SWTOR killed WoW.
Looked through the full presentation.
Class-specific stories taken from SWTOR
Class-specific companions taken from SWTOR
Ok, now that's out of the way....
New continent looks 'k. I'm a sucker for faux vikings, so that's good. It looks a lot less disco infernoy than burning crusade, which was what I was afraid we'd be getting. And we get to genocide a new race of elves which is a plus.
Dungeons and raids... well, 10 dungeons could be 'k. But it really depends on whether they'll actually be challenging or banal like the WoD ones. Raiding in the emerald dream has been requested since vanilla so good they finally did that.
Dalaran being back and every non-DK class getting an analogue to the Necropolis sound slike garrisons are gone and good fucking riddance.
Demonhunter class... Could be good, could be bad. Dunno. I like that there's a tankspec. Also, why did they only show blood/night elf models. If it's going to be an elf-exclusive class because illidan, I'm gonna be sad. Gib giant demoncow please. I'll probably roll one regardless.
Artifact weapons.... At first I was a bit bummed that we'd have a billion assbringer retardins everywhere. But I'm warming up to the idea of being able to unlock and customize your weapon with the talent tree thing. Going to want to know how we get the artifact power xp to level it up, but I can live with there being no weapon drops in return for customizing my kit. Especially since the frost DK swords get the ability to raise yourself in combat. >:3
Also, it sounds like a lot of the staple characters are going to be murdered dead in this one, what with Jaina being out of Dalaran, Thralls weapon going to enhancement shammies etc.
The big one for me was the honor system overhaul with a new talent tree for PvP. I rather like it so far, but I'd like to see what kind of abilities it'll have and how powerful they'll be. I like that you unlock every tier fast, then get alternate options as you go. I think PvP is most fun when both players are on a roughly even power level. The difference between PvE and PvP gear is huge in WoD, with me being able to chunk half a PvE players HP bar in one hit if I line all my self-buffs up.
All in all, I think it's the best (least worst?) we could expect from Blizzard given that they're compelled to make every subsequent adventure a little more epic than the last. At least the garrisons are gone and it sounds like we might have mor customization options. If they manage to make the dungeons challenging on top of that, i'm in.