There are so few of the original developers left. And the ones that are don't give a shit anymore having moved up to higher management positions. The people developing Blizzard games today are l33tdewds in their mid/late twenties who probably never played any Blizzard game pre-WoW.
That and there has been a 'too big to fail' mentality at Blizzard for a long time now (since 2005 and the initial runaway success of WoW). Their headquarters is a posh 'campus' where people slack off all day. You're not dealing with folks who put in 60-80+ hour work weeks. It's work 20ish hours, dick around on the basketball court or playing consoles or going to ice cream socials the other 20 hours. How else can you explain the abortion of WoD? It's a fucking joke that the game has never had more developers than it does now and yet not only do they produce LESS content but it's inferior to shit they put out a decade ago.
Maybe Blizzard will do what they did 10+ years ago: hire some insane uberguild people from a dominant-but-declining MMO as designers and use their experiences with that game to polish the features of WOW to sorta-perfection! Hey, it worked once, it'll surely work again...
... oh, right, this time THEY are the dominant-but-declining MMO. Carry on, then.
WoD had the highest quality leveling content so far in WoW, by a long shot. The world is full of details and it's probably the first time since vanilla when exploring felt somewhat rewarding. That's where most of the manpower went..
Speaking of that, just wtf are Furor and Tigole up to at Blizzard. I remember one or both were working on the 'super sekret mmo' but they were moved back to WoW when that tanked. You don't really hear much from them anymore; I don't even think they made an appearance at the last Blizzcon.
The manpower didn't go into that. It went into remaking most of the zones again and again during alpha because at first they got blasted by "MORE ORCS??" brigade which made them to shift focus away from them on zones like Gorgorond that was remade like 5 times and then the forced inclusion of garrisons to the questing experience that caused them to re-do practically the whole questing few months before release when they should've been focusing on making end-game solid.
So manpower didn't go into leveling zones and questing but into... leveling zones and questing?
Point being what? Remaking shit is how Blizzard develop their games, nothing new there. End result is what I said, good leveling content where they spent most of manpower and most of playerbase ignores.
You can skip to the end game in WoW.Visited this thread hoping to see some expansion predictions.
Biggest selling point given the current subscription numbers would probably be the ability to buy it with WoW gold.![]()
After the rabbit hole they pulled the concept for WoD out of there's no telling what they'll do next. It could be as awful as reintroducing the Scourge.Visited this thread hoping to see some expansion predictions.
The world tree was merely a setback!After the rabbit hole they pulled the concept for WoD out of there's no telling what they'll do next. It could be as awful as reintroducing the Scourge.
Point being what? Remaking shit is how Blizzard develop their games, nothing new there. End result is what I said, good leveling content where they spent most of manpower and most of playerbase ignores.