ye I'm waiting for corecraftplay on a private server, even with bad scripting its guaranteed better than this MBA that can't pronounce Dalaran or remember Illidan's name
Artifact weapons seem ok...but every ret pally getting Ashbringer. Shaman running around with DOOMHAMMER ?
Eh, why not? It's what a lot of people wanted ever since day one of WoW. People wanted to be Uther and Arthas, not some random asshole who gets jerked around and has the spotlight swiped away from constantly. I kinda like the ideas of making classes have a stronger identity and making that part of gameplay as well as the story. But for all the interesting shit they talk about, it's best to keep your hopes reserved and wait for the full release. Who knows how much of this stuff is ever going to make it? Blizzard has a horrible tendency to promise a lot of cool stuff and then deliver nothing at all.
Bullshit, WoD has the most content out of any WoW release. Leveling speed has nothing to do with the amount of content present in the game, they adjust it for the player expectations. If you optimize your leveling even without potion boosts you leave more than half the content not finished not including all the exploration part.Point being that because of remaking their game practically five times over in the months before release they had least of overall content ever available in the history of WoW for both leveling which was substituted by massive XP boost giving side objects to cover up the fact that each zone had in reality just handful of actual quests and end-game that was almoust as lackluster as it was in Cataclysm release but without excuse of remaking entire old world. And this is without delving into the fact that they had to push Tanaan into a patch instead of having it on launch because of the time they spent fucking around.
And bitch please, the way Blizzard kept re-doing everything in WoD again and again to adjust into their continuously shifting design goals is UNPRECEDENTED in history of WoW. Sure, there has been zone here and there they've remade after initial feedback like Jade Forest was ONCE in Pandaria but remaking entire game over and over again just months before designated release date?
I hate the Browder/Metzen "energy" so so much. Yeah Afrasiabi was akward, but I'd take that over a Duracell bunny.Damn I felt bad for Alex. I can't decide if this guy literally has no charisma, if he just wasn't fired up enough or if it was just a tough crowd. I felt like he should have walked off stage, drank a few Red Bulls and then come back on. I've been to Blizzcon for three expac announcements and there was always a real energy in the air and the devs were totally into it. It just didn't feel anything like that.
"It's shit, but I'm buying it anyway."Ofc no, I will buy it on launch day obviously
I wonder if Death Knights get a Frostmourne looking thing.Artifact weapons seem ok...but every ret pally getting Ashbringer. Shaman running around with DOOMHAMMER ?