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Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
TC and AP are pretty much exactly the same, apart from AP having more content. AP is probably the easiest X game to date to make money in, due to the huge number of high-paying missions being offered in stations. Depending on your reputation, you could be paid several hundred thousand just for transporting some NPC. AP is basically just a standalone expansion to TC. I'd go with that if I'd never played either of the two.

Yeah, I played X3 very extensively indeed, and have heard that the new missions and stock market speed things up considerably.


Dec 4, 2012
I hear you guys. But what about the endgame? You know, once you're done with the story/tutorial for fags. Can it improve? I mean, you haven't gotten to building station/ships/global trading yet? Have you? Is there a chance that it won't suck? (after modding/patches)? IS THEREEEEEE????

With the changes Ego has made to the UI and such, I sincerely doubt there is any way to build anything even vaguely resembling an empire in this game.

If the stations are actually still modular as was promised, I would rather smoke a shotgun than attempt to build one using this godawful UI.
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Nov 29, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
That was expected. Promised too much and released everything with horrible quality. Will wait to see if patches would fix it.

Thing is, they didn't actually promise much at all. What they did promise sounded pretty reasonable, no over-ambitious goals from what I know.

TC and AP are pretty much exactly the same, apart from AP having more content. AP is probably the easiest X game to date to make money in, due to the huge number of high-paying missions being offered in stations. Depending on your reputation, you could be paid several hundred thousand just for transporting some NPC. AP is basically just a standalone expansion to TC. I'd go with that if I'd never played either of the two.

Yeah, I played X3 very extensively indeed, and have heard that the new missions and stock market speed things up considerably.

More missions than the stock market. But also all the new ships make a huge difference. I don't believe X3:R had TM's. Or M7's. Or M3+'s Or M8's (but those suck). It definitely didn't have the corporation ships like my big favourite, the OTAS Zephyrus. Seriously cheap, the size of a large TS, with decent shielding and 2 HEPT weapon slots. Oh, also has space for FOUR fighters from M5 to M3+ and can thus act as a mini, very maneuverable carrier which can dock at any station. I'm surprised the balance trolls didn't demand that the devs remove it from the game or seriously nerf it. Oh right, no multiplayer. No way that ship would still exist if there was multiplayer.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
Should've scraped all the gimicky shit and focused on polising more the game, why the fuck do we need to explore the stations by foot anyway.


Dec 4, 2012
Should've scraped all the gimicky shit and focused on polising more the game, why the fuck do we need to explore the stations by foot anyway.

Why the fuck do we crawl through the stations air vents gathering conveniently placed briefcases filled with junk?

Because all the profits from X3 were spent on ludicrous amounts of LSD. Clearly.


Nov 29, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Should've scraped all the gimicky shit and focused on polising more the game, why the fuck do we need to explore the stations by foot anyway.

Why the fuck do we crawl through the stations air vents gathering conveniently placed briefcases filled with junk?

Because all the profits from X3 were spent on ludicrous amounts of LSD. Clearly.

I'm wondering why we just click on the briefcases/chests and everything is auto-added to inventory. I mean even Skyrim has a weight limit meaning you have to do some sort of basic inventory management for fuck's sake. All this is doing is adding tedium, nothing more. I wanna build my space manufacturing empire and engage some Xenon carrier groups, dammit.


Nov 29, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Metacritic users tell it like it is:


And the textures, and character models remind hail back to the early 2000s. This game is not a finished product, and there is no way to believe they didn't know that.

Of course there's always one outlier, proving that natural selection isn't as effective as it used to be:

After 5 hours of playing this game, i'm very suprised. I have played all X games. Rebirth is the best of all. The control has greatly improved but the game does not lose in complexity

El Oh fucking El.


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
This is a travesty. I played 2 hours and I didn't enjoy myself for one bit. I just make a few points here:
- first thing first, optimization is shit. I have a decent rig, which can run most games on high settings with good framerate. Yet, whatever i set in X (total low or total high), the fps remains between 15-25 when in crowded space.
- i don't know why did they have to put so many animations into the game. The pilots stands up, walks in the ship, goes back into to the cockip, for tens of seconds, I just watch him do stuff. Also, the movement animations for ever character is shit.
- the character models look like dolls. e.g. shit
- voice acting is amateur
- main character's voice is bad
- dialogue wheel type menu is shit and needs a lot of clicks to get somewhere
- can't reconfigure controls totally, just some basic things. I tried to put the change weapon keys onto my mouse, but you can't configure your mouse at all, except the sensitivity
- the game freezes in every 10-15 minutes (fun fact 1, i got this as a review copy from a distributor, and they told me in advance that this happens, to solve this, I have to swith the default audio format to 16 bit 48000kHz. fun fact 2: this doesn't work)
- at least the graphics are looking good.....
- .....when looking the space from your ship, when you get out and go close, you see textures from 2000.
- the textures load slowly after loading game
- oh the loading time in itself is atrocious
- cockpit blocks out the view

I know I'm just repeating some of you guys who already exprianced this, but it is really true.

