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Why RPGCodex is censored at the ESF


May 19, 2005
And the point I was trying to make we had damn good reasons to be negative about Oblivion.

Its not as Bethsoft anounced TES IV: Oblivion without details to then Bethsoft anounced TES IV : Oblivion goes gold, there was enough previews for us to make a judgement.

And the "no crossbows, only bows" was in the official announcement, saying "we removed all ranged weapons outside bows in order to make bows having really cool animations" was EXACTLY what they said.

I lost faith in Oblivion the moment I read the anoucement since the story looked like a generic fanatsy story (I like Morrowind story) and putting "cool animations" over "choice" indicated the design path they were going to take, when the game was released it just proven how right I was .. except it managed to be even worst.


Jan 23, 2006
Drakron said:
And the "no crossbows, only bows" was in the official announcement, saying "we removed all ranged weapons outside bows in order to make bows having really cool animations" was EXACTLY what they said.
Yeah, I remember the announcement. You forget I'm a card carrying member of the ESF. :D

Drakron said:
except it managed to be even worst.
Well, yeah, kinda what I'm saying here. Sure, there were negative points brought up. Lots of 'em! Reality turned out worse than anyone expected. Thus the view is far, far, more negative here then it was when MSFD was posting. OK, So I don't have a mental catalogue of your posts, I'll concede you personally hated every single aspect of Oblivion from the moment Todd Howard was a twinkling in his mom's eye. I even conceded Codexers existed like that in my original post. I will not concede that was anywhere near the majority view here pre-release.


Oct 24, 2002
There wasn't much negativity at the start of the Oblivion hype. Many had reservations because of Morrowind. Many were hopeful.

However, with every trickle of information (a weak trickle indeed), the negativity grew. Fantasy is about riding around on a horse killing things. No crossbows, no spears. Blunt axes. Less skills. Soil erosion. Patrick Stewart. Focus on eye-candy. Only spoken dialogue. Head of all guilds. Huge fonts and other things due to consolization. Dialogue mini-game. Quest compass. All the things left untold.

By time, the pieces added up to a worrisome picture. The release was the culmination, but the result was by no means unprecedented.


Oct 15, 2005
The other side of the mirror
Initially, I had some hope of a moderately decent game out of Oblivion -- at least on a par with MW (I certainly wasn't expecting another DF). Then came the now (in)famous "knights on horseback" comment and the Toddmeister's long, long post about why they'd removed crossbows and other ranged weapons. Anyone who followed that thread will remember that I was fairly disgruntled by the decision.

Then, as Araanor says, there was a trickle of further information -- no spears, no levitating, blunt axes, no differentiation between long/short swords (or even daggers)... When the mini-games were announced, along with the compass, I lost all hope of seeing a decent RPG and started to fear that it wouldn't even be a decent game. And the devs response, to each and every announcement, was a bland "trust us, youi'll love it".

By the time MSFD was posting over here regularly, I'd already gotten to the limits of my patience with the "devs can do no wrong" mentality (that quickly developed into an almost religious fervour whereby any dissenting opinion was quashed under a tidal wave of posts by blithering idiots) that prevailed at the ESF. It was at that point I came over to the darkside completely, realising that Bethesda had forsaken all plans to create RPGs and were intent on extracting every cent from the franchise that they could.


Aug 27, 2006
I just registered an account, made this first post, and was quickly suspended until 2008.
No warnings, no nothing.

Hamburger Slims: I want to roleplay as Popeye but since there isn't spinach in the game I am going to eat lettuce instead every time before combat. My skills is barehanded and I have the best face ever that I got on random generation!

What are some of your roleplay characters and if you have any suggestions for roleplaying Popeye please let me know!

Jul 30, 2006
Being a big gay tubesteak hahahahahahahahag
Darkflame said:
I just registered an account, made this first post, and was quickly suspended until 2008.
No warnings, no nothing.

