Greenskins Orcs are now a rather peaceful people who only aspire to farm some ancient gods and other cosmic demiurges in order to acquire phat loot. That's canon.
I wish that was true. In WoW they (and the Horde as a whole) have gone moustache-twirling villain several times, showing us that Thrall is really one of the good ones, and orcs are only noble savages while under his leadership. The moment he's gone, they immediately find the most genocidal, monstrous dictator they can find and rally under his (or her) banner, and then they go "we dindu nuffin, we didn't know war is bad" every time they're beaten. And then they're let off the hook.
I'm sure that after Dragonflight doesn't pull the arbitrary number Blizzard wants, their marketing team will demand that the writers "bring WAR back to WARCRAFT" and we get another faction war expansion, where orcs try to take over the world for the Nth time.
And that's discounting the Iron Horde, by the way, from the time travel expansion. All this time we were led to believe that orcs were only evil because of demonic influence, but then Blizzard literally shoves us into the time machine to show us that no, they actually would be just as bad without the demons. And it would be fine, based even, if any of this was actually