Huge disappointment.

The only thing that can redeem it if the gameplay (fighting, trading, upgrading) is good. I haven't seen too much from that yet.
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Oct 3, 2012
That they fucked up so bad could only be guessed when you watched most of their videos and interviews. If you only watched a few ones you are tricked into believing this game rocks. Realizing how they piled up the crap was shocking and eventually the reason I ditched it before release. I still didn't think it was so bad up until I saw the first genuine gameplays. Obviously the majority of players in other forums feel the same.

Just imagine... this game could have been released 1.5 years ago - without these Copy&Paste interiors, useless gimmicks, lifeless zombie stations, minigames crap - but polished things like better interior of the ship, freelook for mouse in the cockpit etc. and it would have been so much better... But naw... instead they decided to crap it up. Almost unbelievable...


Dec 4, 2012
I'm sticking by my theory that this was supposed to be an X-lite spinoff for consoles and cash in on the Mass Effect hype, and the two year delay was caused by them realizing they couldn't pull it off and desperately attempting to square-peg it into the round hole of a PC X title.


Hey there, fuckface-uh!
May 30, 2009
Trapped in flat of angles
Codex 2013 Codex 2014 Codex USB, 2014
Please tell me all this immediate negative feedback is just one big angry lie and that the game is actually the greatest space simulation ever designed and executed?
Please? :cry:


Jun 7, 2007
Does anyone have any actual gameplay impressions though? Most of these things were completely expected; Egosoft have always sucked at voice acting, animation/characters, dialog, story, etc. That they would also mess up the interior stuff was a given, since they've never done anything like it before. That it's bugged and has terrible performance was also expected, and we saw in that trailer a few days ago that the UI would be console shit.

But all that aside, is the gameplay any good? How's ship handling? Ship upgrading? Trading? Any experience with wingmen yet? That kinda stuff. And did they really make all the ships flying around into purely cosmetic entities that spawn/despawn constantly?


Nov 29, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Does anyone have any actual gameplay impressions though? Most of these things were completely expected; Egosoft have always sucked at voice acting, animation/characters, dialog, story, etc. That they would also mess up the interior stuff was a given, since they've never done anything like it before. That it's bugged and has terrible performance was also expected, and we saw in that trailer a few days ago that the UI would be console shit.

But all that aside, is the gameplay any good? How's ship handling? Ship upgrading? Trading? Any experience with wingmen yet? That kinda stuff. And did they really make all the ships flying around into purely cosmetic entities that spawn/despawn constantly?

What I said is gameplay experience. I'm one of the dumbfucks that pre-ordered and played the thing, didn't watch LPs or anything. Ship handling is a lot like the old games, the cockpit is pretty much exactly like the first game (which is from 1999 by the way) Upgrading, haven't gotten that far yet, the game keeps crashing (Fun fact 3: no autosave at stations, play like it's the early 90's: save early, save often). Wingmen: press button to awesome. Literally, even the old system of moving your AI ships around on the map is gone. The sector map is retarded, your character looks right (at that stupid UT2003 bitch) and a holographic map pops out, showing some out-of-focus blobs in your immediate area. The universe map looks like the one from Freelancer. Forget the exact X,Y,Z coordinates you had in the old games. Like Azazel said, it's pretty hard to imagine that you can manage a commercial empire at all with this shitty interface.

I'm sticking by my theory that this was supposed to be an X-lite spinoff for consoles and cash in on the Mass Effect hype, and the two year delay was caused by them realizing they couldn't pull it off and desperately attempting to square-peg it into the round hole of a PC X title.

I think you're spot-on. The name says it all, they were planning a re-imagining of the X universe as some grimdark setting for a first person console game, like what happened with Syndicate or X-com, then at the last minute frantically rushed to try and push an X game out the door.


Oct 3, 2012
That's a good questions. I believe that the trading, wingmen etc. might still be implemented well, and it is quite convincing in their videos. Building your own stations, enhancing them, enhancing your own ship, command ships, even capital ships to attack or help in mining - all from your cockpit... sounds good, but no one has played that far yet. But in the videos you could guess they put a lot of effort in that. Also that the trading is real, which means that even small trade ship has influence in the economy. If you destroy one - the station will get less resources etc.

Seems very sophisticated, but it doesn't change the fact that all these other craps leave a very bad taste in the mouth. And Azazel you might be right about that they tried to create a X spinoff following the Mass Effect hype, and they just couldn't pull it off, wasting 2 years implementing "features" that had better never touched at all. If you think about that it's even more ridiculous, because as developers themselves for large scaled games they should already know if they can pull it off.

Regarding following the Mass Effect hype, I've also read in the forums, that:
There is an evil race called the "Reavers" in the game. The Reavers...