Hamburger Slims: I want to roleplay as Popeye but since there isn't spinach in the game I am going to eat lettuce instead every time before combat. My skills is barehanded and I have the best face ever that I got on random generation!

What are some of your roleplay characters and if you have any suggestions for roleplaying Popeye please let me know!


Don't you think they MIGHT know your IP?


Aug 27, 2006
Admiral jimbob said:
Darkflame said:
I just registered an account, made this first post, and was quickly suspended until 2008.
No warnings, no nothing.

Hamburger Slims: I want to roleplay as Popeye but since there isn't spinach in the game I am going to eat lettuce instead every time before combat. My skills is barehanded and I have the best face ever that I got on random generation!

What are some of your roleplay characters and if you have any suggestions for roleplaying Popeye please let me know!


Don't you think they MIGHT know your IP?

No because I was using Tor (anonymous service). The mods apparently just don't like popeye... I shoulda spelt him poopeye for better effect...


Oct 16, 2005
Darkflame said:
I just registered an account, made this first post, and was quickly suspended until 2008.
No warnings, no nothing.

Hamburger Slims: I want to roleplay as Popeye but since there isn't spinach in the game I am going to eat lettuce instead every time before combat. My skills is barehanded and I have the best face ever that I got on random generation!

What are some of your roleplay characters and if you have any suggestions for roleplaying Popeye please let me know!

Or, they knew it was a troll account. I knew as soon as I read it.


Aug 27, 2006
Monica21 said:
Darkflame said:
I just registered an account, made this first post, and was quickly suspended until 2008.
No warnings, no nothing.

Hamburger Slims: I want to roleplay as Popeye but since there isn't spinach in the game I am going to eat lettuce instead every time before combat. My skills is barehanded and I have the best face ever that I got on random generation!

What are some of your roleplay characters and if you have any suggestions for roleplaying Popeye please let me know!

Or, they knew it was a troll account. I knew as soon as I read it.

Among serious OB fans claiming to be roleplaying as the Joker from Batman, or discussing plans to roleplay as the Grinch, I hardly imagine the mention of Popeye seems so out of the ordinary as to constitute trolling and warrant an immediate ban.


Jan 28, 2006
Twilight Zone
Monica21 said:
As someone who's been in HD's position, I can say with he's absolutely right. No one gets warnings or bans for disliking something. How you express your opinion is what matters. I do not like Oblivion and uninstalled it a month after I bought it. I have no warnings however, and I've never had a conversation with a mod or admin about my behavior.

It's not that simple though. What I was pointing out, and I think many others as well, is that people who dislike Oblivion tend to receive more moderator attention. Maybe it's because of the nature of how they express themselves, but that still doesn't completely disprove this claim. It has nothing to do with banning people because they post that they "hated" Oblivion and everything to do with looking for reasons to get rid of these people every time they post. One little slip up and they are banned or suspended into Oblivion. There are members who have migrated to this site because of it too. Things that do not constitute a Ban but were treated as such. Following 100% the Rules of the forum is kind of a shitty way to treat members. It makes sense to give people the benefit of doubt because 99% of the forumers there do not know the rules. Hence the questionable actions taken by mods and admins on people who tend to have different opinions but do not nessecarily mean to break rules.

It's the special scrutiny of differences of opinion that are in question. Why go through so much trouble? There are plenty of Bigger forums that get less moderation. ESF is nothing extraordinary, size wise, and at this point no longer has an average quality of post to logically want to be so irrational in approaching moderation. I remember having a discussion with Hait about this same issue. He told me we would ahve to Agree to Disagree ultimately and the Forum has been shitty ever since. I moved to the Hardware ESF forum after that conversation, posted a few thousand times there, and grew tired of helping retards and reading lame ass shit all the time.

Yes, it is "Bethesda's" forum, but never has such Nazi tactics worked to control the masses. It does not work on ESF. So, I think a lot of folks have agreed to disagree and moved on. Hence the discussion on this forum. It's so pathetic too.


