothing to prevent crashes.


Jul 25, 2011
South Africa, Cape Town
Im about 45 hours into F:NV and its going really well

I loaded all the Viva FV mods and stability recommendations but then I also loaded about 25 additional mods and accepted that this could create some CTD because they outside the Viva list

And I was getting about 2-3 random CTD in a 3 hour session which is fine, it takes literally 30 seconds to reload the game in MO2 and I save often so I dont lose anything. But then on Sunday I went on a Bounty Hunter quest to the Fiend territory and the game started crashing every minute in one region. And this area is notoriously bad for CTD and its well known and there are lots of solutions to resolve it but as usual with troubleshooting and CTD one solution doesnt mean it will resolve your specific problem

So I decided to use MO2 to troubleshoot and the advantages of using multiple profiles, multiple profiles lets you disable mods and enable mods and it wont impact your main game

But before I started disabling mods in my troubleshooting MO2 profile I read a suggestion on Viva and the FNV performance guide and it was an .ini setting around the NV Tick Fix mod


" Double-click on NVTF in Mod Organizer, then open NVTF.ini in the INI Files tab, and set:

bModifyDirectXBehavior = 1"

So I made the change and guess what? No more crashes in the Fiend territory and I havent had one CTD since making that single .ini change which is about DirectX

I am amazed that a single .ini tick box could improve the overall stability so much, Im not complaining of course and Im sure I will still get CTD but its an interesting lesson around how sometimes CTD are not about particular mods you use but rather a specific setting or recommendation in a mod file

Moral of the story, always read your mod recommendations around performance and stability and how this type of mod can be configured


At some point in 2010s i had to quit NV altogether because of how much it crashed with my mod load. Some years later i managed flush all the ctds by using nvac, memory patch and some others while having as much mods as i wanted.

However one area Ultra Luxe still remains broken piece of shit and even all these fixes combined with Yup do nothing to prevent crashes.
Yes, I have adopted a certain approach to modding Bethesda games and what works for me and ensures improved stability. The " hardest " part is what advice do you take because there are lots different views around what mods are best or shouldnt be used

And I follow these steps

  • I start with an official, popular and tested mod list like Viva FNV which includes all the fixes you mentioned. There are always general and accept "must have " stability mods like 4gb patcher, NVAC and the Tick Fix
  • Then I load additional mods like adult mods, extra companions and quests and this is where the risk comes in because Im deviating from a tested mod list
  • But I use MO2 to understand conflicts around meshes and LOOT for advice and this works nicely
And then when I get a CTD in the same region I do research on that specific known CTD which is often well known and other people have experienced it and they can provide a solution for what is causing it around mods

But my issue with the game crashing every minute in the Fiend Cell is well known but it wasn't related to my mods but rather a DirectX issue and the FNV performance guide doesnt say " this will help with CTD " but rather " New Vegas Tick Fix is a mod by karut that fixes and improves game's internal clocks and memory management, which dramatically reduces stutter. It also allows for playing above 60fps without breaking physics. Additionally, it has some DirectX changes, which help with performance and greatly reduce memory usage."

But I enabled this setting because I read a Reddit comment from one person when I was searching for " game crashes in Fiend Territory ". I got lucky because I never would have thought to enable this without that suggestion. Of course I might have also solved the problem by disabling mods which are triggering this CTD but that would have taken longer


I heard about Ultra Luxe instability, I havent been there yet. Hopefully I dont CTD :cool:


Aug 8, 2023
But my issue with the game crashing every minute in the Fiend Cell is well known but it wasn't related to my mods but rather a DirectX issue
Just curious, but did you use DXVK? It's recommended on VNV and I don't recall crashing in Fiend territory. It improves performance and more importantly, it fixes alt-tabbing.


Jul 25, 2011
South Africa, Cape Town
But my issue with the game crashing every minute in the Fiend Cell is well known but it wasn't related to my mods but rather a DirectX issue
Just curious, but did you use DXVK? It's recommended on VNV and I don't recall crashing in Fiend territory. It improves performance and more importantly, it fixes alt-tabbing.
No I didnt but I did load One Tweak mod after making the Tick Fix .ini change and it also gives you alt-tab functionality. I did see the DXVK advice in the Performance Guide so I will configure it if my game becomes unstable again but I completed all the Fiend bounty hunter quests and the game didnt CTD once....hopefully this continues :)



May 6, 2012
Playing the game for the first time really on needs a patch to fix bugs. Dipping into the pandora's box that's is 'Nexus Mods' is tricky business, and the more mods the greater the risk.


Jul 25, 2011
South Africa, Cape Town
Playing the game for the first time really on needs a patch to fix bugs. Dipping into the pandora's box that's is 'Nexus Mods' is tricky business, and the more mods the greater the risk.
Keep it simple and reliable if its your first time modding FNV

Use Mod Organizer 2 and then use this list of mods from Viva and at the very least install all the bug and utility mods. This will create a very stable modded game. It will take you about 4-6 hours to install these mods but its worth the time



Possibly Retarded
Aug 27, 2008
Ryzer would like this game if he could dump garbage in the streets and harass white women, as it stands I'm not sure if it's up his alley.


Jul 25, 2011
South Africa, Cape Town
I plan on playing FNV in the future once I get my series replay started. I was thinking of playing with JSE, which mods go best with it?
I know I keep repeating myself but use the Viva list and then decide what additional features you want from mods which differs from person to person

So if you want more quests and areas to explore install World of Pain

What I do is search for " best mods for game x" and then go through 7-8 links from gaming journalists around recommended mods and you often find the same mods recommended so you know they good because they popular

And I spend 1-2 hours on YouTube doing the same thing because that gives you an idea of what the mods look like in the game


Jul 25, 2011
South Africa, Cape Town
Then I load additional mods like adult mods
You had my curiosity. Now you have my attention.

Could this be the way to make this shitshow playable?
Its a great question, I only load lore friendly mods applicable to the game world

For me a post-apocalyptic world where life is terrible and survival is hard you should expect to find excess and licentious behavior. Its an almost guarantee type of lifestyle of a collapsed society where different factions exist

So my adult mods are things like a very sexual and slutty companion, Katie, and then mods that add additional prostitution, sex animations , female meshes and a mod quest where you track a porn star

About 6-7 adult mods, a small number compared to my 150 normal mods

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