Which of these games had a smith working in his smithy? With animations of all basic tasks that you would do at such a job? Then resting somewhere in the evening, before going to sleep at his hut?
Ultima 7 (1992) had daily NPC routines and a day and night cycle. NPCs were involved in daily tasks, for example bringing food to a tavern counter. I am sure however, that hardcore gamers like you do not play casual crap like Ultima.
Which of these games had a guy peeing at the corner?
Such innovation. Too bad it did not save Cyberpunk.
Or NPCs talking to each other in the background?
Even in Ultima NPCs shout random things in combat:

In Fallout 2, another casual crap that you never played, some NPCs will comment on player's power armor and refer to him/her as a "walking refrigerator".
Which other games at the time had animals hunting other animals?
LOL, even Doom (1993) has in-fighting. And it's not even an RPG.
How many games at the time had storylines in which most of the part was some low level politics, and people just doing their business?
Fallout 1 (1997), at least until you find the water chip.
The beginning of Dark Sun (1991), as you level in the arena, escape the gladiator pits and explore the world before beginning to amass an army for the final battle.
Yes, I know, I should be ashamed of playing those low brow games instead of glorious Gothic.
With the main character just wanting to get out of the prison camp?
All Elder Scrolls games.
No, in your mind the static NPCs standing in one place all the time awaiting to talk to the player, so he can save the world later, and traverse through auto-generated generic wastelands with static enemies just waiting there for the player, or a bunch of dungeons with enemies waiting there (what would they even do there in reality lmao) for the player to appear so they can run at him, are superior to a world that is not special, but just feels real.
Yeah, you're just not the type of a person to enjoy such things, we get it, but arguing that Gothic is shit
You critically failed the reading skill check. I never said that Gothic 1 is shit, in this thread I am arguing that it was not groundbreaking and in another thread I stated that Gothic 1 is one of the games that I liked in the past but do not intend to replay ever again.
because some things it did were already done is some other games is... well, fucking corona newfag.
Too bad I did not register an account 10 years earlier to discuss such CasualCodex Top RPG classics as Oblivion, Mass Effect and Alpha Protocol.
It's past 22:00 in Australia so there is a chance that Dark Underlord is still awake. Why won't you PM him and ask to ban me because I don't love Gothic 1.
Heck, you should ask admins to ban everyone who disagrees with your taste in games and all the filthy casuals that played Ultima 7. Only then will RPGCodex become a true free speech website.