It is how we referred to them on the Blizzard forums and in game.
It's easy to say that in the post-Game of Thrones media landscape, but back when the WarCraft RTS games were being developed this approach was fairly niche in fantasy. The fantasy genre goes through trends, and while characters like Conan and Elric were antiheroes, after LotR got popular it was all the rage to have black-and-white morality. Even back in WC1 the orcs weren't cartoonishly evil and obviously had more depth to them if only because that's more interesting to read about in manuals, but they were pretty much the bad guys and the writing in general took a pretty sanitized approach to morality. They could've taken a more nuanced approach by depicting the humans, elves, and dwarves as light supremacists who oppressed the innocent trolls and goblins, so the orcs were able to convince the trolls and goblins to join the horde in exchange for freedom from oppression, but they didn't.Personally, I always found a "grey" approach to be more interesting anyway,
He was a hypocrite. He had no problems commiting any terrible deed so long as it will grant him victory but Sylvannas using the only method available to the Forsaken to replenish their ranks he thought was..."evil"? What a joke. Charismatic? I could not stand Garrosh from the first moment I saw him. Just another brash and arrogant retard who never listened to more experienced veterans. I'd take Thrall, Bloodhoof, Vol'jin or even Sylvannas, pre-warchief fuckwittery, over him any day.Was he? Honestly speaking all of preMoP era seems to me to be of somewhat same quality when it comes to writing, that is, miniscule quality. Garrosh was at least charismatic, on point (may I remind you he was right about Sylvanlolas) and about something, no attempts at 7D chess games and other atrocious happenings.
But how did the Silvanas stuff get so out of hand after this?
But how did the Silvanas stuff get so out of hand after this?
If you dont play a lot and set a very low priority when scheduling your gametime maybe an MMO is not the right genre of game for someone in your position, with 25 kids and 15 jobs.Dungeon Finder is there so people that don't play a lot (and set very low priority when scheduling their game time) get to play them.
That is not even remotely exclusive to MMOs. During the later half of 2000s this sort of rationale was the reason for essentially discarding most genres as "dead" or severely retooling them into an almost entirely different genres. MMOs are just the most obviously affected because their core design principles were always far more time intensive than say RTS games."I don't have enough time to play!" people are the reason the MMO genre is completely dead due to years of developers trying to cater to people who end up not even playing their games.