Sep 10, 2006
Vipera said:
That last part isn't a very good analogy. I'm Christian, am planning to major in a science field, and support gay marriage.
Science reference aside, it doesn't make sense


Sep 11, 2005
Why? Being Christian doesn't mean agreeing 100% with what the Pope says.


Sep 10, 2006
Lumpy said:
Why? Being Christian doesn't mean agreeing 100% with what the Pope says.
Well, there IS a difference between not being 'against' something and actively 'support' it; and actively support something that the Church sees as an aberration and at the same time referring to himself as a 'christian' doesn't make any sense


Oct 16, 2005
Xi said:
What I was pointing out, and I think many others as well, is that people who dislike Oblivion tend to receive more moderator attention. Maybe it's because of the nature of how they express themselves, but that still doesn't completely disprove this claim.
Well, the nature of how they express themselves is exactly the problem, whether they like Oblivion or not. I can only use myself as an example because I only know the specifics of my account, but I've never been warned, and I've never had a conversation without anyone about what I say on or off the forum.

I don't think that I'll convince you because everyone has his or her own experiences, but in my experience and in my time at the ESF, no one has been targeted just for not liking a product. There's always something else going on. I know for a fact that during the time I was a moderator posters would repeatedly lie about their accounts, so I have reason to be suspicious whenever someone claims that he or she was banned just for not liking the game.


Oct 2, 2006
Speaking to the Sea
Lumpy said:
Why? Being Christian doesn't mean agreeing 100% with what the Pope says.

Indeed, not everyone is a Cathlic. In fact, they worship idols! L0l :D

Sentenza said:
Well, there IS a difference between not being 'against' something and actively 'support' it; and actively support something that the BIBLE sees as an aberration and at the same time referring to himself as a 'christian' doesn't make any sense



Oct 15, 2006
Just a city called Sirius.
Xi said:
It's not that simple though. What I was pointing out, and I think many others as well, is that people who dislike Oblivion tend to receive more moderator attention.
But the reason a lot of them got moderator attention around the time of release is that a fair noticable amount were making statements such as "you blind morons" , "superficial ADD console whores" and the like. Clear-cut flaming and flamebait.

Not all of them were, but enough were so that it was noticable, and enforcable. There is a difference between disagreement and taking slashes at those who dissagree with you. Some Oblivion haters chose the latter.

A lot of the Oblvion supporters chose the latter too, but those days seem to be ar behind now.

So niether of them were right, and The only difference between the rabid OB supporter and the Rabid OB hater is that they sit on opposite sides of the fence. Everything else is pretty much shared between the two


Sep 10, 2006
JrK said:
Indeed, not everyone is a Cathlic.
I figured it out myself he was 'protestant' or whatever
In fact, they worship idols! L0l :D
Relying on symbolism is quite different from worshipping an idol, and however still better than worshipping the god $$$ if you ask me

And for the bible, I don't think homosexual marriage was clearly mentioned, but maybe so, since I never read it (couldn't get into the story, too boring, generic good vs evil plotline and so....)

Enaugh off topic for now


Sep 9, 2005
Can I use Tor on dial-up? Just in case Emil is pulling a MSFD and is there just to keep us from preparing to destroy them.


Aug 27, 2006
Can I use Tor on dial-up? Just in case Emil is pulling a MSFD and is there just to keep us from preparing to destroy them.

I'm not sure... but if you're on dial-up you should have a dynamic IP anyway (you are assigned a different IP address every time you sign online)... anyway here's the link:



Oct 23, 2005
Sentenza said:
And for the bible, I don't think homosexual marriage was clearly mentioned, but maybe so, since I never read it (couldn't get into the story, too boring, generic good vs evil plotline and so....)

It was never mentioned because to whoever wrote it, the very concept of gays wanting to get married never even occurred to him. Anyway i think "any man who lies with another man shall be put to death" is a pretty clear no to homosexuality, and thus homosexual marriage.

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