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Why the fuck is Witcher 3 #15 on the Codex top 101?


Witcher 3 is one of the best RPGs ever made on any platform, I don't know what you're on about.

It has the perfect mixture of immersion, visuals, sound and music, atmosphere, writing and dialogues, quests and stories, gameplay and builds / stat fuckery.


Quast for Glory games are better than any DOS-era RPG you can think of as well. Just putting this out here because I know it will trigger your autistic, number-crunching brains a lot.


Aug 1, 2017
Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Witcher 3 is one of the best RPGs ever made on any platform, I don't know what you're on about.

It has the perfect mixture of immersion, visuals, sound and music, atmosphere, writing and dialogues, quests and stories, gameplay and builds / stat fuckery.
It is not even an RPG. It is an action adventure like Zelda. Just less original (The Switcher is just Elric) an with more decline (bat senses and quest arrows).


Jul 25, 2011
South Africa, Cape Town
Quast for Glory games are better than any DOS-era RPG you can think of as well. Just putting this out here because I know it will trigger your autistic, number-crunching brains a lot.
QFG are excellent games but they more adventure genre with some RP aspects. I played QFG4 recently and it was very entertaining but wouldnt consider it an RPG?


Quast for Glory games are better than any DOS-era RPG you can think of as well. Just putting this out here because I know it will trigger your autistic, number-crunching brains a lot.
QFG are excellent games but they more adventure genre with some RP aspects. I played QFG4 recently and it was very entertaining but wouldnt consider it an RPG?

Don't make me ask what exactly makes a game an RPG... :D


I just don't get the autistic need to seethe and foam at Game X being on the list. The list is solid, it's all good games on there, why do you need to sperg out at X being on there?

Oh no, Witcher is in there! Oh no, Dark Souls is in there!

Get the fuck over yourselves, the list is full of ancient games I find unplayable but I don't feel the need to make a thread about it and foam at the mouth because Pool of Radiance is rated higher than Atom Rpg.


Apr 21, 2015
I sincerely believe people who make topics like this are NPCs created solely for my entertainment.
Aug 10, 2019
Lets pretend I'm retarded for a New York minute here. Explain to me why the fuck is Witcher 3 number fucking 15 on the list? How the fuck did that happen? What the fuck guys... it's fucking above Underrail... WITCHER 3... ABOVE UNDERRAIL!
HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT HAPPEN?! Is this reddit? Am I on reddit right now? Why the fuck's it called RPG Codex when it's reddit?
Gothic? Yeah, nah fam, worse than Witcher 3.
Baldur's Gate? More like Baldur's shit compared to the Witcher 3.
Wizardry 8? Nigga what century you living in? Blobbers are so last millennium.
Grimoire? Cleveland Mark Blakemore Well there you have it Cleve, reddit... I'm sorry, the Codex has rated Witcher 3 more highly than Grimoire.
Might and Magic VI? Pfffft, go to bed gramps.
Dark Sun: Shattered Lands? One of the greatest RPGs ever created right? Nah, just playin', Witcher 3 is clearly superior.
Elex? A return to form for Piranha Bytes? Sorry, the Codex prefers the soullessness of the Witcher.

And I'm supposed to discuss RPGs with you niggers? I have no words. My disappointment could not be greater. This is one of the worst things to happen in human history. I bet Infinitron did this.
Simple answer, it's very likely that more people on Codex have played TW3 than Underrail, Gothic, Wizardry 8, and Baldur's Gate combined. More players means more votes.

Cleveland Mark Blakemore

Golden Era Games
Übermensch Developer
Apr 22, 2008


Dec 15, 2016
bet most of ya
ones played the first in place W3 more/more times/more recently than the second in place INSTANT CLASSIC MASTERPIECE Age of
s :dance:


Just like Yves, I chase tales.
May 3, 2018
The land of ice and snow.
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
The only ones I really cannot fathom are the Dark Souls in that list.

I guess for an "action RPG" it's a good game but on the Codex ? Should not make the top 100 on that list. Codex is supposed to be monacle wearing snobbish connoisseurs. Dark Souls is very playable but its just not a proper RPG and certainly not classic.
I've seen too many idiots on Twitch lighting themselves on fire at the end of DS 1 to not understand that Dark Souls has a lot of C&C. But, most importantly, Dark Souls was a product of its time. 2011. QTE/cinematic/relaxed experience/chest-high walls that you can regen your HP behind... era of epic casualness. The "Let's cater to the player" ideal slaughtered at the altar of the kids that grew up in arcades, not to hide behind chest-high walls in that 1 or 2 Terminator arcade game(s), but the ones that tried to beat games using as least money as possible, scoring the highest score possible.

I love you, Cleve. And I respect you and your work, but Dark Souls was a product of its time, catering to a hungry audience. It delivered a message.

You can sit in front of your monitor as a Boomer, and not understand - which is fair. Or, you can look down 2 generations. Put yourself in our shoes, and gain perspective.

Or go back in time and tell all the fucking Boomers to give us more quarters.


Aug 17, 2006
I think most people who regard W3 highly here are people who just visit, but don't actually post. At least that's what I tell myself in order to sleep better at night.

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