Updated, Lord and Ninja duplicate too much. Just Dual Mace the Priest instead of Powercast.
The re-roll:
Issue 1: Priest/Lord duplication, lack of Mace skill
Solution: Priest gives up Powercast to go PIE/DEX DW Maces freeing up slot for Fighter with full Shield/Bow package and allowing Ranger replacement.
Issue 2: Rawulf Ranger going in too many directions, none all that well. Want Powercast on all the hybrids I can to make up for lower caster lvl. Still need max Mythology ASAP from somewhere.
Solution: INT/DEX Felpurr Alch/Ninja gets starting pts in Mythology from Alch, has to dump PIE anyway (only NIN dump stat), but throwing is main action econ due to auto-hit/pen so less of a problem. Can wear Ring of Beasts to top out Mythology skill.
Can spam Itching Skin before transition to Ninja to get good foundation for casting when spells turn back on, while making money from Burz due to high initial Alchemy and smoothing fights. Alch starting game with Itching Skin similar effect to Priest with Bless.
Faerie also option but that fits better for Psi/Monk. Nin requires more STR and doesn’t need Faerie AC bonus as much. Monk wants to train MA instead of Throwing so needs AC to stay in melee range. MA makes up for low Fae STR.
Issue 3: Sam needs more PIE for green circles. SEN is only viable dump stat so could go Dracon, but probably Human or Elf. Will depend how fast Elf can qualify for Sam while also unlocking Powercast by lvl 10 or so.
Issue 4: Psi/Monk lack of Water/Fire development
Solution: Fire is a problem due to no Fire spells before lvl 9. For Water hold off on Monk transition until lvl 4 to spam Slow during lvl 3. Water has no high end but Slow stays useful into midgame (Paralyze book from Anna) and ranks up Psionics skill, eventually Cure Light Cnd is good all game. Can also lvl up Psionics, Mental, Divine, and Air with Mind Stab, Heal, and Sleep. MA will skill up fast under Haste from Saxx eventually.
Fire will eventually be needed for Haste when Saxx leaves during Rift/Bayjin.
Issue 5: Lack of Bow users with no Ranger, lack of Heavy Shield user, general early weakness due to hybrids.
Solution: DEX/SEN Hobbit Fighter. Don’t want to dump PIE on casters (can’t avoid on Ninja), but fine for Fighter. DEX/SEN covers all skill prereqs, unlocks Reflextion/Eagle Eye then STR can go up. SEN controlling attribute for Artifacts (can use Icicle Stix) since Bow means no T&S (NIN can handle Bombs) along with CC and RC.
(1) Rawulf PIE/DEX Priest with starting pts in Divinity, Water, Divine and DW, spell picks Paralyze and Make Wounds, fighting with Mace (from Burz if necessary) and Sling. DW starts training once mobs are reliably disabled/Haste is up. Put pts in it on lvl. PIE will supercharge casting development, DEX will keep Mace progression solid. Will eventually need Reflextion AC boost (no Shield or Stealth). Get all stats to 41 min on creation (floating pt glitch).
Dual-wielding Maces pretty good mid/late.
(2) Human INT/DEX Mag1/Sam. Mage 1 gets spell schools started/allows faster Powercast unlock but additional Mage lvls hurts weapon proc chances too much. Psi/Monk can get away with waiting since MA has no weapon proc (outside crit strike that I don’t care about and small KO chance).
Initial pts in Wizardry, Fire, and Mental. Spell picks Energy Blast and Terror. Fear debuffs AC to help rest of team to hit/pen/skill up. Terror unlocks Mental School. Frost book available in N. Wilderness.
(3) Mook DEX/SEN Gadge with 60 STR. Starting pts in Shield, L&T, and Artifacts to get them started. Once Sparkle Stix are identified they can be used to train at which point start lvling up Eng for Duct Tape/Lightning Rod. Once Heater is obtained Shield will start lvling on its own too.
(4) Felpurr INT/DEX Alch1/NIN pts in Mythology, Alchemy, and Earth. Spells Itching Skin and Heal Wounds, Light from Book (to train for Blinding Flash available to cast at lvl 7, purchased from Kunar).
Hold off on Ninja transition at lvl 2 until money can be made (and Alchemy lvled up) from Burz potion-mixing. Need a character at 15 Artifacts to Identify Heavy Heals. Alchemy turns back on at character lvl 6 in time for Kunar. Can use Thrown autopenetrate for reliable damage vs Gregor.
(5) Faerie INT/DEX Psi3/Monk starting pts in Psionics, Air, and Communications, spells Mind Stab and Sleep. Divine and Heal at lvl 2, Water and Slow at lvl 3.
Would love to put (Ring of Beasts eligible) Felpurr here where Mythology will naturally progress faster, but ability to dump STR and VIT makes Monk too good of a fit for Faerie.
Faerie Ninja more of a solo thing.
(6) Hobbit DEX/SEN Fighter using Sword/Axe, Shield and Bow. Pts in Shield, CC, and Artifacts initially. Weapons will go up naturally.
This line-up will give Vi more to do. Saxx will be around in every area he goes to, and Myles will need to be trained up for Pickpocketing and Rift/Sea Caves.
Hoping to avoid Robot if possible.