Nov 28, 2008
Land of Danes
Codex 2013 Codex 2014
I hear you guys. But what about the endgame? You know, once you're done with the story/tutorial for fags. Can it improve? I mean, you haven't gotten to building station/ships/global trading yet? Have you? Is there a chance that it won't suck? (after modding/patches)? IS THEREEEEEE????

With the changes Ego has made to the UI and such, I sincerely doubt there is any way to build anything even vaguely resembling an empire in this game.

If the stations are actually still modular as was promised, I would rather smoke a shotgun than attempt to build one using this godawful UI.

Wait man. I thought it just got automated, so whenever you decide to build the station it will be built, and whenever you want to extend it, it will be accommodated into the old one without fussing with TS ships positioning, tube connectivity chore etc. It can be perfectly done using basic menu functions. Maybe they are not available at the initial stage of the game?

That's why I am advocating to condone what's in the initial stage of the game. Or to put it more clearly, I HOPE it is the case for the latter stage of the game (after the necessary plot). Or am I in a bollocks territory outright?


Dec 4, 2012
I was assuming stations were still modular and designed by the player. Granted I was basing that off the stickied posts on the Ego forums, which contain untold numbers of features which have been removed from the game altogether.


Nov 29, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I was assuming stations were still modular and designed by the player. Granted I was basing that off the stickied posts on the Ego forums, which contain untold numbers of features which have been removed from the game altogether.



Jun 15, 2009
Please tell me all this immediate negative feedback is just one big angry lie and that the game is actually the greatest space simulation ever designed and executed?
Please? :cry:

Unfortunatly azazel is right... X3 is superior to this in everything except the graphics. We knew they were streamlining, we had fear of it being dumbed down instead, we were wrong : Streamlining is a complete failure AND its dumbed down . Menu are less intuitive than before even, and as jc mentioned it you cant even assign extra mouse buttons, i honestly cant see myself building an empire with this interface. They also cut ot several features of previous titles, the list is too long.

Space travel in x3 was using gates , putting seta on X10 when using a slow ship , now you cant do that anymore you use an highway and you are forced into a boring minigame to try to go faster . One of the first mission is to bring 100 energy cell, something very trivial in first X games, load it in your ship , plan the course, seta X10, right click station your ship autodock, a matter of minutes. This is not possible in x-rebirth, the skunk apprently cant carry the goods and you have to tell your slow ass freighter to do it , theres no seta anymore so you have to wait or do generic missions while waiting, i cant possibly see myself trading like this .

I am not even speaking of the completely useless walk in station, thats like if the mother of mass effect after heavy drinking and smoking had an abortion, thats x-rebirth in a nutshell , instead of doing everything convienently from space you have to walk in A 2002 era 3D game with terrible 3D models , filled with unlocked containers.

No modders wont fix it, i have not played it a lot yet but theres alreadycore problems with it .If egosoft closed their forums today, theres a reason !


Hey there, fuckface-uh!
May 30, 2009
Trapped in flat of angles
Codex 2013 Codex 2014 Codex USB, 2014
Please tell me all this immediate negative feedback is just one big angry lie and that the game is actually the greatest space simulation ever designed and executed?
Please? :cry:

Unfortunatly azazel is right... X3 is superior to this in everything except the graphics. We knew they were streamlining, we had fear of it being dumbed down instead, we were wrong : Streamlining is a complete failure AND its dumbed down . Menu are less intuitive than before even, and as jc mentioned it you cant even assign extra mouse buttons, i honestly cant see myself building an empire with this interface. They also cut ot several features of previous titles, the list is too long.

Space travel in x3 was using gates , putting seta on X10 when using a slow ship , now you cant do that anymore you use an highway and you are forced into a boring minigame to try to go faster . One of the first mission is to bring 100 energy cell, something very trivial in first X games, load it in your ship , plan the course, seta X10, right click station your ship autodock, a matter of minutes. This is not possible in x-rebirth, the skunk apprently cant carry the goods and you have to tell your slow ass freighter to do it , theres no seta anymore so you have to wait or do generic missions while waiting, i cant possibly see myself trading like this .

I am not even speaking of the completely useless walk in station, thats like if the mother of mass effect after heavy drinking and smoking had an abortion, thats x-rebirth in a nutshell , instead of doing everything convienently from space you have to walk in A 2002 era 3D game with terrible 3D models , filled with unlocked containers.

No modders wont fix it, i have not played it a lot yet but theres alreadycore problems with it .If egosoft closed their forums today, theres a reason !



Nov 29, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Please tell me all this immediate negative feedback is just one big angry lie and that the game is actually the greatest space simulation ever designed and executed?
Please? :cry:

Unfortunatly azazel is right... X3 is superior to this in everything except the graphics.

Wasn't it me who said that? But anyway,

you use an highway and you are forced into a boring minigame to try to go faster .

I fucking HATE that. Seriously, I'm expecting to put in a coin into a machine, that's how shit that 9-pipe mini-arcadegame is.

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